
  1. 这一时期也是中国语言文字大分化、大发展的一个重要时期。

    It is also an important period of great division and development in Chinese languages and characters .

  2. 构建和谐的语言生活是新世纪中国语言文字工作的目标。

    To build a harmonious life is the target of the Chinese language work during new century .

  3. 本文主要就在中国语言文字使用情况调查大纲、问卷的设计和试验调查中遇到的与普通话有关的几个问题进行探讨。

    The paper discusses several problems of PUTONGHUA emerging from the designing of the questionnaire on the survey of Chinese Language Situation .

  4. 戴震是乾嘉时期最著名的考据学家,在中国语言文字学史上有着重要的地位。

    Dai Zhen was the most famous textual criticism of Qing Dynasty and there were important positions in the history of Chinese language philology .

  5. 成语是中国语言文字的精华展现,与服饰相关的成语从一个相对独特的角度折射出丰富的美学思想,耐人品味。

    Idioms are the essence of Chinese language display , and apparel-related idioms from a relatively unique perspective reflect a rich aesthetic twist of taste .

  6. 误导:文白对立,否定古典,反对用典和对仗,更全面贬低中国语言文字。

    Misleadings : opposition between Classical Chinese and Vernacular , negating classicism , opposing the applying of allusion and antithesis , belittling Chinese Language and Characters more totally .

  7. 本文以中国语言文字网和百度等搜索引擎中总结的年度网络流行语作为语料,从传播语言学的角度分析网络流行语。

    This article bases upon the year network catchword which by China language net and Baidu and other search engines , and summarizes the language materials , from the perspective of communicative Linguistics to analyse network catchwords .

  8. 他首倡天足运动,并在全国推广;他编纂了中国语言文字、中国历史和中国社会生活的书籍,为当时西方了解中国起了良好的推动作用。

    He proposed the anti-footbinding firstly , and popularized to the whole country ; he compiled dictionaries on Chinese dialects , wrote many books on the past and present of China , promoting the western conceptions about China .

  9. 同时,对中国民族语言文字的规划以及语言文化多样性的保持具有重要意义。

    Meanwhile , it is of great significance to program Chinese national language and maintain the diversity of Chinese language .

  10. 中国的濒危民族语言文字的保护及学术价值

    On Protection of Endangered National Languages and Writings in China and its Academic Value

  11. 中国奉行各民族语言文字平等的政策,对少数民族语言权利的保障采行的是集体保障原则和属地原则。

    China enforces a policy of equality of all ethnic languages and their writing systems . In the protection of language rights , the principles of collective guarantee and territoriality are adopted .

  12. 日本古时有移植中国文化的历史,中国语言文字的诸多要素留存于日语中。

    Japan had a long history of learning Chinese culture , so that some Chinese elements retained in Japanese .

  13. 通过介绍中国语言规划的目的、内容、发展历程等内容,评论《汉字现代化研究》在中国语言规划和文字现代化理论研究方面的意义。

    This paper comments the meaning of the book of " Study of Chinese Characters Modernization " in Chinese lan-guage planning and theoretical research of characters modernization , by introducing the purpose , content and development of Chinese language planning , etc.