
zhōnɡ ɡuó ɡǔ diǎn wén xué
  • Chinese classics
  1. 他曾在香港大学和哥伦比亚大学研习中国古典文学。

    He has studied Chinese classics at Hong Kong University and Columbia university .

  2. 中国古典文学名著选评

    Reviews of Selected Chinese Classics

  3. 她很喜欢中国古典文学,诸如唐诗、宋词等都涉猎过。

    She is very fond of Chinese classical literature and has spent some time reading Tang and Song poetry , etc.

  4. 中国古典文学里的英雄常常是个官员(bureaucrat)。

    In classical Chinese literature , the hero is essentially a bureaucrat .

  5. 本文根据德国功能翻译派的目的论和Venuti的后殖民翻译理论,在文化全球化的语境下,对商业广告和中国古典文学的翻译策略进行理论方面的探讨。

    This thesis probes into how to carry out the translation strategies of commercial advertisement and our traditional literature on the theoretical level in the context of cultural globalization according to the Skopos theory of German functionalism and Venuti 's postcolonial translation theory , particularly in Chinese-English translation .

  6. 宋词是中国古典文学宝库中的珍宝。

    Ci poetry is a precious treasure in classical Chinese literature .

  7. 古诗词是中国古典文学中一朵绚丽的奇葩。

    Ancient poetry are like wonderful flowers in Chinese traditional literature .

  8. 中国古典文学批评中的过度诠释

    On the " Over Annotation " in Ancient Chinese Literary Criticism

  9. 中国古典文学作品翻译;异化;归化;忠实;

    Chinese classic literature translation ; alienation ; adaptation ; faithfulness ;

  10. 论《铸剑》与中国古典文学传统的精神联系

    On the Spiritual Link Between Casting Sword and Chinese Classical Literature

  11. 我写了一篇浅析中国古典文学的论文。

    I wrote a simple thesis analyzing Chinese classical literature .

  12. 他翻译了大量的,各种体裁的中国古典文学作品。

    He translates a large number of works of Chinese classical literature .

  13. 从思无邪看儒家思想对中国古典文学的影响

    The influence of the confucianist ideas to ancient Chinese literature

  14. 诗歌是中国古典文学的重要组成。

    Poetry is an important constituent of classical Chinese literature .

  15. 中国古典文学名著中生存哲学的解读尝试

    The Explain Trying about the Existing Philosophy in Chinese Classical Literture Masterpiece

  16. 中国古典文学名著的香港电视剧改编研究

    A Study on the Adaptation of Classical Chinese Literature into HongKong Teleplays

  17. 举隅法与宇文所安的中国古典文学研究

    Synecdoche and Stephen Owen 's Research on Classical Chinese Literature

  18. 花园意象是中国古典文学中的一个典型意象。

    The image of gardens is a typical image of Chinese classical literature .

  19. 试论中国古典文学的显与隐

    The Exoteric and the Esoteric in Chinese Classical Literature

  20. 古典性特征与文化学方法&关于中国古典文学研究方法的思考

    The characteristics of the classics and the approach to the science of culture

  21. 中国古典文学的文化背景与欣赏

    Appreciation of the Cultural Background of Chinese Classical Literature

  22. 神意象:一个文学的文化批评范畴的提出&中国古典文学“神”意象研究论纲之一

    Miraculous Images : A Culture of Literature Criticizes the Proposition of the Category

  23. 有中国古典文学作品吗?

    Do you have any traditional Chinese literary works ?

  24. 世纪之交的中国古典文学研究(上)

    Research of Chinese classis literature at the turning point of the centuries (ⅰ);

  25. 形成的原因有三:文化环境的影响,时代环境的影响,中国古典文学的影响。

    The influences of the environment and that of the Chinese classical literature .

  26. 中国古典文学与大学生的素质教育

    Chinese Classical Literature in Quality Education of College Students

  27. 中国古典文学的研究呈现出向传统文献学回归的迹象。

    This symbolizes the return of Chinese classical literary studies to the traditional philology .

  28. 中国古典文学作品中的雁意象

    The Wild Goose Image in Ancient Chinese Literature

  29. 2有助于中国古典文学研究者深入认识古代文学艺术产生的思想文化背景;

    Contributive to the realization of the ideological and cultural backgrounds for the researchers ;

  30. 莲意象是中国古典文学中芳草意象的典型代表,对莲意象的分析与归纳,有举一反三的作用,给中小学语文教材中其他的芳草意象以启示。

    Lotus image is the typical representative of grass imagery in Chinese classical literature .