
  1. 明末清初才子佳人小说的文人价值观

    Romantic Novels of the Late Ming and Early Qing Literati Values

  2. 才子佳人小说的文化研究

    The Cultural Study on the Novel of Gifted Scholars and Beautiful Ladies

  3. 第四章探讨才子佳人小说衰落的原因。

    Part four deals with the cause of decline of the stories .

  4. 才子佳人小说研究述评

    Commentary of the Novel about Talented Person and Beauty Study

  5. 才子佳人小说是明末清初时期的一种小说类型。

    Late Ming and early Qing romantic novel is a novel type .

  6. 才子佳人小说悲剧美的缺失

    Defects of Tragedy Esthetics in Fictions about Genius and Beauty

  7. 《品花宝鉴》在才子佳人小说模式之外的创新

    Innovation of To Size up Lizzie Actors from the Mode of Gentleman and Lady Novel

  8. 其三,才子佳人小说的兴盛还与明末清初这一时代的社会风气密切相关。

    And last , the close connection with the special social ethos of this period .

  9. 正是这种改变和弥补,显示出才子佳人小说非凡的叙事学意义。

    It is the change and the compensation that make such romances an extraordinary significance .

  10. 明清才子佳人小说中的媒妁形象研究

    A Study of " Matchmaker " Image of Scholar Beauty Novels in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  11. 第三章重在探寻明清才子佳人小说中的媒妁形象塑造对后世小说创作的影响。

    Chapter 3 is related to the influence of the image of Matchmaker on the future novel composition .

  12. 明末清初才子佳人小说大团圆结局魔力解析

    Magic Analysis for Happy Ending Novels about Genius and Beauty in The Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty

  13. 论清初才子佳人小说大团圆结局的文化意蕴

    On the Cultural Implications of the Happy Ending Novels about Genius and Beauty in the Early Qing Dynasty

  14. 精神慰藉与心理补偿&谈才子佳人小说的创作心态

    Mental Comfort and Psychological Compensation & On the creative purpose of the novels on gifted scholars and beautiful ladies

  15. 明清才子佳人小说探讨了一个社会性别话题:女性与知识的关系。

    Scholar Beauty Romances discuss the gender issue from a sociological perspective : the relationship between females and knowledge .

  16. 其与时下才子佳人小说中的淑女佳丽鼎足而立,竞相媲美、各领风骚。

    With nowadays , " Romantic " novels lady contestant separate categories , competing rival , leading the trend .

  17. 传统儒家文人价值观的颠覆性叙述&论才子佳人小说结局的设置

    A Subversive Narration of Traditional Values of Confucian Literati & On the Setup of the Ending of Scholar beauty Novels

  18. 论《红楼梦》对才子佳人小说的借鉴与超越

    Research on the Relationship of Borrowing and Innovation between a Dream in Red Mansions and the Stories of Talented Scholars and Beauties

  19. 本文分四章:第一章概述了《红楼梦》与才子佳人小说的关系。

    The first chapter provides an overview of the relationship between A Dream in Red Mansions and the stories of talented scholars and beauties .

  20. 第二章阐述了《红楼梦》对才子佳人小说思想上的借鉴与超越。

    The second chapter explains that A Dream in Red Mansions learns from the stories of talented scholars and beauties on the ideological content .

  21. 但素政堂主人从事才子佳人小说出版事业时,冯梦龙已死,故素政堂主人当是冯梦龙后人。

    But the Bookstore only began to engage in publishing after the death of Feng Menglong , so its owner should be his descendant .

  22. 从明清的才子佳人小说开创了对于爱情的叙述之后,对于爱情的定义总是随着时代的变化而变化。

    After the romantic novels of Ming and Qing Dynasty create a narrative of love , definition of love always changes with the times .

  23. 《玉娇梨》作为才子佳人小说的代表性作品,其在这方面的体现尤具典型意义。

    As a representative fictitious work of Gifted Scholars and Beautiful Ladies , Yu Jiao Li has a very typical meaning in this aspect .

  24. 因此,明末清初的才子佳人小说在人情小说中是一个值得注意的文学现象。

    So Scholar & Beauty Romance will it be clear the beginning end of Ming Dynasty novel one noteworthy literature phenomenon among human feeling novel .

  25. 吴趼人系列写情小说的这些特点在与才子佳人小说文本的叙事模式比较中显得更为清晰。

    Compared with the narrative model of the genius arid beauty novels , The above points of Wu Jianren 's love novels can been draw clear .

  26. 从江南人文地理看清初才子佳人小说的团圆结局

    On Happy Ending of Romantic Novels about Talented Scholars and Beautiful Ladies in the Qing Dynasty from Cultural Activities and Geography in the South of the Yangtze River

  27. 本文试图从科举制度入手,分析它与天花藏主人才子佳人小说在内容和形式上的重要关系。

    This dissertation tries to analyze the important realities between the imperial Examinations and the bel-esprit and beautiful woman novels written by Tianhuazang-Zhuren in the content and form .

  28. 第二,《二度梅全传》的思想价值,主要从其体现的一般才子佳人小说所共有的进步婚姻观及其特有的社会价值两方面进行阐述。

    Secondly , the ideological value of Two Dress Plum , this section includes the advanced view of marriage in many Romantic Novels and its special social value .

  29. 在清初的才子佳人小说中,爱情婚姻的美满结局是一种普遍的模式。

    In the Romantic Novels about Talented Scholars and Beautiful Ladies in the Qing Dynasty , there was a general mode that the lovers would have a happy ending .

  30. 明末清初才子佳人小说与江南女子教育教育行政的理念&从小学生为过往车辆敬礼说起

    The Romantic Novels about Talented Scholars and Beautiful Ladies in Ming and Qing Dynasty and the Female Education in the South of Yangtze River The Idea about Educational Administration