
  1. 也许只是简单的问候或者是散散步说说话,但是这些最简单的活动却可能够产生最大的影响。

    Maybe it 's just asking about their day , or talking a walk together , but thesmallest moments can have the biggest impact .

  2. 要使领导班子一不软,二不懒,三不散,说了话大家都能听,都能指挥得动,都能领导起来。

    We must see to it that no leading group is weak , lazy or lax . Only then will its opinions be listened to and its directions followed ; only then will it be truly able to lead .

  3. 主耶和华,就是招聚以色列被赶散的,说,在这被招聚的人以外,我还要招聚别人归并他们。

    The Lord GOD , which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith , Yet will I gather others to him , beside those that are gathered unto him .

  4. 耶和华说,我必使你痊愈,医好你的伤痕,都因人称你为被赶散的,说,这是锡安,无人来探问的。

    For I will make you healthy again and I will make you well from your wounds , says the lord ; because they have given you the name of an outlaw , saying , it is Zion cared for by no man .

  5. 他还是一贯的着装,简单朴实:黑衬衫,牛仔裤,衬衫下摆散着。他说,AppleWatch得到了“深谙时尚与风格——比我还懂的人”的热烈好评,一边说,一边心照不宣地指着轻声发笑的观众。

    Clad in his habitual but unglamorous uniform of black untucked shirt and jeans , he said that Apple Watch had been well received by " people who know a lot about fashion and style - even more than I do , " pointing a knowing finger at the chuckling audience .

  6. 彬格莱小姐连忙招呼她们说:我不知道你们也想出来散散步,她说这话的时候,心里很有些惴惴不安,因为她恐怕刚才的话让她们听见了。

    I did not know that you intended to walk , said Miss Bingley , in some confusion , lest they had been overheard .

  7. 该公司负责复方三黄散项目的陈大刚说,在临床试验中,这是唯一使用的抗艾滋病毒药物,在其他参加临床试验的病人血样中没有检出拉米夫丁。

    Chen Dagang , project manager at HSR , said that the remedy was the only anti-HIV medicine used , and that no lamivadin was found in blood samples taken from other patients in the trial .