
  1. 她说他们好聚好散地分手了。

    She said that they 'd had an amicable parting .

  2. 石墙断散地穿过树林。

    A stone wall trails raggedly through the woods .

  3. 这个小村望而却步的农民整天在街角慵散地走动著。

    The farmers in the small village slouch about at street corner all day .

  4. 诸侯自战其地,为散地。

    When a chieftain is fighting in his own territory , it is dispersive ground .

  5. 因此,处于散地就不宜作战,处于轻地就不宜停留,遇上争地就不要勉强强攻,遇上交地就不要断绝联络,

    On dispersive ground , therefore , fight not.On facile ground , halt not . On contentious ground , attack not .

  6. 该移相器能在宽光谱范围内无色散地获得8倍于1/2波片旋转角的移相量,能方便地为各种移相算法提供所需的移相量。

    The phase shifter is almost independent of the wavelength over a broad range , and can provide phase shift at eight times of the rotating angle of the half-wave plate .

  7. 想想,我没有打开窗户很久了,我怕风吹进来,把好多的东西吹散了,却忘了吹不散地东西也是一种负担。

    Think carefully , I haven 't let wind through my window for a long time for she may blow something away , however I forge really those which can 't be moved is also burden for me .

  8. 在肝脏表达于血管平滑肌细胞膜和部分肝细胞膜,在肾脏则散在地表达于肾脏近曲小管细胞膜。

    Hepatocyte membrane in liver ; fewer proximal convoluted tubule .

  9. 我犯了一个帮手一球为对象,以散在地上。

    I made a sphere as a helper object to scatter around the ground .

  10. 在这件装置的正下方,由蚕茧制成的五颜六色的造型散在地上。

    On the floor beneath it , sheets of paper are decorated with the random , multicoloured patterns of broken silkworm eggs that were allowed to fall upon them .

  11. 我要使他们分居在雅各家里,散住在以色列地中。

    I will scatter them in Jacob and disperse them in Israel .

  12. 影散可以正确地减少重伤和穿刺射击的伤害。

    Dispersion correctly reduces the damage dealt by Deep Wounds and Piercing Shots .

  13. 过铁道时,他先将橘子散放在地上,

    In crossing the railway track , he first put the tangerines on the ground ,

  14. 这条路被封闭了,因为有辆铰接式卡车翻倒,所载的货散了一地。

    The road is closed because an articulated lorry infml artic , am and ausinfml semi has overturned , shedding its load .

  15. 选择合适的腔结构,球面镜折迭腔中光模的象散可以部分地消除和调整。

    By selecting appropriate cavity configurations , the astigmatism of optical mode in spherical mirror folded cavities can be partially eliminated and regulated .

  16. 2005~2007年无锡市惠山区某密集散村蔬菜地残存钉螺控制效果观察

    Survey on the Control Effect of Remnant Oncomelania Snails in Vegetable Field of a Densely Powder Village in Huishan District from 2005 to 2007

  17. 过铁道时,他先将橘子散放在地上,自己慢慢爬下,再抱起橘子走。

    In crossing the railway track , he first put the tangerines on the ground , climbed down slowly and then picked them up again .

  18. 从东西凌乱散了一地来看,我们估计,人家是匆匆忙忙离开的,没有来得及定下主意把哪些东西带走。

    The way things was scattered about we reckoned the people left in a hurry , and warn 't fixed so as to carry off most of their stuff .

  19. 过铁道时,他先将桔子散放在地上,自己慢慢爬下,再抱起橘子走。

    When crossing the railroad , he had to put all the oranges down and climbed down the platform , then picked them up again and went on to walk towards me .

  20. 根据Cole-Cole阻抗圆图、生物组织RC三元件等效电路模型和频散理论,成功地设计了一套用于测量肢体和脑神经细胞内外液分布阻抗的测量装置。

    Based on Cole-Cole impedance locus plot , RC three elements equivalent circuit model and dispersion theory , an impedance measuring instrument for measuring the intra-and extra-cellular fluid distribution of human limbs and blain nerves has been designed .

  21. 而瑞利面波的频散特性能较好地解决地表层速度。

    However , Rayleigh Wave is the right way for the formation velocity by its frequency characteristic .

  22. 研究结果表明,在离开敲击端一定距离后,直管中激励出的三维频散波动可以近似地用一维定型平面波描述。

    The research results indicate that at a distance from the knocked end , the 3-D dispersed wave motion can be described approximately with 1-D fixed shape wave .

  23. 辐散辐合区域相应地对应着垂直运动强烈的区域,气流的上升运动随重力波的发展愈加强烈,使得对流运动得以发展。

    The convergence and divergence zone corresponded to the strong vertical movement region and with the development of gravity waves the increasing of flow was more strongly , which made to the development of convection .

  24. 本研究还表明,由于蒸发-风反馈和海-气相互作用的影响,激发波是一种频散波,这种频散性可以更好地解释热带大气中ISO的活动特征。

    This study also shows that since the effects of the evaporation-wind feedback and the air-sea interaction were introduced , the excited wave is zonally dispersive , which can dynamically explain the activity feature of the observed ISO in the tropical atmosphere very well .