
  • 网络scattering coefficient;Scatter coefficient
  1. 国际标准化组织(ISO)即将公布其对无规入射散射系数的定义及其在混响场中的测量方法。

    ISO is to publish its standard on the definition of random-incidence scattering coefficient and measurement method in a reverberation room .

  2. 研究表明,生物组织的散射系数越小,越有利于提高OCT系统的有效探测深度。

    It was indicated that a smaller scattering coefficient of tissue can significantly increase the effective detecting depth .

  3. 岸基C波段和X波段雷达观测海面后向散射系数

    Land-based measurements of ocean C-band and X-band redar backscattering coefficient

  4. 低能电子在固体表面背散射系数的直接MonteCarlo方法模拟

    Detailed Monte Carlo Simulation of Low Energy Electron Backscattering from Solids

  5. 发现线性衰减系数与d和E成反比与ρ成正比,而侧边散射系数与d和E成正比但与ρ成反比。

    P. The side scattering coefficient , ac , is directly proportional to both d and E.

  6. 分析了基于已有SAR图像或光学图片计算场景后向散射系数的方法,给出了适合逆向法SAR回波模拟的算法。

    The method of backscatter coefficient calculating based on SAR images or optics pictures is analyzed .

  7. 简要推导了Gaussian粗糙表面的后向散射系数及其退偏度公式。

    Meanwhile , the backscattering coefficient and depolarization formulations of Gaussian rough surface have been deduced .

  8. 水体后向散射系数的反演模型研究是II类水体生物-光学算法开发的重要组成部分。

    The inversing model of backscattering coefficient is important to study the bio optical algorithm in case II water .

  9. 分析体积衰减系数c、辐照度衰减系数k、散射系数b和透明度盘深度(SDD)的关系。

    The relations of SDD with beam attenuation coefficient c , irradiance attenuation coefficient K and scattering coefficient b are given .

  10. 该算法首先根据自然场景(如海面、场地和森林等)的统计模型产生相关的Gamma分布,得到场景的后向散射系数图;

    At the first a correlated gamma-distributed RCS variable is generated according to the statistic model of natural scene .

  11. 宽范围MIE散射系数的快速算法研究

    Research on Fast Algorithm for MIE Scattering Coefficients in Wide Range

  12. 在此基础上,本文对雷达回波信号的频谱进行了定量分析,证明了回波信号距离向频谱是目标场雷达波后向散射系数矩阵的距离向Chirpz变换。

    She proved SAR echo was the Chirp Z-transform of radar backscatter coefficients of target field on range dimension .

  13. MIE散射系数的改进算法

    Improved algorithm for MIE scattering coefficient

  14. 在具有SPR效应的贵金属纳米粒子中,中空纳米结构有一个很高的散射系数,它的共振频率通过改变中空核的尺寸和壳的厚度可以很容易地被控制。

    Hollow nanostructures have high scattering coefficient and controllable resonant frequency by changing the size of nuclear and shell thickness .

  15. 用p型半导体探测器(diode)和RK电离室测量了医用直线加速器入射能量为6和15MV的水模体散射系数。

    The measurements of scatter factor are carried out using diode and RK ionization chamber for 6 and 15 MV medical linear accelerator energy photons in water phantom .

  16. 理论模拟部分用基尔霍夫法,通过MATLAB软件对影响散射系数的入射角、粗糙度、入射波长、入射光偏振态等因素进行计算并进行对比。

    Kirchhoff theory method with the analog part , by the MATLAB software on the impact angle scattering coefficient , roughness , incident wavelength , the incident light polarization factors are calculated and compared .

  17. 同时应用高、低阶KA计算了典型粗糙面的后向散射系数,并分别与测量值和矩量法的数值解进行了比较。

    For an actual manmade rough surface , the backscattering coefficient is calculated by moment of method , low-order and high-order Kirchhoff approach , respectively .

  18. 当晶界散射系数r→1时,可使用M-S模型对快速凝固复相合金的电阻率进行理论计算。

    Under the condition that the grain boundary reflection coefficient r approaches 1 , the electrical resistivity of rapidly solidified multiphase alloys can be predicted theoretically .

  19. SAR图像上舰船尾迹的检测主要取决于分布目标所在区域与背景海面在散射系数上的差别(即反差度大小)。

    The effect of the detection of the wake of ship in SAR images primarily lies on the different of radar backscatter variations between the region covering the distributed targets and the background sea surface .

  20. 基于SAR图像反演原理,提出一种后向散射系数反演海面风场的新方法,以相关长度确定风向,再利用随机粗糙海面理论模型反演风速。

    Based on the principle of SAR image retrieval , a new retrieval approach is presented in this paper , which can evaluate wind direction , then retrieve wind speed by randomly rough sea surface theoretical model .

  21. 研究了不同粗糙度下掠入射时高阶SPM求解的双站散射系数,以及不同方位角下高阶场量的散射特性。

    The bistatic scattering coefficient solved in grazing incident for various surface roughness by high-order SPM and scattering characteristic of high-order electric field in different azimuth angle were discussed .

  22. 由于SAR自身成像的特殊性使得所获得的图像必然会引起斑点噪声,即使雷达照射目标的散射系数很均匀,回波所形成的雷达图像也不会是理论上灰度均匀的图像。

    As the particularity of SAR imagery will inevitably cause the speckle noise in images , even if scattering coefficients of radar irradiation target are very even , the image formed by echo will not be even in theory .

  23. 理论和模拟的结果表明,浮动基准点存在,在散射系数比较大的情况下,漫射近似和P3近似的结果跟模拟比较接近。

    The studies show that the floating-reference point exists , and the results of diffusion and P3 approximation are close to the simulation in the relatively large scattering coefficient .

  24. 线阵SAR是指通过平台运动与阵列天线合成虚拟二维面阵天线,并结合脉冲压缩技术获得观测场景散射系数三维分布的新型合成孔径雷达。

    LASAR is a kind of synthetic aperture radar that synthesizes a 2-D virtual array by mounting a linear antenna array on a moving platform to obtain the 3-D RCS distribution of the observation scene by combining with the pulse compression technique .

  25. 研究了入烧原料细度对煤系煅烧高岭土白度、吸油率、松容重、遮盖率(光散射系数)及活性(活性Al2O3)等物理化学性能的影响。

    The effects of particle size distribution on the physical and chemical properties of calcined kaolin such as brightness , loose density , oil absorption , active Al 2O 3 , index of covering , are studied .

  26. 讨论了吸收系数μa、散射系数μs、散射的各向异性系数g对心肌组织中激光光子的传输和分布的影响,做了一些定量的计算和分析。

    We discussed the effect that absorption coefficient μ _a , scattering coefficient μ _s and the anisotropy of scattering g have on laser photons transmission and distribution in myocardium . A number of quantitative calculation and analysis is also included in the area of our research .

  27. 本文在Shi模型的基础上,对土壤水分与雷达后向散射系数之间的关系进行探讨,反演出土壤水分与雷达后向散射系数及入射角之间的关系。

    This paper deals with the correlation between radar backscattering coefficient and soil moisture based on the Shi model , and studies the relationship between radar backscattering coefficient , incidence angle and surface soil moisture on the basis of inversion .

  28. 导出适用于合成孔径雷达(SAR)的基本方程,用于决定回波信号功率、检测前后的信噪比、平均发射功率和噪声等效后向散射系数。

    The basic synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) equations , which are used to determine the echo power , the signal to noise ratio before and after detection , the average transmission power and the noise equated σ° have been derived in detail .

  29. 结果表明:在水性建筑涂料中添加具有特殊结构的纳米硅酸铝,可提高涂料的悬浮稳定性、光散射系数和耐擦洗性,并可减少金红石型TiO2用量。

    The results show that to add some nanometer aluminium silicate with special construction into the watery architectural paint , the suspend stability , optical scattering and scouring endurable can upswing and the demand quantity of rutile TiO 2 can reduce .

  30. 计算了薄膜背散射系数η随薄膜厚度D的变化,获得不同能量下的η~D关系并给出相应线性区DMAX分布。

    The dependence of backscattering coefficients η on the thickness D of thin film has been calculated . The relationship η ~ D for different energy E 0 is obtained and relative linear region D max in η ~ D curve is given .