
sàn rè ɡuǎn
  • Heat dissipation tube;column
  1. 提高DC法散热管铸坯质量的途径

    Approaches to Improve the Quality of Cooling-tube of Casting Block for DC Method

  2. 散热管飞剪机控制系统实现了电流、转速双闭环控制。

    The flying shear control system to achieve a double-loop control .

  3. 散热管翅片加工变形过程的计算

    The Calculation of Radiator Pipe Fin in the Machining Distortion Process

  4. 针对钢制散热器椭圆形散热管封头,研究了不加钎料的感应压力焊接方法。

    Induction pressure welding technique is applied to steel radiators .

  5. 焊接方式对挤压铝散热管承压性能的影响

    Effect of Welding Methods on the Compression Resistance of Extruded Aluminium Cooling Tube

  6. 内凸筋口琴管,是汽车空调的一种新型散热管。

    The harmonica-shaped tube with inner ribs is a new radiator tube used in automobile air-conditioner .

  7. 柴油机不锈钢散热管焊缝早期开裂原因分析

    Early Cracking Failure Analysis of the Welded Seam for Stainless Steel Radiating Pipe in a Diesel Engine

  8. 在散热管中加装薄壁小孔,既简单可行又可取得较好的散热效果。

    Better heat dissipation effect can be simply and effectively achieved by adding a thin wall orifice in the heat dissipation tube .

  9. 论述了加装散热管的必要性及实施方法,并给出了阻尼小孔的计算公式。

    Importance to add a heat dissipation tube and its implementation arc described , and equation to calculate the damping orifice is presented .

  10. 散热管的实时速度和长度由测速轮测量,并由通信电缆传输给伺服控制器。

    Real-time feed rate of the radiating pipe and length is measured by the tachometer roller transmitted via a communication cable to a servo controller .

  11. 利用化学成分分析、金相分析和力学性能测试等方法,对不锈钢散热器散热管渗漏原因进行了分析。

    By means of chemical composition analysis , metallography analysis and mechanical property testing , leakage reason of a stainless steel heat radiator tube is analyzed .

  12. 后窗台板左右侧也装有相同的扬声器。还有两个低间扬声器安装在杂物搁板内通风格栅下的双盘形散热管内。

    The same loudspeakers are then also fitted on the left-and right-hand side of the rear window shelf , with two woofers installed in double coils beneath the air vent grids in the parcel shelf area .

  13. 飞剪机是汽车散热管生产线末端的重要设备,用于纵向剪切运动的铝质散热管,在剪切时铝质散热管不需要停顿、并持续不断的供给,整个剪切过程为一个动态的过程。

    Flying shear machine is an important equipment of the end of the production line of automotive cooling tube , which is used for the longitudinal shear movement aluminum radiating pipe . Cutting aluminum radiating pipe is a dynamic process , flying shear machine does not need to pause .

  14. 我公司还生产:散热器,暖风机,散热排管,换热器等干燥设备。

    Our company also produces : radiators , heaters , heat pipes , heat exchangers and other drying equipment .

  15. 结果表明,它有效地解决了密封、进口充排气混合、热端散热、管壁热反馈及消除反射激波等问题,并使制冷机的等熵效率得到了进一步的提高

    Problems of seal , gas mix , heat dispersion , heat feedback and reflected shock wave are indicated and have been solved

  16. 带散热片的管加热器CCD芯片热电制冷的非稳态传热研究

    Finned strip heater Experiment on the Unsteady Heat Transfer Process of Thermoelectric Cooling on CCD Sensor

  17. 研究了不同涂层材料及组成对医用X射线管工作时的散热能力、管内真空度及涂层高温稳定性的影响,提出了一种最佳的涂层材料及组成

    This paper discussed the result that different material and constitution influence heat sinking capability and vacuum degree of tube and high temperature stability of blackened film when X ray tube is working , and give a proposal of best material and constitution of blackened film

  18. 应用于载人航天器舱内散热的热管技术研究

    Investigation on Heat Pipe Technology for Heat Transport in Manned Spacecraft Cabin

  19. 带散热片的管加热器中型的管状短片面食。

    Finned strip heater medium-sized tubular pasta in short pieces .

  20. 一种芯片散热型热管的强化传热研究

    Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement for a Heat-pipe Heat Exchanger Used for Chips

  21. 带散热片的管加热器设有加热器的水管式锅炉

    Finned strip heater water-tube boiler with superheaters

  22. 带散热片的管加热器热管-辐射器制冷器

    Finned strip heater heat pipe-radiator cooler

  23. 肋片的散热效率随管壁温度的升高而减小,壁温较高时安装肋片的必要性降低。

    The heat rejection efficiency of the fin is decreased with the temperature of tube wall decreasing , and the necessity of fitting fin is reduced when the wall temperature is higher .

  24. 根据工业机柜实际使用的情况,设计出适合工业机柜散热的热管散热器,并加工制造了两种不同型式的热管散热器:独立式热管散热器和整体式热管散热器。

    According to the working condition of the industry enclosure , the heat pipe radiator fitting for the industry enclosure was designed , and two kinds of different heat pipe radiators were produced : independent heat pipe radiator and whole heat pipe radiator .

  25. 本文首先对CPU散热技术和热管型CPU散热器的国内外研究进展及现状进行了综述;

    At first , the technology for CPU cooling and the development of heat sink using heat pipe for CPU were summarized in this paper .

  26. 提出了一种应用于小功率电子散热的小型涡流管,设计建立了涡流管性能试验装置系统。

    A minitype vortex tube to little power electronic component cooling is introduced .

  27. 一种电子散热用小型涡流管性能的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Performance of a Minitype Vortex Tube for Electronic Component Cooling

  28. 研究了火焰在有壁面散热的微细圆管中的传播过程。

    The characteristics of flame propagation in micro pipes are investigated with the consideration of heat loss at the wall .

  29. 采用复合风道技术,增强散热效果。热管技术在金属模具均温散热上的应用

    Adopting complex wind channel technic tor improve the heat transfer . The application of heat pipe technology on averaging temperature and cooling the metal mould

  30. 总体说来动载阻碍了流体的流动、强化的管外的散热、削弱了管内换热,且较小的管径流动阻力较大,但换热能力有所提升。

    In summary , dynamic load impedes fluid flow and enhances heat emission , and the pipe with smaller diameter has larger flow resistance , and good heat exchange ability .