
sǎn shè jiǎo
  • scattering angle;angle of scattering
  1. 产生切连科夫辐射的康普顿电子在介质中的临界散射角

    Critical scattering angle of Compton electron producing Cherenkov radiation in the medium

  2. 散射角是散射方向与入射方向之间的夹角。

    Scattering angle is the angle between the scattered and incident directions .

  3. 90°散射角下源激发X射线荧光测量的最佳入射角及源-靶-探测器结构的改进

    The optimum incident angle for radioisotope excited XRF measurement with a 90 ° scattering angle and the improvement of source-sample-detector geometry

  4. 快中子在Zr对Nb核上的小角弹性散射角分布测量

    Measurement of small-angle elastic scattering of fast neutrons from Zr and Nb nuclei

  5. ~(17)F和~(18)Ne与质子的弹性散射角分布

    Angular Distribution of Elastic Scattering of ~ ( 17 ) F and ~ ( 18 ) Ne on Proton

  6. 通过Z扫描和探针光实验以及45°散射角下散射能量、散射率随入射激光能量变化曲线的测量,对碳纳米管悬浮液的光限幅机理进行了研究。

    In addition , the optical limiting mechanisms were investigated through performing Z-scan , pump-probe and 45 ° scattering experiments .

  7. α+~(24)Mg弹性散射角分布在大角区呈现强烈振荡结构,微分截面全面增强。

    α + ~ ( 24 ) Mg elastic scattering angular distribution at back-ward angles displays more pronounced oscillation and a strong overall rise of crosssection .

  8. 在90°散射角下,从基本激发方程出发,导出了以基体对入射与出射X射线质量吸收系数比为变量的最佳入射角表达式。

    Using the basic excitation equation , an expression of the optimum incident anlge was obtained as a function of the ratio of mass absorption coefficients for original and secondary X rays .

  9. 掩模制作是电子束散射角限制投影光刻(SCALPEL)的关键技术。

    Mask fabrication is a key technique of scattering with angular limitation projection electron-beam lithography ( SCALPEL ) .

  10. 通过MCNP程序对探测器的能量沉积趋势和不同散射角散射γ射线的能量分布进行模拟计算。

    The energy distributions of scattered γ - ray at different angles and corresponding energy deposited in detector were simulated by MCNP code .

  11. 将激光束倾斜一定角度直接照射到实验样品上,在不同散射角和不同散射空间距离位置上用面阵CCD传感器探测空间散射光场分布。

    The space scattering fields with different scattering angles and different space positions are obtained using an array CCD ( charge coupled device ) sensor when the laser illuminated up the experiment sample with different incident angles directly .

  12. 建立了衰落相关模型,分析了散射角大小及天线数对信道容量的影响,采用随机理论推导了M×N的MIMO系统信道容量的闭式解。

    The fading correlation model is established and the impacts of the number of antennas and scattering angle on the channel system capacity are investigated . Based on the random theory , a closed-form expression for the channel capacity of an M by N MIMO system is derived .

  13. 在下一代光刻(NGL)技术中,限散射角电子束光刻(SCALPEL)技术工艺简单、成本较低,因此是集成电路生产厂家首选的光刻方案之一。

    In the next generation of lithography ( NGL ), scattering with angular limitation in projection electron-beam lithography ( SCALPEL ) is one of the first-selected schemes for ICs , for its technique is simple and the cost is relatively low .

  14. 核散射角原则上用散射积分直接求解,实施中用插值技术进行计算,从而使TCIS与同类程序比较运算速度快、计算精度高。

    Nuclear scattering angles are in principle determined with the classical scattering integral while in operation the interpolation schemes are used , such that TCIS provides both high calculation efficiency and accuracy .

  15. 通过一组5个ΔE-ER探测器望远镜在不同的角度对9Be+208Pb反应系统,在近垒及垒下能区进行了弹性散射角分布的测量。

    The angular distributions of elastic scattering have been measured for the 9Be + 208Pb system at the near - and sub-barrier energies by a group of five Δ E-ER detectors .

  16. 电子束散射角限制投影光刻掩模研制

    Development of mask for scattering with angular limitation projection electron-beam lithography

  17. 气体放电中电子碰撞散射角的抽样方法

    Sample method for scatter angle of electron collision in gas discharge

  18. 特殊光子晶体电磁散射角偏特性及其应用研究

    Angle-Dependent EM Scattering Analysis of Special Photonic Crystal and Its Application

  19. 钽的弹性散射角分布光学模型计算

    The Optical Model Calculations of the Elastic Scattering Angular Distributions For Tantalum

  20. 限散射角电子束光刻技术及其应用前景

    Technology & Applications of Scattering with Angular Limitation in Projection Electron-Beam Lithography

  21. 原子汤姆孙模型中α粒子散射角的计算

    Calculation of α - particle 's scattering angle in the Thomson atomic model

  22. 两体碰撞散射角的近似计算

    Approximate calculations of scattering angle for binary collision

  23. 随散射角的增大,弹性碰撞角分布变小。

    With the increase of scattering angle , the value of elastic angular distributions will decrease .

  24. 弹性散射角分布二维数表向球谐展开形式的转换

    Transformation of Elastic Scattering Angular Distribution from Tabular Data of Two Dimensions into Spherical Harmonic Expansion

  25. 反应堆物理散射角计算机代码

    Scattering angle reactor physics computer code

  26. 我会把,这些原子散射角的数据发给你。

    I 'm going to give you the data set of the scattering angles of the atoms .

  27. 低能正电子被氦、氖、氩原子弹性散射角分布的理论研究

    Study of Angular Distributions of the Elastic Scattering of Low-Energy Positrons by He , Ne and Ar Atoms

  28. 这就要提高激光器出射光场的对称性,减小光的散射角,这需要提高对激光器波导层的结构优化。

    Since the severe asymmetry of optical field and beam divergence degrade the coupling efficiency , the waveguide structure optimizing needed .

  29. 同时讨论了抽样次数、散射角抽样间隔大小对拟合结果的影响。

    The influence of sampling frequency and sampling interval of scattering angle on the fitted results is also discussed . 4 .

  30. 散射角为82°~100°时,是强反射式偏振区,偏振度在0.8以上,最高达0.95;

    The scattering-angle range of 82 ° - 100 ° is the reflecting-type polarization area , with the polarization degree being above 0.8-0.95 ;