
  • 网络Isotope mass spectrometry analysis;mass-spectrometric analysis for isotope
  1. 石英的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar定年方法及Ar同位素质谱分析

     ̄( 40 ) Ar /  ̄( 39 ) Ar Dating Method and Ar Isotopic Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Quartz

  2. 大气氮是天然~(15)N丰度测定的一个可靠标准,而大气中氧和氩的存在,对于氮的同位素质谱分析是有影响的。

    Atmospheric nitrogen has been adopted as the reference material for natural  ̄ 15N abundance measurement , which is , however , interfered by the presence of oxygen and argon .

  3. 避开钐干扰的钕同位素质谱分析

    A Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Nd Isotope Avoiding the Interference from Sm

  4. 钕同位素质谱分析数据处理的探讨

    A Discussion on Data Processing of Nd Isotope Mass Spectrometry

  5. 加载技术在锂同位素质谱分析上的应用研究

    The research of lithium isotope ionization masss spectrometry using materials load technology

  6. 大气氮同位素质谱分析中干扰因素的研究

    Interfering Factors on  ̄( 15 ) N Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Atmospheric Nitrogen

  7. 提高钚同位素质谱分析灵敏度的技术&活性炭粒法

    To Enhance Sensitivity for Pu Analysis with a Single Grain of Activated Charcoal

  8. 反应堆辐照后铪同位素质谱分析研究

    Analysis of Irradiated Hf Isotope by Mass Spectrometry

  9. 稀土元素同位素质谱分析样品的纸色层法制备

    Paper chromatography & mass spectrometry of REE isotopes

  10. 钡的同位素质谱分析

    Analysis of Barium by Isotope Mass Spectrometry

  11. 钌同位素质谱分析方法

    Mass spectrometric analytical methods of ruthenium isotopes

  12. 封管法制备有机碳同位素质谱分析样

    A method of sealing tube to prepare samples for mass spectrometric analysis of organic carbon isotopes

  13. 锗同位素质谱分析

    Mass spectrometric analysis of germanium isotope

  14. 文章对近年来在Re_Os同位素质谱分析中样品的预处理方法进行了介绍和总结评述,重点介绍了样品的分解和元素的分离纯化。

    Methods for sample pre_treatment in Re_ Os isotopic analysis by mass spectrometry were reviewed in this paper . Emphasis is focused on discussion of sample decomposition , separation and purification of Re and Os .

  15. 利用FinniganMat-252气体同位素质谱计分析碳酸盐氧同位素的结果校正

    Oxygen Isotope Calibration of Carbonate Minerals Measured by Finnigan MAT 252 Gas Mass Spectrometer

  16. 重水中氢氧同位素的质谱分析

    Isotope Mass Spectrum Analysis of Hydrogen and Oxygen in Heavy Water

  17. 锌还原-封管法用于微量水中氢同位素的质谱分析

    Analysis of Hydrogen Isotope in Water by Zn Reduction Method

  18. 水中氦同位素的质谱分析

    The Mass Spectrometric Measurement of Helium Isotope in Water

  19. 高丰度氚同位素的质谱分析

    Mass Spectral Analysis of High Abundance Tritium Isotope

  20. 基于稳定同位素标记与质谱分析的蛋白质定量算法研究进展

    Development of Protein Quantitative Algorithms Based on Stable Isotope Labeling and Mass Spectrometric Analysis

  21. 稳定同位素稀释-质谱分析法用于肝硬化病人血浆α-酮异己酸的定量分析

    Determination of plasme α - ketoisocaproate in patients with hepatic cirrhosis by stable isotope dilution-mass spectrometry

  22. MAT同位素质谱仪数字电路分析

    Analysis of the Digit Circuits of MAT Isotopic Mass Spectrometers

  23. 研究了NP型螯合树脂珠作为质谱样品载体,对铀同位素进行热电离质谱分析的方法。

    NP-type chelate resin beads is used as a carrier of samples in the isotopic measurements of uranium by mass spectrometry .

  24. 稳定同位素稀释一质谱技术分析KIC的负化学电离法

    Measurement of Plasma KIC by Stable Isotope Dilution-Negative Chemical Ionization Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry

  25. 用多维色谱-稳定同位素稀释质谱联用技术测定酒中氨基甲酸乙酯稳定同位素稀释一质谱技术分析KIC的负化学电离法

    Determination of Ethyl Carbamate in Alcoholic Beverages With Multidimensional Gas Chromatography / Isotopic Dilution Mass Spectrometry Measurement of Plasma KIC by Stable Isotope Dilution-Negative Chemical Ionization Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry