
  • 网络fellow traveler;parties
  1. 去年前往俄国之前,热衷世界旅行的美国司法部退休调查员弗里德曼(MarvinFreedman)在一些同行者的建议下,购买了MedjetAssist的会员计划。

    Before a trip to Russia last year , Marvin Freedman , a retired Justice Department investigator and avid world traveler , bought a membership from MedjetAssist , on the recommendations of some fellow travelers .

  2. 这个保险包括同行者吗?

    Does this insurance cover the passengers , too ?

  3. 献给你,我生命列车上的同行者。

    To you , my life train accompaniers .

  4. 它是一个江湖:不抛弃不忘记每一位弟兄和同行者。

    It is a big family : abandon no members , forget no counterparts .

  5. 她们的同行者是一些穿着乡下节日盛装的小伙子,这些小伙子点着奇形怪状的火把照路。

    Their outriders were boys in rustic costumes who lit the darkness with fantastic torches .

  6. 他个人以及同行者的冒险精神,在此惊险的故事中尤增光辉。

    His personal adventures and those of his companion added another adventurous chapter to the whole thrilling story .

  7. 这群有过辉煌有过失落的同行者,继续着戏里戏外的人生。

    These companions , once splendid , once lost , are continuing their lives inside and outside of stories .

  8. 我选择了你,你选择了我,你我是同行者,愿我们走向爱的彼岸。

    You are my choice , and I , yours : we are fellow travellers . let 's go beyond to the shore of love .

  9. 1951年,比弗在爱尔兰打猎时与同行者争论哪种鸟是欧洲飞得最快的鸟,3年后他们还在争论这个问题。

    In1951 , he was out shooting in Ireland and got into an argument about whether the golden plover ranked as Europe 's fastest game bird .

  10. 我的同行者们急忙赶过去,一心想得到藏在树阴下的70万英镑财宝。

    My companions hurried on , desperate to get their hands on the seven hundred thousand pounds in gold which lay somewhere under the tree 's shadows .

  11. 亿万富翁要想拥有这座桥,将这一景致占为己有,那得付出亿万钱财,而我以及那些或慢跑、骑车、徒步的同行者却能免费享用。

    A billionaire would pay billions to own this bridge and keep this view , but I and my jogging , biking and hiking companions have it for nothing .

  12. 司各特的最后四个同行者之一,因不堪悲惨、饥饿和冻伤,走进暴风雪自杀,连靴子都没穿。

    Miserable , starving and frostbitten , one of Scott 's last four men killed himself by walking into a blizzard without even bothering to put on his boots .

  13. 此外,和其他同行者谈天说地也不错,这不仅能带来实用的建议,听到一些精彩冒险故事,说不定你还可以找到将来一起出行的旅伴!

    It 's also good to strike up a conversation with other travelers . You can get some useful advice , hear amazing adventure stories , and maybe even pick up a partner for future trips !

  14. 他个人以及同行者的冒险精神,在此惊险的故事中尤增光辉。目前我情愿相信每一个人身上都有一点冒险精神,这全靠你想怎样去定义冒险了。

    His personal adventures and those of his companion added another adventurous chapter to the whole thrilling story . For the time being , I choose to believe that everyone has a little adventurous spirit in him , and that it all depends on how you choose to define it .