
  • 网络pixel size
  1. 刀口技术可用来测量激光冷却后的温度,测量精度主要由测量荧光的CCD的像元尺寸决定。

    The knife-edge technique can measure the temperature of the atomic beam through laser cooling , and measured accuracy is decided by the pixel size of CCD for fluorescent imaging of the atomic beam .

  2. 像元尺寸和填充系数分别为60×50(μm~2)和35%。

    The pixel size is 60 × 50 (μ m ~ 2 ) with fill factor of 35 % .

  3. 在不改变CCD像元尺寸的前提下,使各相邻像元对应的地面目标进行局部多次采样,提高采样频率,达到将CCD空间分辨力提高多倍的目的。

    No changing the size of CCD pixel , the sampling frequency is improved through multi-sampling for every pixel . The spatial resolution of CCD is improved .

  4. 在不改变TDICCD相机的焦距、成像距离,以及TDICCD器件的像元尺寸的前提下,亚像元动态成像技术可以提高相机的空间分辨率。

    The technique can improve imaging system 's resolution , while keeping the same size of TDI CCD sensor , the focal length and the imaging length of the camera system .

  5. 该模型综合考虑了目标长度、目标运动速率、TDICCD行扫描速率、成像系统放大倍数、TDICCD像元尺寸等因素。

    This model synthetically considers length and velocity of target object , line scanning rate of TDI CCD , magnifying power of imaging system , size of pixel , and so on .

  6. 所选用的CCD芯片像元尺寸为23μm×23μm,像元数384×288,全视场内混色光点列图能量重心偏最大值1.6μm,对应于4.39角秒。

    Total number of elements of selected CCD is 384 × 288 , pixel size 23 μ m × 23 μ m. Maximum energy centre deviation in FOV for polychrome spot diagram is 1.6 μ m , corresponding to 4 . 39 ″ .

  7. 系统分辨力适合采用分辨率为800×600、像元尺寸为33μm的图像源。

    The resolution of display , determined by the system resolution power , is 800 × 600 and the pixel size is 33 μ m.

  8. 针对克服像元尺寸对测量精度限制的超精度内插细分技术,在建立了星点光斑数学模型的基础上,利用光电统计理论,推导了星点光斑内插细分精度的极限公式。

    For the hyper accuracy interpolation technique , which resolves the accuracy limitation of pixel physical size , derives out the star spot interpolation accuracy limitation based on the star spot mathematical model and photoelectric statistics .

  9. 但是由于探测器固有物理特性的限制,利用减小探测器像元尺寸、增加相机焦距等传统手段在提高空间分辨率方面取得新的突破越来越困难,成本越来越高。

    There are three traditional ways to improve spatial resolution : using smaller detector , increasing the camera focal length , reducing the satellite orbital altitude . But due to the inherent limitations of the physical properties , these methods are more and more difficult to achieve new breakthroughs .

  10. 本文从空域卷积的角度讨论CCD像元的尺寸对FTP测量的影响,给出了理论分析和实验验证。

    Now we discuss the influence of the pixel size of CCD in FTP from the view of space convolution and give the theory analysis and experience demonstration .

  11. 选用直径300nm的荧光粒子,在高于10倍放大倍率下,粒子像大于3个CCD像元的尺寸,可以进行观测;

    For a fluorescence particle of 300 nm in diameter , the imaging size is larger than that of three pixels in CCD , therefore effective measurements can be obtained .