
  • 网络People like me;Someone Like Me;A Man Like Me
  1. 喔,在多几个像我的人,我就做不成买卖了。

    Oh , and anymore like me and I 'll lose the franchise .

  2. 可能是某个长的像我的人。

    It 's probably someone who looks like me .

  3. 她指认的是长得像我的人。

    She id 'd someone that looked like me .

  4. 一个可能像我的人

    who might look like me ,

  5. 但我推理出莫里亚蒂找了个很像我的人来栽赃

    But I deduced Moriarty must have found someone who looked very like me to plant suspicion ,

  6. 我曾经对长的比较像我的人说过,哪天我们可以好好地做一个表演。

    I once said to the person who looked like me , on one day we can do a performance .

  7. 最近其实有一个很好笑的事情,长的像我的人跟其他女生出去。

    Actually just recently there was a very funny thing , someone who looked like me went to lunch with a girl .

  8. 在我们那里像我这样的人车载斗量,不可胜数。

    Where I come from , people like me come by the bushel .

  9. 有些人,特别是年纪大的人,很感激别人的感谢信,而其他像我这样的人则不想收到回复。

    Some people , especially older ones , appreciate a thank-you message Others , like me , want no reply .

  10. breakv.破裂;损坏breakup分手他大吼:“你再也找不到像我这样的人了!”

    He yelled , " You 'll never find anyone like me again ! "

  11. YunaLam的例子可能显得有点极端,但她说自己并不是特例。YunaLam说,在香港有许多像我这样的人。

    Ms. Lam 's case may seem extreme , but she says she 's not unusual : ' There are many Hong Kong people like me , ' she says .

  12. 华尔街容易接受像我这样的人。

    And wall street was very receptive to someone like myself .

  13. 像我这样的人还能够再得到一次人生机会。

    A guy like me could actually get a second chance .

  14. 你会对一个像我这样的人有那种感觉么

    Could you ever feel like that about someone like me ?

  15. 但仍然不忘创造像我这样的人。

    But still remembered to make a little speck like me .

  16. 他们没必要去注意像我这样的人。

    They have no reason to notice a man like me .

  17. 而你无法再找到一个像我一样的人。

    And you 're never gonna find another somebody like me .

  18. 像我这样的人,像…我女儿。

    Someone like me.Mm . Someone like ... My daughter . -

  19. 像我这样的人,进来的恰好是时候。

    People like me , we came in at the right time .

  20. 换句话说,世界上像我这样的人并不多。

    In other words , there are not many people like me .

  21. 像我这样的人,我还能奢求什么?

    For someone like me , what extravagant hopes can there be ?

  22. 这样情形下,像我这样的人可被接受。

    In this case , people like me are acceptable .

  23. 像我这样的人剩下的快乐不多了。

    There are few pleasures left to one such as I.

  24. “像我这样的人,这是唯一的资本哪。”

    It 's the only capital of a man like me . '

  25. 洛杉矶有成千上万像我一样的人。

    In LA there are 10,000 guys who are just like me .

  26. 我说,像我这样的人岂要逃跑呢。

    And I said , should such a man as I flee ?

  27. 安迪:但像我这样的人什么时候也能时来运转?

    Andy : But when does somebody like me get a break ?

  28. 毕竟,这个制度是由像我这样的人管理的。

    After all , the system is run by chaps like me .

  29. 像我这样的人需要很多独处的时间。

    People like me need a lot of alone time .

  30. 打败像我这样的人是不可能的!

    It is impossible to defeat a person like me !