• we;I
  • 我,我的:~身。~国。~辈。

  • 姓。

  • 古同“御”,抵御。


(我; 我们) I; we:

  • 吾友

    my friend;

  • 吾国

    my or our country


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 吾扈

    Wu Hu

  1. 吾闻汝名传,

    I hear thy name spoken ,

  2. “此尚有诸多余事,吾仍喜而为之,”韦斯特菲尔德女士坦言,其协助MDMA之上一次疗程已是四载前之往事矣。

    " There are other things that I would still like to work on ," says Ms Westerfield , whose last MDMA-assisted therapeutic session was four years ago .

  3. 那些日子里,英国广播公司每天晚上都会播放《天佑吾王》。

    Every evening in those days the BBC played ' God Save The King '

  4. 莫吾知也夫!

    Alas , no one understands me !

  5. 吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。(庄子)

    Our life has a limit but knowledge has none .

  6. 畜禽废水处理后,橐吾叶片中叶绿素总量、叶绿素a及叶绿素b含量均随处理浓度的增加而增加。

    After livestock wastewater treatment , the chlorophyll , chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b content in Ligularia leaf increased with the concentration increasing .

  7. 黑苞橐吾挥发油成分的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS Analysis of the Chemical Components of Essential Oils in Ligularia melanocephala

  8. 目的橐吾属植物中微量成分肝毒吡咯里西啶生物碱(HPA)的检测。

    Aim To detect the hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids ( HPA ) in the genus Ligularia Cass .

  9. 不同生境下黄帚橐吾(Ligulariavirgaurea)个体大小依赖的繁殖分配

    Size-dependent reproductive allocation of Ligularia virgaurea in different habitats

  10. 你试过IS250再试六代又会觉得吾静

    If you try LS460h you will think IS250 is not quiet at all

  11. 橐吾POD活性、SOD活性和根系活力均呈先降低再升高至较高水平稳定;游离脯氨酸含量呈先降低后升高再降低到较低水平稳定的趋势。

    The POD activity , SOD activity and root activity both decreased at first , and increased to a higher level . The content of Pro decreased at first , and increased later , then declined to a lower level at last .

  12. 在神学中该词仍保留原来的意义:纽曼的《为吾生辩》(ApologiaproVitaSua)根本就不是什么道歉,而是对查尔士·金斯菜的指控所作的强硬辩驳。

    It still bore its original meaning in theology : Newman 's Apologia pro Vita Sua was not an apology at all but a vigorous rebuttal of Charles Kingsley 's charges .

  13. 而现在,这一名言已经被改为:“吾日三省吾身:有freestyle吗?还有freestyle吗?有没有freestyle?”

    Or did I spread any idea without practicing it ? " Now , it has been reinterpreted as " Can you freestyle ? Can you freestyle again ? And can you be freestyled ? "

  14. 其中根际基质脲酶活性与TN达到显著正相关,可作为评价橐吾对污水中TN去除率的指标。

    Rhizosphere urease activity of substrate had a significant positive correlation with the removal of TN , it can be used as an evaluation index of removal rate of TN. and phosphatase activity had a positive correlation with the removal of TP but which was showed not significant .

  15. 夏玛什,带来光亮,吾呼唤汝!

    SHAMMASH , Bringer of Light , I call to Thee !

  16. 大合成便是吾等追求的完美远景。

    The Great Synthesis is the perfect vision of our goal .

  17. 这个世界不过是成就吾等大业的一处据点罢了。

    This world is merely a foothold for our expanding spheres .

  18. 吾以是狂而不信也(29)。

    Take the present letter was not degradation ( 29 ) .

  19. 吾爱笔记本电脑,吾亦爱中医。

    I love notebook pc ; I love traditional Chinese medicine .

  20. 吾爱吾师,吾尤爱真理。

    I love my teacher , but I love truth more .

  21. 希望你们爱屋及吾,喜欢我的博客从而喜欢我!

    I hope that you will love my blog love me !

  22. 吾爱莫扎特之韵律,吾亦爱马尔可夫过程。

    I love Mozart 's melody ; I love Markov Process .

  23. 他是吾血之血这是谁干的?

    He is blood of my blood . Who did this ?

  24. 中国西北地区橐吾属植物的种类及药用资源

    Species of Ligularia in the northwestern China and their medicinal uses

  25. 全矿井综合自动化系统在余吾煤业公司的应用

    Application of Mine Wide Integrated Automation System in Yuwu Mining Corporation

  26. 生活是一袭华美的袍,吾在守望着。

    Life is in the air , not on the ground .

  27. 我有话要单独告诉你,吾王。

    I have words for your ears only , my king .

  28. 吾当为汝分别解说除苦恼法。

    I will expound for you the method of removing suffering .

  29. 吾爱请焚吾骨扬吾骨灰!

    Dear please burn my bone and dust all ashes alone !

  30. 吾名军团,因吾等众多。

    My name is Legion , for we are many .