
wú rén
  • we
吾人 [wú rén]
  • [we] 我们

  • 吾人视觉。--蔡元培《图画》

  • 吾人理想。--孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略.序》

  • 吾人彭聃之寿。--[英] 赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》

吾人[wú rén]
  1. 想到今日吾人非做出决定不可的原因,大家都引以为憾。

    The reason behind decisions we must make today is regrettable .

  2. 在取得这些提案的一致性前提下,吾人提供一个通用多输入多输出架构的概要性介绍。

    In harmony with such proposals , we give an overview of general MIMO aspects .

  3. 法乃吾人道德生活之见证人和外壳。

    The law is the witness and external deposit of our moral life .

  4. 将Hylleraas氏之著名波动函数对一个电子之各座标积分之,吾人求得正常状态氦单一电子之波动函子。

    The single-electron wave function of the ground state of the helium atom is obtained from Hylleraas ' well-known wave function by integrating the latter over the coordinates of one electron .

  5. 光之王啊。吾人身处黑暗之中。请降临于此。

    Lord of Light , come to us in our darkness .

  6. 不过,吾人在选择正确的阅读刊物时一定要谨慎。

    However , one must be careful in selecting the right material .

  7. 吾人若要糊糊涂涂把他丢掉,岂不可惜?

    Isn 't it a pity to unthinkingly idle away the present ?

  8. 吾人必须勇敢面对它们而非避开它们。

    One should meet the difficulties with courage instead of evading them .

  9. 增进吾人的技能需要耐心。

    It takes patience to improve one 's skills .

  10. 吾人不该过早遽下结论。

    One should not jump to a conclusion prematurely .

  11. 吾人就是从这些错误中才学到成功之秘诀。

    It is from these mistakes that one learns the secret to success .

  12. 吾人最大的荣耀并不在于从不失败。

    Our greatest glory consists not in never falling .

  13. 吾人必须将心思投注在工作上。

    One needs to put one 's heart and mind into one 's work .

  14. 吾人的健康应摆在第一位。

    One 's health should come first .

  15. 吾人对这些病灶位于上颧骨咀嚼区及邻近结构的侵犯部位加以分析。

    The location of these lesions in compartments of the SZMS and adjacent structures was analyzed .

  16. 吾人报告一个在创伤后肘部与掌骨骨头消失的病例。

    We report a case of vanishing bone in the elbow joint and carpal bones following trauma .

  17. 亦教导吾人自制与容忍自制与容忍乃防止任意杀戮和破坏的两条有效途径。

    I also teaches us restraint and tolerance , two effective means of preventing wayward killing and destruction .

  18. 在本研究中,吾人将森林分为高、中、低密度三种等级。

    In the research , forest density is classified into three levels : high , medium and low .

  19. 「会死固是人类的限制;庄严地生存与善终,则是吾人的权利。

    To die-that is the human condition ; to live decently and to die well-that is man 's privilege .

  20. 在本论文中,吾人将探讨数种高介电系数介电层与金属闸极的研究与应用。

    In this dissertation , we will investigate the application of several high-k dielectric and metal gate process technologies .

  21. 面对与日俱增的老年人口以及家庭照顾能力的逐步弱化,广州的长者照顾问题实值得吾人关注。

    Faced by the growing elderly population and the gradual weakening family care ability , Guangzhou elderly care merit attention .

  22. 这群勇者,无论生死,曾于斯奋战到底,早已使其神圣,而远超过吾人卑微之力所能增减。

    The brave men , living and dead , have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract .

  23. 然仅宣布吾人之理想,甚或确信吾人具有此种理想,尚嫌不足。

    It is not enough , however , to proclaim our ideals or even to be convinced that we have them .

  24. 在本研究中,吾人利用多个数值模拟结果以说明研究的正确性与可用性。

    In this research , I make use of many numerical simulation results in order to state the exactness and usability .

  25. 本课程旨在讲述根据地质学的知识来分析及解决吾人生活环境上的种种问题。

    The goal of the course is comprehension the analysis and resolve problems of human environments with geological knowledge to learners .

  26. 只有透过遭逢挫折并克服挫折,吾人才能获得长久的满足感,能够面对另一次严酷的考验。

    Only through encountering and conquering defeats can we gain longer and greater satisfaction , which enables us to face another ordeal .

  27. 利用湿度变化在时间上的相关性,吾人可预期土壤湿度的估计与预测是可以达到一相当的准确度。

    By making use of the temporal correlation of the moisture changes , estimation and prediction might be achieved with satisfying accuracy .

  28. 吾人并对理与气的重要性、优先性做一解释,讨论理是否只是气的谓词?

    We further elaborate the importance and priority of Li and Chi and discuss if Li is simply the predicate of Chi .

  29. 吾人已故领袖孙逸仙博士所示之训范,已给予吾国人民奋斗前进之毅力。

    The teachings drawn from our late leader , Dr. Sun Yat-sen , have given our people the fortitude to carry on .

  30. 在本论文的第一个部分,吾人即采用一个简单有效之通道估计法来克服此难题。

    In this first part of the thesis , we develop a simple and effective channel estimation method to overcome the problem .