
  1. 马克思劳动人道主义视野中的科学技术观

    Marxist Scientific and Technological Notion & Its Development in China ; The Science-technology View of Marx from the Perspective of His Labor Humanitarianism

  2. 劳动异化是马克思主义理论的中心论题,在这里,埃尔斯特又补充增加了精神异化,劳动异化和精神异化结合起来成为剥削产生的深刻原因;

    The connection of spiritual alienation and labouring alienation is deep reason for exploitation ;

  3. 资本主义劳动过程与马克思主义经济学

    Capitalist Labor Process and Marxist Economics

  4. 简单劳动与复杂劳动是马克思主义劳动价值理论中的两个重要概念。

    Simple labour and complex labour are two important concepts in Marxist labour theory of value .

  5. 20世纪70年代以来,西方激进学者进一步扩展了马克思的劳动过程理论,认为资本主义劳动过程处于福特主义阶段。

    Radical Western Scholars expanded further Marx 's Theory of Labor Process since 1970s and thought capitalist labor process in the phrase of Fordism .