
láo zī ɡuān xì
  • industrial relations;labor-capital relations;relations between labor and capital
  1. 国民政府加入国际劳工组织有利于国际声望的提升,却无益于劳资关系的改善。

    Joining to ILO was good for Nanjing government to enhance the international reputation , but had no help for improving the relations between labor and capital .

  2. 20世纪欧美国家的实践证明,新合作主义体制是工业化国家处理劳资关系的一条共同经验。

    According to the European countries'practices in the20 ~ ( th ) century , neo-cooperative is a common experience of industrial countries to dealing with the relations between labor and capital .

  3. 该提议被视为一种改善劳资关系的尝试。

    The offer is seen as an attempt to improve industrial relations

  4. 这场纠纷可能会让澳大利亚劳资关系稳定这一来之不易的名声毁于一旦。

    The dispute could destroy Australia 's hard-won reputation for industrial stability .

  5. 协商是建立在意见一致基础上的比利时劳资关系体系的传统做法。

    Consultation is traditional in the consensual Belgian system of labour relations .

  6. 新的劳资关系法规限制了工会的权力。

    The new industrial relations legislation curbed the power of the unions .

  7. 我们要在搞好劳资关系与削减开支之间保持平衡。

    We have to balance good labor relations against the need to cut costs .

  8. 制造认同的又一种模式G公司协调劳资关系的基本经验

    Another Pattern of Manufacturing Consent : The Usual Practices of Coordinating Labor-Management Relations in Company G

  9. 最近的例证就是:为了与时俱进,美国全国劳资关系委员会(NationalLaborRelationsBoard)已经把目光投向了公司员工对社交媒体的使用,结果出人意料。

    The latest proof : in an effort to catch up with the times , the National Labor Relations Board has turned its attention to employees ' use of social media , with surprising results .

  10. NPC的主管们透露,他们公司的劳资关系得到了改善,企业信任度增加,员工和顾客的满意度也得到了提升。

    NPC executives told me that their companies are enjoying better industrial relations , increased trust and job satisfaction , and greater customer satisfaction .

  11. 事实表明,1935年通过的、用于保护试图结社的工人免受报复的《全国劳资关系法案》(NationalLaborRelationsAct)同样适用于保护在Facebook上发泄怨气的员工。

    It turns out that the National Labor Relations Act , passed in 1935 , which protects workers from suffering reprisals for trying to organize a union , can also apply to people who are just venting on Facebook .

  12. 澳大利亚教育、技能、工作和劳资关系部长ChrisEvans参议员在最近对中国的访问中曾表示,“澳大利亚欢迎国际学生,并将在教育领域保持世界领先地位。”

    During his recent visit to China , the Minister for Tertiary Education , Senator Chris Evans , said ," Australia welcomes international students and remains a world leader in education . "

  13. IRI内的五条问题以1–5分作评分,分数越高表示雇员对劳资关系的看法比较正面。

    The5 questions in the IRI are based on a scale of1 – 5 , and a higher score represents a more positive view of industrial relations .

  14. 一家劳资关系法庭裁定澳洲航空公司(qantas)雇员应停止劳工行动后,澳大利亚主要航空公司计划今日终结一场戏剧性的停飞。

    Qantas was planning to end a dramatic grounding of its aircraft today , after a labour relations tribunal ordered a stop to industrial action at the Australian flag-carrier .

  15. “他们这种懈怠的工作态度会毁掉日本,”劳资关系顾问YukikoTakita说。

    ' They 'll ruin Japan with their lax work ethic , 'says labor consultant Yukiko Takita .

  16. “我告诉他们,宣布晋升消息要慢慢来,”为企业提供劳资关系咨询服务的律师MakotoIwade说。

    ' I tell them to break news of promotions gently , 'says Makoto Iwade , a lawyer who advises companies on labor relations .

  17. 在本科阶段我的主修是劳资关系,随后因为我想了解工人阶级所遇到的问题,所以就去了NLRB工作。

    I had studied industrial and labor relations as an undergraduate , and I later went to work at the NLRB because I was drawn to the issues facing the working class .

  18. 民营企业治理结构改革与劳资关系重构

    Reforming Governance Structure and Restructuring Relation of Worker-Capitalist in Non-public Enterprises

  19. 私营企业劳资关系研究&《构建和谐社会的六个关系研究》分课题之二

    Research on the relation between labour and capital of private enterprise

  20. 以工业化为标志的产业革命,同时产生了劳动问题,劳动问题的实质就是劳资关系问题。

    The Industrial Revolution represented by industrialization produced the labor issues .

  21. 我认为劳资关系从总的方面来说正在改变。

    I think the general face of industrial relations is changing .

  22. 要建立和谐社会,必须要有和谐的劳资关系作基础。

    A harmonious society must be based on harmonious labor relations .

  23. 和谐社会的经济基础:劳资关系和谐稳定和谐的劳、资、政关系。

    The Economic Foundation of Harmonious Society : Harmonious Labor-capital Relationship ;

  24. 当代跨国公司劳资关系发展与三方机制分析

    The Analysis on Industrial Relations Development of MNCs and tripartite Mechanism

  25. 从体制建设、融资环境、劳资关系等方面论述。

    From the institution-building , financing , environment , labor relations discussed .

  26. 私营部门:劳资关系及协调机制

    The Private Sector : Labor Relations and the Coordinated Mechanism

  27. 二是完善劳资关系三方协调机制;

    Two is a perfect labor relations three squares moderate the mechanism ;

  28. 会计信息在韩国劳资关系中的作用

    The Role of Accounting Information in the Korean Industrial Relations

  29. 劳动关系与劳资关系:两种体制下的经济关系&中国转型期的经济关系研究

    Labour Relations and Employee-Employer Relations : the Relationship under Two Different Systems

  30. 企业内部冲突与企业劳资关系

    Internal Conflict and the Relation between Labor and Capital of the Enterprise