
  1. 审美要求与劳动美结合在一起,重视精神美的追求是冀东民间故事创作者们的审美观念。

    The combination of art taste and labor and importance attached to spirit hunting are the art taste concept of the originators .

  2. 我们认为,有助于职业美育价值实现的职业美育,应该包括劳动美、技术美、生活美、艺术美、体育美等方面的教育。

    The content includes labor beauty , technical beauty , life beauty , beauty , sports beauty and other aspects of education which help to realize the value .

  3. 艺术生产论最重要的意义是,它使文学艺术从神圣的形而上的王国回到了“劳动创造美”的现实世界。

    The first function of artistic production theory is making literature and art return the realm that labor create beauty from sacred metaphysics .

  4. 而美学与物理CAI课件的设计艺术也是密不可分的,马克思在美学方面有两个重要的命题:一是劳动创造了美,一是人也按照美的规律来建造。

    Marx has two propositions about esthetics : one is that " labor creates aesthetics " and the other is " that man creates by aesthetics " .

  5. 一是劳动创造了美与美的根源。

    Section one is " Labor produce beauty " and the origin of beauty .

  6. 劳动创造了美还是劳动生产了美&对一个源自经典的美学核心命题的辨析与追踪

    " Labor Created Beauty " or " Labor Produced Beauty ": An Analysis and Tracking of a Core Proposition of the School of Practical Aesthetics Drawn from Classical Theory

  7. 异化劳动与审美活动之间的关系复杂难解,异化劳动否定着美同时又生成着美。

    Although alien labor denies beauty while generates beauty , the puzzling relationship between alien labor and aesthetic activity has always stirred many debates .