
  1. 意象艺术,在我国源远流长。

    Imagism art has a very long history in China .

  2. 并总结了20年代意象艺术的特征。

    It also summarizes the artistic features of image in the 1920s .

  3. 论20年代中国现代诗歌意象艺术

    The Imagery Art of Chinese Modern Poetry in the 1920s

  4. 第二节,寒冷自然的意象艺术。

    The second section is cold natural imagery art .

  5. 主体化:异质诗学文化中的中国现代诗歌意象艺术

    Subjectivism : A Study on the Modern Chinese Poetry

  6. 西安美院国家科研项目意象艺术研究&五年计划科研成果专家鉴定会纪要

    Expert appraisal of researching fruit from imagery art & national science and research subject

  7. 论中国现代派诗歌意象艺术

    On the Image Art of Modern Chinese Poetry

  8. 论九叶诗派的意象艺术

    On Imagery Art of Nine Leaves School

  9. 中国诗歌的意象艺术是中国美学范畴一个永恒的话题。

    The imagery art in Chinese poetry is a perpetual topic of aesthetic category in China .

  10. 九叶诗人的意象艺术探索还体现为意象思维的现代性特征:意象的扩展式与意象的凝结式思维特征。

    The imagery exploration of Nine Leaves School is also reflected in modern characteristics of imagery thought : extended and condensed characteristics .

  11. 在创作实践中,意象艺术主要表现于意象结构手法,诸如并置、叠印、融合、喻示等。

    In creating practice , this manifestations of imagery art : configuration technique of the imagines , for example , concatenation , overlapping and integration .

  12. 意象:艺术语言的基本符号

    Image : the Basic Sign of the Artistic Language

  13. 从审美意象到艺术符号的构建&论中国民族服饰情与意的整合传达

    Construction from Aesthetic Images to Artistic Symbol

  14. 意象作为艺术隐喻的核心因素,具有不完整性、模糊性和暗示性。

    Image as the core factor of art metaphor , has not integrity , fuzziness and implied .

  15. 我国著名的美学家叶朗先生指出:意象是艺术的本体。

    A famouse aesthetic researcher Mr. Ye Lang has pointed out that imagery is the origin of art .

  16. 节奏变化的张弛之道,起伏之理,是维系或赋予时间意象以艺术生命和美感效果的潜在性动因。

    The principle of tension and relaxation , rise and fall , is the latent reason for endowing time image artistic life and aesthetic effect .

  17. 当代中国书法艺术现代性的艺术表达机制主要体现在:艺术话语、审美意象和艺术意象呈现出一种多重叠合与共振的特征;

    The artistic expression mechanism of the modernism of contemporary Chinese calligraphy mainly reflects on the following aspects : features of multiple coincidence and resonance of artistic discourse , aesthetics and artistic image ;

  18. 总之,技法理论本身阐发出来的精神意象和艺术观念的嬗变,也正是其应该进入艺术史研究视野的关键。

    In short , the theory of painting technique elucidated the evolution of the mental imagery and artistic concepts , and this is the key reason the theory of technique should enter the field of view of art history .

  19. 塑造宽敞空间的意象是园林艺术的基本精髓。

    The creation of spaciousness is the essence of garden art .

  20. 象征型意象与环境艺术设计

    On the Use of Symbolic Yixiang in Environmental Art Design

  21. 论唐诗中月意象的组合艺术

    On the Combination Art of Moon Image in Tang Poetry

  22. 作为标示艺术本质的审美意象,是艺术形象的高级形态。

    Aesthetic image , the essence of art , is the senior form of an artistic figures .

  23. 从美学意义上来说,意象就是作品艺术形象中具有特殊意蕴的那一部分。

    From the perspective of aesthetics , an image is the very part of a literary and artistic figure with unique implications .

  24. 意象油画的艺术语言是吸收融合了中国画艺术语言而形成的新的油画语言。

    Oil painting art language is image incorporates traditional Chinese painting art language absorption , in the form of new oil painting language .

  25. 意象是诗歌艺术的基本单位,表现在诗歌中即是一个个语词,其构成包含了客观物象与主观情感。

    Imagery is the basic unit of poetry , in that it shows some words that contains the objective image and subjective emotion .

  26. 它对意象与象征艺术的解构、日常性叙述的重视、多元技巧的综合调试,刷新了新诗的本质内涵;

    In deconstructing image and symbolic art , whereas paying more attention to the daily narration and multi-techniques , it renewed the essence of modern Chinese poetry .

  27. 该文回顾口意象在现代艺术中的嬗变,考察其作为非理性艺术的一个投影在文化、哲学、社会生活中的具体表现。

    The paper reviews the evolution of mouth imago in modern art , explores its manifestation as an irrational art in culture , philosopher and social life .

  28. 从无形到有形,是脸谱意象营构的艺术规律,它把艺术家的审美体验变为可以具体感知的艺术形象。

    This is the artistic law of the construction of the image of facial sketch from an invisible appreciation of beauty to a visible image of facial sketch ;

  29. 总体来讲,意象油画的艺术语言是吸收融合了中国画艺术语言而形成的新的油画语言,这种变化,是油画语言的一场变革。

    In general , image oil painting art of language is absorbing the language of Chinese Painting formed a new language , this change is a revolution in painting language .

  30. 张衡在文学变迁的东汉时期,与抒情本质相适应,力图运用新鲜的语言、自然的意象来创造艺术形象。

    In the period of East Han , the literature was changed , on the basis of the emotions , Zhang Heng tried to create the imagery in a refreshingly lucid style .