
yì luàn qínɡ mí
  • 熟语be bewildered
  1. 她带给他的,除了使他意乱情迷的幸福,还有难以忍受的精神创伤。

    She had brought him ecstatic happiness and intolerable agony of spirit .

  2. 再加上我意乱情迷,因为他今天用了比较多婴儿爽身粉。

    And I was distracted . He has on extra baby powder today .

  3. 北欧真实与梦幻的意乱情迷

    Northern Europe dazing between reality and dream

  4. 他不会讲英文,但他的翻译说他对我意乱情迷。

    and he doesn 't speak any English , but according to his translator , he totally gets me .

  5. 偶尔在一次约会之后,我会告诉对方我觉得很开心,这完全处于一种意乱情迷的状态。

    Sometimes after a date , I 'll text the girl telling her I had a great time , out of sheer giddiness .

  6. 相信我,这是一本惊人的书,让你从整体层面理解生活众多部分:如生命,死亡,爱情,婚姻等。同时又让你意乱情迷。

    Believe me , it is such an astounding book that gives you a thorough understanding of the intriguing elements of life such as life , death , love , marriage etc. and leaves you spellbound .

  7. 但线索从一次糟糕的流产到一个对她意乱情迷的客人,再到心碎的未婚夫过激杀人,杀害玛丽的凶手究竟是谁依然无从知晓,留下的只有这座没有答案的城市中,依旧为这位佳人着迷的人。

    From a botched abortion to an infatuated client to a crime of passion committed by a brokenhearted fiance , Mary 's murder remains unsolved , leaving an entire city who adored the beauty without answers .