
  • 网络A Mission of the Mind;test of wills
  1. 一切都是为了对抗我自己的身心。这是对意志的考验!

    It was all about the battle against my own body and mind . A test of wills !

  2. 在这个进击与逃逸的双重困境中,艺术家们也正在经受着时间的历练与意志的考验。

    Double troubled by the art revolution and the self-defending , Chinese artists are tested by the reality and the time .

  3. 不管是否真如沃尔夫所言,这次行程肯定是对他政治展现能力、稳定度和应对风险意志的考验。

    Whether or not it was that , it was certainly a test of his mastery of political theatrics , his sure-footedness , and his willingness to take a calculated risk .

  4. 创新型人才必须面对思想品德、人格意志的严峻考验。

    Talented man of innovation must face the serious test for his moral character and personality courage .

  5. 上周的比赛是对我们的意志品质的严峻考验。

    Last week 's game was a stern test of our character .