
  • 网络Hagrid's Hut
  1. 哈利,你现在正在海格的小屋里。

    Harry , you 're in hagrid 's hut now .

  2. 他刚才到海格的小屋去帮他喂诺伯,诺伯现在开始吃用木板箱装的死老鼠了。

    He had been down at Hagrid 's hut , helping him feed Norbert , who was now eating dead rats by the crate .

  3. 罗恩不想上草药课了,想直奔海格的小屋。

    Ron wanted to skip Herbology and go straight down to the hut .

  4. 最后,赫敏终于答应在上午课间休息时,和他们俩一起跑到海格的小屋去看看。

    Hermione agreed to run down to Hagrid 's with the other two during morning break .

  5. 他们走到离海格的小屋只有二十来步对,房门忽然开了,但踱出来的不是海格,

    They were within twenty feet of Hagrid 's house when the front door opened , but it wasn 't Hagrid who emerged .

  6. 我猜想,你大概希望自己从霍格沃茨毕业后也去看守狩猎场吧——海格的小屋和你原先那个家比起来,一定是像个宫殿吧!”

    Hoping to be gamekeeper yourself when you leave Hogwarts , I suppose - that hut of Hagrid 's must seem like a palace compared to what your family 's used to .

  7. 他们大部分业余时间都待在海格昏暗的小屋里,对他摆事实讲道理。

    They spent most of their free time in Hagrid 's darkened hut , trying to reason with him .