
  1. 海豹突击队狐狸五队X特遣队

    SEAL . Team Six ? Fox Force Five ? Suicide Squad ?

  2. 海豹突击队的训练异常严格,可以说是世界上训练最艰苦的特种部队。

    SEAL training is very rigorous , one of the toughest training programs for special operations in the world .

  3. 海豹突击队vs三角洲军团:谁更强

    Title : Navy SEALs vs. Delta Force : Who 's Really Tougher ?

  4. 美国海军海豹突击队,简称海豹突击队(NavySeals),其中Seals是“Sea、Air、Land”即“海、空、陆”的简称,是美国海军最主要的一支特种部队。

    The United States Navy SEa , Air and Land ( SEAL ) Teams , commonly known as Navy SEALs , are the U.S.Navy 's principal special operations force .

  5. 据美国官员称,海军海豹突击队从现场获取了文件、DVD和硬盘。

    According to US officials , the Navy SEALs Team took papers , DVDs and hard drives away from the scene .

  6. 如果是吉米卡特(jimmycarter)尝试这种高难度动作,海豹突击队很有可能打偏了海盗,射死了菲利普。

    If Jimmy Carter had tried a stunt like that , the seals would have hit Capt Phillips and missed the pirates .

  7. 自从奥萨马•本•拉登被击毙以来,全世界对海豹突击队(NavySEALs)的兴趣与日俱增。我承认,我自己对他们也非常着迷。

    There has been a surge in interest with the world of the Navy SEALs since the Osama bin Laden action , and I confess to being caught up in it myself .

  8. 所以,中情局长告诉海豹突击队(NavySeals),“去到那里,抓住本•拉登。如果他不在,则立即撤退。”

    So the CIA chief told the Navy Seal team " Go in there , get Bin Laden , and if Bin Laden isn 't there , get the hell out . "

  9. 从海豹突击队退役后,布兰登先后加入了哈佛商学院(HBS)和麦肯锡咨询公司(McKinsey),之后与他人共同创办了自己的对冲基金,丰富的阅历让他的观点不但有趣,而且具有多面性。

    Brendan went on to HBS and McKinsey after the seals and then co-founded his own hedge fund , so he had an interesting , multi-faceted perspective .

  10. 这就是为什么海豹突击队不收女的。

    That 's why women aren 't allowed in the seals .

  11. 看到这里,你还不相信它比海豹突击队更强悍吗?

    Not convinced this is ' better ' than the SEALs ?

  12. 美海军的海豹突击队就经常接受这方面的指导。

    US Navy SEALs are frequently trained in this course of instruction .

  13. 海豹突击队第6分队自己做到的。

    Seal team 6 got them on their own .

  14. 我看海军海豹突击队都没训练的这么好。

    I 've seen Navy Seals not as well-trained .

  15. 我在海军海豹突击队服役了36年

    I have been a Navy SEAL for 36 years

  16. 克里斯·凯尔曾在书中写到自己在海豹突击队中杀害超过150名叛乱分子的经历。

    Chris Kyle wrote about killing more than 150 insurgents as a Navy Seal .

  17. 作为海豹突击队成员我们的一项任务便是在水下对敌军船只进行攻击

    As Navy SEALs one of our jobs is to conduct underwater attacks against enemy shipping

  18. 从海豹突击队到野人王。

    From navy seals to salvage kings .

  19. 前文提到,海豹突击队的训练课程会淘汰70%的学员。

    As mentioned earlier , the seals training program weeds out 70 % of participants .

  20. 上周六,一组美国海豹突击队突袭索马里的这一地区。

    On Saturday , a group of U.S. Navy SEALs raided the compound in Somalia .

  21. 你们的海豹突击队队员被俘虏了。

    Your navy seals were captured .

  22. 五角大楼不会透露海豹突击队和陆军三角洲特种部队是否介入。

    The Pentagon will not disclose if it was Navy SEALs or Army Delta Force teams .

  23. 因为我从来没有见过比你更想成为海豹突击队的人。

    Because I never saw anybody who wanted to be a Navy Seal bad as you .

  24. 如果她们真的有的话,那么她们就是美国海豹突击队,因为我并没有看见她们。

    If they do , they 're like Navy Seals because I don 't see them .

  25. 人们上街欢庆本·拉登死于美国海豹突击队之手。

    Osama bin Laden 's death at the hands of Navy SEALs led to celebrations in the streets .

  26. 海豹突击队不能确认是否他们的目标被击毙,但这次突袭没有造成美国人受伤。

    They couldn 't confirm whether their target was killed , but no Americans were hurt in the raid .

  27. 但他们的同龄人米拉·比佐托已经成功挑战了美国海豹突击队为极端健身的成年人所设计的竞赛。

    Milla Bizzotto , on the other hand , just crushed a race designed by U.S. Navy SEALs for ultra-fit adults .

  28. 克里斯特•贝克在1990年参军,他的梦想就是加入美国海豹突击队。

    CHRIST BERG top back in the list with the military in 1990 with the dream of joining the U.S. navy seals .

  29. 盖伦和泰龙都曾在海军海豹突击队服役多年,退役前他们继续为国尽忠,为我们在利比亚的外交官们提供安全保卫。

    Glen and Tyrone had each served America as navy seals for many years , before continuing their service providing security for our diplomats in Libya .

  30. 我想问您一下,击毙拉登时,我记得前一晚,您还在白宫记者晚宴上呢,决定派遣海豹突击队有多困难呢?

    Let me ask you about that because with Osama Bin Laden , I remember the night before you were at the correspondence dinner and the whole deal .