
  • 网络cruise ship;luxury cruise;Luxury cruise ship
  1. 除了可以在海上享受晚餐,还有浪漫的音乐舞蹈相伴,乐手们的演奏也为晚餐增色不少。此外,在豪华游轮上美美入睡也是一大享受。

    Aside from the dinner taken on the middle of the ocean , it also gets romantic with dance and song , musicians playing while enjoying meals together , or sleeping in a suite inside an expensive cruise ship .

  2. 而泰坦尼克II号是帕尔默委任中国金陵造船厂建造的四艘豪华游轮中的第一艘。

    The Titanic II is the first of four luxury cruise ships Palmer has commissioned CSC Jinling Shipyard to build .

  3. 和泰坦尼克号一样,这艘豪华游轮拥有四个烟筒,但不同的是,泰坦尼克II号会以柴油发动机为动力,而不是之前的燃煤,所以烟筒的作用是纯装饰性。

    The diesel-powered ship will have four smoke stacks like the coal-powered original , but they will be purely decorative .

  4. 在豪华游轮泰坦尼克号沉没百年之际,1997年的热映电影《泰坦尼克号》还推出了3D版本。这部电影由詹姆斯-卡梅隆执导。

    A 3D version of James Cameron 's 1997 blockbuster movie Titanic has just been released to coincide with the centenary of the sinking of the luxury liner .

  5. 皇家加勒比游轮的总裁兼首席运营长戈尔茨坦(AdamGoldstein)在采访中说,公司计划在2015年把停泊在纽约港口的顶级豪华游轮海洋量子号(QuantumoftheSeas)迁到上海。

    The cruise company plans to move the Quantum of the Seas to Shanghai in 2015 from its current port in New York , said Adam Goldstein , Royal Caribbean 's president and chief operating officer .

  6. 电影院、宾馆饭店和豪华游轮就体现了这一点。

    Movie palaces , hotels , restaurants and luxury liners .

  7. 安东尼失去了他的工作和他在豪华游轮上的生活。

    Anthony lost his job and his life on the fancy boats .

  8. 安东尼在密西西比河的一个豪华游轮公司工作。

    Anthony worked in a yacht cruise company on the Mississippi River .

  9. 重庆五星级豪华游轮探秘

    Probe the secrets of Chongqing five-star luxury pleasure-boat

  10. 通过在豪华游轮公司的工作,他自己也富裕了起来。

    He was getting rich himself , too , by working on the cruise line .

  11. 之后,新婚夫妇乘坐一艘豪华游轮游览了黄浦江。

    Afterward , the newlyweds were to cruise the Huangpu River in a luxury houseboat .

  12. 豪华游轮每天从各个港口出发,并停靠在国外的港湾。

    Every day , cruise ships depart from different places for exotic ports of call .

  13. 他加入了纽约市的一家游轮公司,担任去英国的一艘豪华游轮的经理。

    He joined a cruise line in NYC as a manager on a fancy cruise to England .

  14. 此外,美国篮球队也将入住一艘停靠在海岸边的豪华游轮。

    The American basketball teams will also be checking into a luxury cruise liner moored off the coast .

  15. 全球最大的豪华游轮海洋自由号首航

    Freedom of the Seas

  16. 财富驶着一艘豪华游轮经过爱的身旁,爱恳求道:财富啊,你能带上我么?

    Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat . Love said , Richness , can you take me with you ?

  17. 财富驶着一艘豪华游轮经过爱的身旁,爱恳求道:“财富啊,你能带上我么?”

    Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat . Love said , " Richness , can you take me with you ? "

  18. 尽管老泰坦尼克号在当时是全世界最大的船,但是它比如今的很多现代豪华游轮都小。

    Although the Titanic was the world 's largest ship in her time , she would be smaller than many of today 's modern cruise ships .

  19. 船舶电力推进已成功应用在豪华游轮、破冰船、油轮、化学品船等船舶上,并显示出巨大的发展潜力。

    Electrical propulsion ship ( EPS ) emerges enormous potential of development in recent years and has successfully applied in luxury cruise vessel , icebreaker and shuttle tanker .

  20. 从家中失踪五个星期之后,一只宠物猫最终在一艘从怀特岛驶向普尔郡的豪华游轮上与自己的主人团聚。

    A runaway cat who sailed from the Isle of Wight to Poole on a luxury motor cruiser has been reunited with her owners after five weeks away from home .

  21. 五楼多功能厅内空高度达3.85米,比同类豪华游轮净高1米以上,彻底解除压抑和约束,释放轻松与惬意。

    The bar on the fifth floor is as high as3.85m , 1m higher than similar luxury cruises , thoroughly relieving your pressure and restrain and regaining ease and contendness .

  22. 模拟运行表明,各项数据完全满足规范要求,并且最后成功交船,完成了豪华游轮船舶电站自动化系统的设计任务。

    After a trial run , as all of the data fully meet the specifications and shipping vessel is successfully delivered . The designing of marine power station automation system in a luxury cruise is finally completed .

  23. 在组委会将住在这艘豪华游轮上的消息公布之前,刚刚发布了一些展示里约奥运村环境的照片。在奥运村里,卧室非常肮脏、天花板漏水、电线裸露在外,一些参赛选手面对如此糟糕的环境大呼“不可思议”。

    The revelation that the organising committee will stay aboard the plush cruiseliner comes after new pictures emerged showing the dirty bedrooms , leaking ceilings and exposed wires in Rio 's athletes ' village which some competitors have branded ' unliveable ' .

  24. 即将步入婚礼殿堂的新人们可以在申基索菲特体验豪华的游轮主题婚礼。

    New couples would be able to apply for a wedding on cruise at Sofitel Forebase Chongqing .

  25. 4月2日,海盗在索马里海岸东南1000多公里的海上活动,袭击了一艘满载西方游客的豪华英国游轮。

    On April 2 , pirates , operating more than 1000 kilometers southeast of the Somali coast , attacked a luxury British ship , carrying western tourists .