
háo shānɡ
  • a wealthy and powerful merchant
豪商 [háo shāng]
  • [very rich merchant] 拥有大量资财的富商

  1. 格拉西亚大道的尽头是多蒙尼克和卡达法尔克设计的宫殿,这些宫殿展现的是豪商的万贯家财。

    In the end the great palaces of Dom è nech I Montaner and Puig I Cadafalch are no more moving than any overt display of money .

  2. 从职业、收入和社会地位三个方面进行的统计和分析表明,徽州商人作为社会集团其内部可分为豪商、富裕商人和小本商人三个社会阶层。

    By analyzing statistically the following three aspects : profession , income and social status , the Hui merchant , as a social group , can be classified into three strata : the luxurious , the rich and the ordinary .

  3. 与此同时,其它豪车生产商也在扩大在华业务,拥有英菲尼迪(Infiniti)品牌的日产汽车(NissanMotorCo.)也是其中一员。

    Meanwhile , other luxury-car makers are expanding their operations in China , including Nissan Motor Co. with its Infiniti brand .

  4. 下个月起,曾于2004年至2006年带领菲亚特公司(Fiat)扭亏为盈的塞尔吉奥o马尔乔内将执掌这家豪车生产商。

    Next month , Sergio Marchionne , who led a turnaround of Fiat between 2004 to 2006 , will take the helm of the luxury car company .

  5. 时间快进到2001年,阿斯顿马丁的设计总监已经变成了知名设计师、未来派混合动力豪车生产商亨里克o菲斯克(HenrikFisker)。

    Fast forward to 2001 , when designer and future hybrid luxury car manufacturer Henrik Fisker became the design director for Aston Martin .

  6. 就在福特打算向中国市场推出林肯的时候,其它豪车生产商也正在扩大在华生产规模,开发这个不久前增速一直在全球位列前茅的市场。

    Ford 's planned debut comes as luxury-auto makers are ramping up local production to tap a market that until recently has been among the world 's fastest-growing .

  7. 过去几年里,在欧洲豪车生产商看来,有一件事几乎是板上钉钉的:无论中国汽车市场的整体增长有多快,豪车销量的增长都只会更快。

    For the past few years , Europe 's luxury carmakers could count on one thing : however fast China 's car market was growing overall , luxury car sales would grow even faster , writes Patti Waldmeir .