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  1. 他在南朝宫廷中的各种角色:有贵家公子、宫廷侍从、御敌将领、外交使节等,后来又变成羁北之士。

    Southern court in his various roles : a son of your home , court attendants , resist the enemy generals , diplomats , etc. , and later became restrain people in the north .

  2. 其实,她听奶奶说,贵二爷家里的人已请了高桥头一个帮哭的了。

    In fact , she learned from her grandma that the family had already hired a mourner from Gaoqiaotou .

  3. 为推进国家政治与意识形态领域的统一,唐太宗制定了一系列氏族政策,如皇室婚姻中,王妃、主婿皆取当世勋贵名臣家,未尝尚山东旧族;

    In order to advance the unification of politics and ideology , Tang Tai Zong made out a series of clan policies , for example , in royalty marriage , " the princess and the emperor 's son-in-law were from dignitary 's families , not from scholar-bureaucrats in eastern area ";

  4. 为什么我们要来如此贵的一家餐馆?是什么特别日子吗?

    Why do we come to such an expensive restaurant ? Is there anything special ?

  5. 最贵的牛排这家餐厅没有网站,但是你所住酒店的门童可以为你在Aragawa餐厅订座。

    Kobe beef beefs up the bill There is no website , but your hotel concierge is the best person to get you a table at Aragawa .

  6. 财富:请谈谈贵公司向一家移动导向型企业转变的过程。

    Fortune : talk about the process of becoming a mobile-oriented company .

  7. 贵公司是一家中法合资企业,生产标致小汽车。

    Your company is a Sino-French joint venture which produces Peugeot cars .

  8. 蒋介石对待他的政府官员就像一位贵夫人对待自己家里的奴婢一样。

    Chiang handled his government officials as a titled lady handles her household servants .

  9. 说实话.我们希望与贵公司建立一家中型合资企业。

    To be frank , we are going to set up a moderate scale joint venture with you .

  10. 据我所知,贵公司是一家世界闻名的生产美容护肤品的公司。

    As far as I know , your company is a world-famous company that produces cosmetics and skincare products .

  11. 据我所知,贵公司是一家世界著名的化妆品和皮肤护理品生产商。

    As far as I know your company is a world famous one which produces cosmetics and skincare products .

  12. 正如你刚才所说的,贵公司是一家美国公司。

    A : Yes , a little . As you mentioned just now , yours is an American capital company .

  13. 因为贵公司是一家大公司,工作环境好,能学到更多东西。

    Because your company is a big one , the environment is good , I think I can learn more there .

  14. 如果贵公司是一家发展成熟的媒体公司,但是你们的离线品牌不一定能给你们带来大量现成的在线用户群。

    If you are an established media company , your offline brand probably won 't translate into a large , ready-made online audience .

  15. 那家有点贵,但是他们家做的菜分量都很足。

    They 're a bit expensive , but they do serve large portions of very hot food . N : the Taj it is then .

  16. 我们希望与贵公司建一家立合资企业,共同生产被我们称作为中国概念型轿车。

    We hope to enter into a partnership with your company in the form of joint venture to manufacture what we call china concept cars .

  17. 贵公司是一家具有创新精神的年轻公司,自创建10年以来,在市场拓展方面取得了巨大的成功。

    Your firm is a young organization with many innovative ideas . It has been very successful in an expanding market since its establishment 10 years ago .

  18. 贵公司作为一家专门从事嵌入式技术服务的公司,可以先讲一下公司是在什么样的情况下开始筹备的吗?

    Yang ! Your company is to be a specialized with embedded service company , can you first tell us that under what situation you began to arrange it ?

  19. 安妮:如您所知,贵公司是一家IT公司,而我所学的也是相关专业,所以,我愿意学以致用,为公司多作贡献。

    Anne : As you know , this is an IT company and I majored in this field . So , I 'd practise what I have learnt in university and do more contribution to the company .