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  1. 当然,在这之中,有金星的庇佑是最重要的。古人常说,木星会带给你你的真命天子,贵人会来拜访。

    Of these aspects , having Jupiter in Aquarius is the most important , for the Ancients always wrote that the right people for you would come to you when Jupiter , giver of gifts and luck , came to visit .

  2. 于是她们一方面猜测那位贵人什么时候会来回拜班纳特先生,一方面盘算着什么时候请他来吃饭,就这样把一个晚上的工夫在闲谈中度过去了。

    The rest of the evening was spent in conjecturing how soon he would return Mr. Bennet 's visit , and determining when they should ask him to dinner .