
  1. 我们热枕欢迎海内外各界朋友前来恰谈,真诚合作,展宏图大志,创百年辉煌!

    We sincerely welcome all friends from domestic and oversea markets to cooperate with us and fight for the bright future together .

  2. 为了认真学习物理,需要学习数学更是花了几代人的百年辉煌的工作了。

    In order to study physics seriously , one needs to learn mathematics that took generations of brilliant people centuries to work out .

  3. 凌力的“百年辉煌”系列及《梦断关河》等历史小说,重视书写日常生活情景、家庭伦理亲情及个体情感欲望等,体现了近年来历史小说创作的生活化叙事倾向。

    Ling Li s Hundred Years Glories series and the historical novel A dream of the River Guan devote much space to the daily life scenes and the family ethics , the human feelings and desires .

  4. 随着近代教育近代文化的兴起,南通美术由衰败走向兴盛,由扬州画派的一个竞系转而接受海派辐射趋于开放,开始了江海美术的百年辉煌。

    With the upsurge of modern education and culture , the waning fine arts of NanTong became prosperous , and began to receive the influence of the artistic style in Shanghai , and created splendid achievements for one hundred years .

  5. 波兰在建国以来的千年历史中,也曾有过百年辉煌的昌盛时期,但是从17世纪以来,波兰国运衰落,历经战争、冲突的磨难和被大国瓜分宰割的命运。

    Since the founding of it , Poland had undergone a prosperous period of a century , but after the 17th century , It was on the wane and met with misfortune of wars , conflicts and partition of big powers .

  6. 传承百年辉煌,武汉大学正向着跨越式发展的目标迅速迈进,致力于到2010年左右成为我国中西部地区最具影响力的学术、科技、文化和教育中心;

    Benefited from the brilliant achievements achieved during the past hundred years , Wuhan University is working hard to build itself into a high-level university well known both at home and abroad as well as a main force for vitalizing China and Hubei through science and education in 2010 and a first-rate university of the world before the middle

  7. 伴着米兰的旋风,我感觉和圣西罗球场上的人们跟着米兰环绕在小世界杯上一起经历百年的辉煌。

    With the Milan wind , my feeling comes to Milan that is called the small world cup , in Giuseppe Meazza there are a lot of outstanding person * AC Milan have been splendent in one hundred years .

  8. 百年经典亦辉煌

    Classic and brilliance in 100 years

  9. 敦煌简牍、敦煌文书与敦煌出土的钱币&为敦煌藏经洞发现百年而作辉煌,绚丽,缤纷,斑斓,这是敦煌壁画天下独美的一大特点。

    The Bamboo Slips , Writ and Coins Unearthed in Tunhuang Brilliant , magnificent , colorful and gorgeous , such are the features that make the Dunhuang frescoes aesthetically peerless in the world .

  10. 现代格律诗与自由诗共同创造了百年现代汉诗的辉煌。

    The modern metrical poetry together with the free verse achieved the great brilliance in one-hundred-year Chinese poetry .