
cháng dèng
  • bench
长凳[cháng dèng]
  1. 长凳的靠背可以向前翻折成一张桌子。

    The back of the bench folds forward to make a table

  2. 我侧着身子艰难地从长凳上移开,那个样子很可笑,很不雅观。

    I had to worm my way out sideways from the bench in a ridiculous , undignified fashion

  3. 我坐在带有殖民地时期风格的长凳上,就在办公室出门靠左的地方。

    I sat on the Colonial bench that was just to the left of the office doorway .

  4. 公园里有许多长凳。

    There are benches in the park .

  5. 这些长凳该放在树下。

    These benches belong under the trees .

  6. 史蒂夫走向钢琴,坐在长凳上,双手颤抖,手指轻轻地放在琴键上。

    Steve moved to the piano and sat at the bench , hands trembling as he gently placed his fingers on the keys .

  7. 在好天气时,找一条安静的公园长凳。

    In good weather , look for a quiet park bench .

  8. 树下有一条长凳。

    There 's a bench under the tree .

  9. 我本想到日落景点坐在长凳上然后到南面的Beta岩去

    I wanted to go to Sunset Point and sit on a bench then go over to Beta Rock over in South Quad .

  10. 其他设施:T5的12号登机口附近为哺乳母亲准备了独立套间,里面有尿布更换台、电器插座和长凳。

    Other amenities : A freestanding suite for nursing mothers features a changing table , electrical outlet and a bench at Terminal 5 near Gate 12 .

  11. 其他设施:A航站楼A厅为哺乳母亲准备了独立套间,里面有尿布更换台、电器插座和长凳。B航站楼重新装修后,引入了新的高档店铺,包括Tumi、Lacoste、Desigual和L’Occitane。

    Other amenities : A freestanding suite for nursing mothers features a changing table , electrical outlet and a bench at Terminal A , Concourse A. Terminal B has been redesigned with newer upscale shops , including Tumi , Lacoste , Desigual and L'Occitane .

  12. 如果是这样的话,他是坐在错误的长凳上。

    If it is , he 's in the wrong pew .

  13. 一位老人躺在公园的长凳上。

    An old man reposed on a bench in the park .

  14. .可能你会更喜欢睡公园的长凳。

    Howard : Maybe you 'd be happier on a park bench

  15. 人们坐在公园的长凳上,盯着雾霭发呆。

    People sat dazed on park benches staring into the haze .

  16. 一个中年男人哭着正坐在公园的长凳上。

    An elderly man was sitting on park bench in tears .

  17. 他们俩在公园的长凳上拥抱亲吻。

    The two of them were necking on a park bench .

  18. 每隔两户便有一条长凳置于房前。

    Every third house has a bench in front of it .

  19. 在长凳上,杰西正坐在阴影里。

    On a bench in the obscurity sat the negro Jess .

  20. 索比离开他的长凳上,踱出公园。

    Leaving his bench , Soapy strolled out of the park .

  21. 加些长凳,形成一个运动场,好主意。

    Add some benches , a playground , good idea .

  22. 他们悬着腿,坐在长凳上,高兴极了。

    And dangled their legs against the bench in excess of contentment .

  23. 这种狗被称为长凳狗。

    This dog is what is called a bench dog .

  24. 我们把她们纤弱的身体堆在木匠的长凳上

    We piled their frailty lights on a carpenter 's bench

  25. 你要做在那长凳上。

    You 're gonna sit over there on that couch .

  26. 金属、柚木、桃花心木、红杉木制成的户外长凳。

    Outdoor bench made of metal , teak , mahogany , redwood .

  27. 那个跟腾格拉尔来的人在一条长凳上坐下来。

    The man who had followed Danglars sat down on a bench .

  28. 我被吓得跳了起来,差点从公园长凳上摔下来。

    I jumped , almost falling off the park bench .

  29. 这张橡木长凳并不只是用来放脚。

    The oak bench was not just a foot rest .

  30. 一个衰弱的老人坐在公园的长凳上。

    A decrepit old man sat on a park bench .