
  • 网络longwall face
  1. 本文将长壁工作面上覆老顶视为位于Winkler弹性基础上的Kirchhoff板。

    The paper considers the overlying main roof over a longwall face as a Kirchhoff plate on the Winkler elastic fundament .

  2. 长壁工作面充填开采的充填比与充填效应分析

    Analysis of filling effect and filling ratio of backfill mining in longwall face

  3. 长壁工作面采煤工艺方式的AHP选择法

    AHP Selection Method of Coal Mining Process of Longwall Mining

  4. 数值分析的结果表明,UHF无线电波的较高频段能够在长壁工作面上传播。

    The numerical result shows that the propagation of UHF radio waves favors high frequency .

  5. UHF无线电波在长壁工作面中传播特性的研究

    Characterization of UHF radio propagation channels in a long wall face of a coal mine

  6. 长壁工作面煤壁支承压力及煤壁应力计算

    Longwall abutment pressure and stress distribution in the coal seam

  7. 长壁工作面老顶破断的计算机模拟

    The Computer Simulation of the Main Roof Breaking of the Longwall Face

  8. 破碎顶底板急倾斜薄煤层长壁工作面回采工艺

    Longwall Mining Technique of Steep Thin Seam with Broken Roof and Floor

  9. 长壁工作面沿空巷道底膨机理与防治

    Floor Lift Mechanism and Control of Longwall Face Goaf-side Roadway

  10. 长壁工作面采场围岩铰接薄板组力学模型研究

    Study on plate group mechanical model for main roof of longwall face

  11. 长壁工作面顶底板稳定性数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation on Roof and Floor Stability in Longwall Faces

  12. 长壁工作面支架设计程序-DEPOW

    Depow & a program for longwall powered support design

  13. 长壁工作面老顶初次来压的弯曲失稳解析

    Analysis on bending failure of initial weighting of main roof in longwall face

  14. 急倾斜煤层走向长壁工作面矿压观测研究

    Study on the rock pressure observation in the sharp tilting coal seam longwall face

  15. 长壁工作面矿山压力的模拟研究

    Modeling Study of Rock Pressure in Longwall Face

  16. 长壁工作面顶板的神经网络控制

    Roof control in longwall faces with neural networks

  17. 倾斜长壁工作面应力分布及其对瓦斯压力影响规律研究

    Study on Inclined Longwall Working Face Stress Distribution and Its Influence to Gas Pressure

  18. 长壁工作面液压支架电液控制系统半实物仿真研究

    Semi-physical simulation study of the electro-hydraulic control system of hydraulic supports for the longwall face

  19. 长壁工作面老顶初次断裂步距及类型的研究

    Study of the span and types of initial fracturing of main roof in longwall face

  20. 用有限元法分析长壁工作面支架-围岩力学关系

    Study on the relationship between supports and surrounding rocks in longwall face using finite element method

  21. 走向长壁工作面;

    Longwall face along strike ;

  22. 复合型坚硬顶板高档普采长壁工作面开采实践

    Mining Practice of the Upscale Ordinary Mechanization Mining Long Wall Working Face of the Compound Hard Roof

  23. 长壁工作面旋转式开采

    Swinging A Longwall Face

  24. 井下长壁工作面矸石胶结条带充填开采的理论与应用研究

    Theoretical and Applied Study on the Strip-Filling Mining Technology Using Cementing Gangue in Long-Wall Face of Coal Mine

  25. 采场周围支承压力分布规律的探讨长壁工作面煤壁支承压力及煤壁应力计算

    Discussion of the abutment distribution around the working face longwall abutment pressure and stress distribution in the coal seam

  26. 三软煤层综采长壁工作面采场矿压分析

    Analysis on strata pressure of fully mechanized longwall coal mining face in soft roof , soft coal and soft floor seam

  27. 厚煤层长壁工作面采动影响下的采区巷道地压和岩层移动的观测研究工作,是在(?)

    The study of rock pressure and strata movement in a longwall mining system is conducted at wulong Colliery in Fuxin Coal Mine .

  28. 神华集团神东矿区哈拉沟煤矿在长壁工作面回风巷中采用了一种新型自移式超前支护支架组。

    A new type self-walking advance timbering support set is adopted in longwall coal mining face of Halagou Coal Mine , Shendong Coal District by Shenhua Group Co.

  29. 本文适用于冒落法开采的长壁工作面采空区上方的地表移动规律和预计的定性、定量问题和预计的可靠性问题的研究。

    This paper studies the law of surface movement above the mined out area of longwall caving system , qualitative and quantitative prediction and reliability of prediction .

  30. 应用顶板控制理论分析判断长壁工作面顶板岩层质量及其结构形式,进行具体岩层条件下顶板控制设计。

    The paper adopts the theory of strata control , analyses quality and structural form of roof strata in longwall workings , and deals with the design under particular strata condition .