
  • 网络continuous miner;JOY
  1. TY9FB梭车是一种新型的连续采煤机后配套设备。

    TY9FB shuttle car is newly designed equipment after a continuous miner .

  2. 连续采煤机施工工艺全蝎的酶解工艺研究

    Working Techique of Continuous Miner Technique of enzymatic hydrolysis of Scorpion

  3. 连续采煤机履带行走系统驱动功率匹配与试验

    Power match and experiment of tracked travelling system of continuous miner

  4. 连续采煤机适采煤层的地质评估与储量预测

    Geological assessment and prediction of coal seams suitable for continuous miner

  5. 连续采煤机的振动测试与改进措施

    Vibration Test and Improving Ways of Continual Coal Winning Machine

  6. 连续采煤机截齿随机载荷的数学模型

    Mathematical model of stochastic pick loads for a continuous miner

  7. 连续采煤机截割部的运动及力学分析

    Kinematics and mechanics analysis of cutting unit for continuous miner

  8. 该可视化模拟软件为连续采煤机的滚筒设计提供了简捷、有效的设计手段。

    It provides the simple and efficient designing method for the continuous miner .

  9. 连续采煤机转向的动力学仿真模型

    Dynamic simulation model of steering of a continuous miner

  10. 连续采煤机截割滚筒的运动学分析

    Kinematics analysis of cutting drums of a continuous miner

  11. 连续采煤机截割部的动力学建模

    Dynamic Modeling for Cutting Section of Continuous Shearer

  12. 连续采煤机与悬臂掘进机差异分析

    Difference Analysis on Continuous Miner and Cantilever Excavator

  13. 连续采煤机工作机构的优化模型

    Optimization model for operating mechanism of continuous miner

  14. 连续采煤机的动力学行为研究

    Study on Dynamics Behavior of Continues Miner

  15. 浅析连续采煤机故障检测技术研究

    Research on coal machine fault diagnosis techniques

  16. 最后给出了连续采煤机虚拟现实模型实例。

    In the end , an application on VR model of continual shearer was provided .

  17. 连续采煤机瞬时载荷分析

    Analyses of Instantaneous load about continous miner

  18. 复杂煤层模拟及连续采煤机截割机构参数优化

    Computer Simulation of Complex Coal Formation and Optimum Parameters of Operating Mechanism for Continuous Miner

  19. 连续采煤机施工工艺地下室无缝施工及防水技术

    Working techique of continuous miner water-resisting techniques and no crack construction method for the basement

  20. 介绍了连续采煤机进行振动测试的仪器与环境;

    The surroundings and instruments of the vibration test to continual coal winning machine are introduced .

  21. 本文较深入地分析了目前国外几种新型电牵引采煤机和连续采煤机的技术性能和结构特点。

    This paper detailed the technical characters and structural features of some new foreign shearer loaders and continuous miner .

  22. 分析了我国连续采煤机后配套运输存在的问题及解决思路,阐述了连续采煤机后配套运输的发展趋势。

    The existing problems , solving routes and development trend of coupled transportation system with continuous miner in our country were analyzed .

  23. 连续采煤机参数对煤块度影响的分析优化采煤机参数提高原煤块率

    Factor Analysis of Continuous Miner on Coal Lump Increasing the Block Ratio of Raw Coal through Optimizing the Parameters of the Coal Cutter

  24. 短壁开采技术的发展和地下规则煤田数量的减少,使连续采煤机广泛地应用在现代化的矿井生产中。

    Continuous miners are widely used in modern mines because of the development of shortwall coal mining method and the reserves decrease of regular coalfields .

  25. 介绍了国内外连续采煤机后配套运输发展概况、技术水平,并对国内外同类产品进行了比较。

    The development status of coupled transportation system with continuous miner for nation and international and its technological level were introduced , and similar products were compared .

  26. 连续采煤机在我国使用几年来取得了巨大的效益,说明其液压系统具有很好的实用性和较高的可靠性。

    In recent years the application of continuous coal cutters has obtained great benefits in China , showing that their hydraulic system possesses excellent practical features and higher reliability .

  27. 所得结果对于正确地进行连续采煤机的总体布置和参数选择,提高连续采煤机工作的稳定性、改善其工作性能具有重要意义。

    The result is important for the layout of the whole continuous miner , chosing the parameter , increasing the stability of the continuous miner and improving its working performance .

  28. 通过技术论证和经济比较,首次提出了连续采煤机配备履带行走式液压支架和连续采煤机、连续运输系统配备履带行走式液压支架两种房柱式短壁机械化采煤工艺系统。

    After technique argumentation and economic comparison , it first brings forward two types of coal mining mechanizations in pillar mining : continuous miner operated with MRS ( Mobile Roof Support );

  29. 简要介绍房柱式开采工艺、主要特点及适采条件,并就连续采煤机在中小煤矿应用的前景进行探讨。

    Chamber and column mining processing , its characteristics and suitable conditions are introduced simply and discusses the prospect of application of continuous miner in middle and small coal mine . 〔

  30. 然后用拉格朗日方程结合假设模态法建立了连续采煤机截割机构的动力学模型,为连续采煤机的动力学行为研究奠定了基础。

    The dynamic model of continuous miner ' scutting structure is established with Lagrangian equation and supposed modal method , and the foundation of behavioral research of dynamics for continuous miner is laid .