
  1. 阀门轴端与驱动器的连接平台符合ISO5211标准。

    Valve drive shaft connected with the platform in line with the ISO5211 standard .

  2. 钢管桩未连接平台时,在波流作用下的位移明显大于连接平台后;

    When the pile is not connected to the test platform , the wave-induced displacement of pile is obviously greater than that of the pile connected to the test platform .

  3. 对于连接平台与海底管道的立管系统,针对其双层管的特殊结构性以及所受荷载条件的特殊复杂性,提出利用有限元法对立管系统进行非线性应力分析的新方法。

    Owing to the complexity of the pipe-in-pipe riser system , load and restraint , many problems arise in the structural analysis of the riser . A new method to conduct nonlinear static finite element stress analysis on riser system is presented .

  4. 介绍了几种异构平台的互连技术,简要地叙述了Janeva连接异构平台技术,着重通过一些测试对Janeva和WEBService的性能进行分析比较。

    Several platform interoperability techniques are presented including Janeva , and the in-depth comparison between Janeva and Web Service is made .

  5. Azure有很多连接Microsoft平台的非常有用的钩子,所以由Azure托管的基于云的应用程序可以无缝地与已有的Microsoft应用程序集成。

    Azure has a lot of very useful hooks into the Microsoft platform , so your cloud apps hosted with Azure can integrate fairly seamlessly with existing Microsoft apps .

  6. 在ATM交换机开发过程中,SNMPAgent的开发起着核心作用,它是连接硬件平台、单板、软件系统、信令的桥梁。

    The development of SNMP Agent plays a core role during the course of developing the ATM switch and it is the bridge that connects with hardware platform , single board , software system and signaling .

  7. 最后研究了多连接服务平台关键部件VoIP网关和IVR平台的设计与实现。

    And then the system structure of multi-connection service center platform is put forward . At last , How to realize VoIP gateway and IVR platform is described .

  8. 连接服务平台已经成为传统电话网同企业内部分组网融合的信息平台。

    Connect center has become the information platform to converge tradition PSTN with packet network .

  9. 应用程序服务器已经成为了用于将服务提供者与服务使用者进行连接的平台。

    Application servers have emerged as the de facto platform for connecting service providers with service consumers .

  10. 这些组件也用于本地客户应用程序,并需要连接本地平台易访问性特征。

    These components are also used by native client applications and need to interface to native platform accessibility features .

  11. 该图形用户界面连接到平台包,并提供所需的控制和分析以确定性能糟糕的锁。

    The graphical user interface connects to the platform package and provides the controls and analysis required for identifying badly performing locks .

  12. 认为,峰顶设在连接峰顶平台与加速坡竖曲线的始端较为合理;

    The more reasonable position of hump crest is the point Where the hump platform connects with the vertical curvature of accelerating grade .

  13. 根据该表所属的连接的平台,各种视图中的功能可以自动启用或禁用。

    Based on the platform for the connection this table belongs to , the features in the various views are automatically enabled or disabled .

  14. 手机界面作为用户与手机相连接的平台,对用户情感、情绪方面的关照越来越受到消费者的青睐。

    Mobile phone interface connects the user and the phone , the user interface of emotion and emotional care of more and more consumers .

  15. 近年来,发展海洋石油已经成为国家能源开发的主要方向,海底管道作为连接海洋平台之间安全、经济、快捷的运输方式已经被广泛应用。

    In recent years , exploring the ocean oil has become the main direction of the national energy exploitation . The submarine pipeline was used extensively as the safe , economical and convenient connection between platforms .

  16. 目前,全世界超过21万件三一工程设备已经被连接到平台,它能够即时获得6000种关于机器的信息,包括它们的所在地、温度、气压以及周围的工作条件。

    Currently , over 210000 pieces of Sany engineering equipment around the world have been connected to the platform that instantly collects 6000 kinds of information relating to those machines , including their whereabouts and the temperature , air pressure , and working conditions around them .

  17. 地震作用下装有连接阻尼器的平台被动控制研究。

    Passive control of earthquake-excited platforms by connection dampers is studied respectively .

  18. 这个连接需要这个平台上没有的安全性能。详细情况,请与顾客支持部门联系。

    This connection requires security features that are not available on this platform . For information , contact customer support .

  19. 本文研究了连接轮式移动平台两构形的3种路径对机械手的影响。

    In this paper , what three kinds of paths effect on manipulator between two configurations for mobile platform is studied .

  20. 一旦基础架构到位,就会出现新的机会使我们能够连接不同的平台和环境来实现业务流程。

    Once the basic infrastructure is in place , new opportunities arise for connecting different platforms and environments in order to implement business processes .

  21. “它含有‘多元统一’的寓意,”组委会说,体现了奥运会“寻求促进多元化作为连接世界的平台”的思想.

    It incorporates the message of ' unity indiversity ' , they said , and the idea that the Games " seek to promotediversity as a platform to connect the world . "

  22. 农民专业合作社作为对小农户和大市场进行连接的组织平台,近几年发展非常迅速,取得了非常显著的成效。

    Rural specialized cooperative as the connect organizational platform of the " small farmers " and " big market ", was developed very rapidly and gained very remarkable success in last few years .

  23. 分析结果表明,通过合理选择阻尼器参数,可显著地降低海洋平台的冰致响应。2.地震作用下装有连接阻尼器的平台被动控制研究。

    It is showed that responses of the platform under ice excitation can be substantially reduced if the parameters of dampers are selected appropriately.2.Passive control of earthquake-excited platforms by connection dampers is studied respectively .

  24. 大项目会继承或连接大量其它平台的系统,尤其是需要考虑有意义的联合构建流程的实际策略。

    Large projects that entail or connect with lots of other systems on a variety of platforms , especially , require some real strategic thinking to put together a build process that makes sense .

  25. 文中通过分析信息在产品全生命周期中的流动,提出一种信息链的方法来连接各种信息平台,大大缩短了产品的生命周期。

    In this paper , the flux of the information in the process of the manufacturing is analyzed , the new method , which is named the information chain , is introduced to get touch with each system .

  26. 空间权对于我国来说是一个新鲜的制度,从严格意义上讲,楼顶平台仅仅是指建筑物的顶部外缘,建筑物没有其他物理构造与其相连接,该平台以上就是虚无缥缈的空间。

    Space of the right for our country is a fresh system . From the strict sense , the roof platform is the only top of the outer edge of a building . Buildings with no other physical structure connected to the platform above its illusory space .

  27. 对平台构建的关键技术,动态交换技术、Web服务器和数据库服务器的连接以及系统Web平台的构建,提出了相应的实现方法。

    The realization method of the key techniques , including dynamic data exchange technology and WEB serve connect technology is provided .

  28. 用以太网模拟远程通信信道,连接2套Stewart平台控制系统;

    Ethernet was used to simulate the telecommunication channel , which linked two Stewart platforms control systems .

  29. 虽然DB2Connect可以连接到所有这些平台上的数据库服务器,但我们主要讨论将应用程序连接到在z/OS控制下运行的DB2。

    While DB2 Connect can connect to database servers on all of these platforms , we will be talking mostly about connecting applications to DB2 running under control of z / OS .

  30. 由于在资源访问控制中运用可信网络连接技术获取了平台因素和实体及平台的可信等级,因此,本文提出的TL-BLP模型可以实现TNC架构上的资源访问控制的可信性。

    As Trusted Network Connection technology was applied to obtain platform factors and trusted level of entities and platforms , the creditability of resource access control on TNC structure can be achieved in TL-BLP .