
  • 网络hypersurface
  1. 蛋白质是一个强柔性大分子的复杂体系,它的能量超表面存在着大量的局部极小,如何避免陷入局部极小的陷阱,找到全局能量极小构象成为解决蛋白质结构预测问题的关键。

    Protein is a flexible macromolecule and there are astronomical numbers of local minima on its energy hyper-surface . How to surmount the multiple-minima problem is the key in the prediction of protein structure .

  2. 高Tc超导体表面阻抗的理论计算

    Theoretical calculations on surface impedance of high t_c superconductors

  3. 软X射线散射法检测超光滑表面粗糙度

    The Roughness Measurement for Supersmoothed Surface by Using Soft X-ray Scattering Method

  4. 超光滑表面软X射线光学元件的加工工艺与检测

    Fabrication Technology and Testing of Soft X-ray Optical Elements with Supersmooth Surfaces

  5. 超低亚表面损伤层GaAs抛光晶片的工艺

    Polishing of Super - Low Sub - Surface Damage of GaAs Wafer

  6. 通过测定不同pH水滴在其表面的静态接触角,表明所得到的玻璃基超疏水表面具有良好的耐腐蚀性能。

    The measurement of different pH water contact angles on the surface showed that the superhydrophobic glass surface was of good corrosion resistance .

  7. 烷基锡化合物在HY沸石超笼表面的接枝反应研究

    Grafting Reaction of Alkyl tin on HY Zeolite Supercage Surface

  8. 单畴YBCO大块超导体表面生长十字花纹的观察及分析

    Observation and analysis of the top surface morphology of single domain YBCO BULK superconductors

  9. 表面金属有机化学:SnMe4在HY沸石超笼表面的接枝反应

    Surface Organometallic Chemistry : Grafting Reaction of SnMe_4 on HY Zeolite Supercage Surface

  10. 大尺寸YBa2Cu3O(7-δ)超导体表面磁场分布的实验研究及模拟计算

    Experimental study and computational simulation on the surface field of a large-size yba_2cu_3o_ ( 7 - δ) superconductor

  11. 随着科技的发展,高精度产品的需求日益迫切,具有亚纳米级粗糙度的超光滑表面在软X射线光学、强激光及激光陀螺等领域有着越来越广泛的应用。

    With the development of technology , the demand for high-precision product is increasing continuously . Ultra-smooth surface with sub-nanometer roughness has extensive applications in the field of soft X-ray optics , high power laser and laser gyro .

  12. Ti-Si-N类超硬表面的结构和力学性能的第一性原理计算

    The Structure and Mechanical Property of Ti-Si-N Like Superhard Coatings : First Principle Studies

  13. 为满足ULSI对高精度超光滑表面的要求,需要发展新的CMP技术及其相关的材料。

    In order to meet the demand of next generation ULSI , it is necessary to develop new CMP techniques and the relating materials .

  14. 介绍了超光滑表面的特点、在ICF中的关键作用以及对光束传输质量的影响。

    It has introduced the main characteristics of the super smooth surfaces , the key role in the ICF and the effects on the quality of the transmission beam .

  15. 描述了一种用于检测超精表面形貌的扫描近场声显微镜(SNAM)。

    A scanning near field acoustic microscope in use for imaging the topography of ultra precise surfaces is presented .

  16. LBO晶体超光滑表面抛光的材料去除机理是抛光液与晶体表面的活泼原子层发生化学反应形成过渡的软质层,软质层在磨料和抛光盘的作用下很容易被无损伤的去除。

    The mechanism of material removal is that passing soft layer which the chemical reaction between polishing slurry and active atomic layer of crystal surface generates is easily removed .

  17. 在国家点火装置(NIF)的研究中,经常采用单点金刚石切削(SPDT)加工KDP晶体以获得超光滑表面。

    In the National Ignition Facility ( NIF ) research program , KDP crystal has been studied on single point diamond turning ( SPDT ) for getting optical surfaces .

  18. 高温超导薄膜衬底材料LaAlO3单晶的超光滑表面抛光研究

    Study on the Super-smooth Surface Polishing of the High Temperature Superconductor Film Substrate LaAlO_3 Single Crystal

  19. 使用纳米CeO2抛光料最终在1μm的范围内达到了微观表面粗糙度Ra为0.124nm的超光滑表面,满足了产品的要求。

    At last a super - smooth surface with a roughness of 0 . 124 nm is obtained within I μ m area polished by nano - sized cerium dioxide and its surface undulation is inclined to smaller .

  20. 胶体SiO2抛光LBO晶体获得无损伤的超光滑表面,结合前人对抛光机理的认识,探讨了超光滑表面抛光的材料去除机理,分析了化学机械抛光中的原子级材料去除机理。

    Experiment phenomena of colloidal SiO2 polishing LBO crystal were observed and concluded . Analyzing the understanding of previous polishing mechanism , our comprehension and hypothesis of material removal mechanism of super smooth surface polishing are enunciated .

  21. 试验实现了光学材料k9玻璃的亚微米去除,并在其表面上获得了纳米级的超光滑表面。

    The submicroscopic cutting of work pieces conducted for surfaces of k9 optical glass , on which ultra-smooth surfaces were realized . The mechanism of hydrodynamic suspension ultra-smooth machining was analyzed .

  22. 化学机械抛光技术(CMP)在目前的加工工艺中使用较为广泛,它是实现超光滑表面抛光的工艺过程,是化学抛光和机械抛光技术的结合。

    Chemical mechanical polishing ( CMP ) is more widely used in the current processing technology , it is a technology of polishing processes to achieve super-smooth surface , and it is the combination of chemical polishing and mechanical polishing .

  23. 介绍了一种基于锥镜(axicon)的非接触光学位移测量的新方法,可用于精密表面和超精密表面的位移测量。

    A new method of non contact optical measurement for displacement based on axicons is introduced , which can be used in measuring displacement of a precise surface or a super precise surface .

  24. 表面微观结构粗糙化常常通过引入无机纳米材料来实现,其中纳米SiO2是目前世界上工业化产量最大的无机材料,被广泛应用于构筑超疏水表面。

    In general , surfaces with a certain extent roughness can be obtained by introducing inorganic nano-materials . Nano-silica , as one of the most attractive nano-materials , which has the largest industrial production in the world at present , has been widely used to fabricate superhydrophobic surfaces .

  25. 研究STM用于工程上超精表面纳米形貌检测原理,并提出了通过调整偏压和隧道间隙来实现不同分辨率的检测方法以及影响分辨率的几种因素。

    The main content of this thesis can be described as following : The measuring principle of STM used for the nan - topography measuring on the ultra-precision surface and the measuring methods with different resolution have been dealt with by adjusting the bias and tunnel gap .

  26. FTIR-ATR、表面接触角、SEM和AFM的研究结果表明,在接枝单体溶液中加入异丙醇(i-PrOH)作为链转移剂并不影响AA在PEK-C超滤膜表面的接枝反应。

    The influence of isopropanol ( i-PrOH ) as transfer agent on the graft polymerization and the performance of nanofiltration membranes were studied . The results of FTIR-ATR , contact angle , SEM and AFM showed that the presence of i-PrOH did not disturb the graft polymerization of AA .

  27. 建立2维模型,模拟分析水滴在超疏水表面的润湿状态,以模型为基础推导出Cassie状态下毛细作用力的计算公式,与实验结果结合,以此模型对所制备样品疏水现象进行分析。

    A two-dimensional model is established and the wetting state of a water droplet on superhydrophobic surface is modeled . Based on this , capillary force formula is derived for Cassie state . Combined with the experimental results , hydrophobicity of the prepared samples is analysis using this model .

  28. 用电镜法和渗透率法对PVDF-300超滤膜表面的孔径分布、孔隙率以及膜孔密度等结构参数进行了测定。

    This study adopts the scanning electron microscope ( SEM ), the field emission scanning electron microscope ( FESEM ) and permeability rate method to determine ultrafiltration membrane ( PVDF-300 ) configuration parameters such as surface pore size distribution , porosity , pore density and so on .

  29. 基于荷花效应的双微观超疏水表面制作技术研究

    Fabrication Method of Binary Micro-structure Super-hydrophobic Surface Based on Lotus Effect

  30. 用准光型开放腔测量超导体表面电阻

    Measurement of the surface resistance of superconductor by the quasi-optical open-resonator