
tú shū fēn lèi fǎ
  • classification of books
  1. 本文设计了一种新型的专业分类表《中国图书馆图书分类法畜牧专业分类表》,除了传统的分类表以外,它还增加了分类号主题词对照索引和KWIC塑入口词索引。

    The paper designs a bland new professional classification table --

  2. 本文对《中国图书馆图书分类法》“J”类中,把“美术字写法”纳入“书法、篆刻”类目提出了不同的看法,阐述了自己的观点并拟定了粗略的分类框架。

    The present paper puts forward different view on the bringing of the art lettering into the class heading of penmanship and seal cutting under the " J " classed catalogue of the Chinese Library Classification , and elaborates a point of view , drafting a rough classification frame .

  3. 图书分类法性能的定量测评初探

    Quantitative Determination of the Effectiveness of a Book Classification Method

  4. 从图书分类法到新闻分类法:理论意义探索

    From Chinese Library Classification to Chinese News Classification : Theoretical Significance Discussion

  5. 《中国图书馆图书分类法》多次复分类型和复分中应注意的几个问题

    Types of Subdivisions in Chinese Library Classification and the Aspects Meriting Consideration

  6. 国外几种主要物理学分类法述评&兼评《中国图书馆图书分类法》物理学类

    A Comment on Several Major Library Classifications for Physics Literature

  7. 图书分类法电子化引发的思考

    The electronic library classification scheme and Internet information organization

  8. 《中国图书馆图书分类法》类目涵义分析法

    Analysis of the Classification Connotations of Chinese Library Classification

  9. 他的图书分类法似乎杂乱无章。

    His method of classifying books seems to be without rhyme or reason .

  10. 图书分类法与因特网分类方法的可比性研究

    Comparative Study of Book Classification and Internet Classification

  11. 《冒号分类法》第七版评介现代地理学图书分类法的探讨


  12. 二叉分类号&二叉树在图书分类法中的应用

    Binary Class Number & an Application of the Binary Tree in the Book Classification

  13. 他用整体研究方法剖析图书分类法演变的背景,主要用整体趋势研究法从学术文化发展趋势和社会发展总体趋势两方面审视分类法演变的总体环境;

    He analyzed the background for books classification by the method as a whole .

  14. 对民族高校图书分类法中以人分类诸问题刍议

    Discussion on the Problems of Classification Method of Categorizing Books According to Persons in Colleges

  15. 试论现代科学技术的发展与图书分类法的改进

    Development of Modern Technology and Book Taxonomy

  16. 马克思主义在中外图书分类法中的列类研究:演变和进展

    The Class of Marxism in Library Classification Systems in China and Abroad : Evolution and Changes

  17. 《七略》创立的六分法分类体系是我国最早的图书分类法;

    The earliest classification system written in the book Qi Lue is one divides into six .

  18. 图书分类法映射系统设计原理&以《中国图书馆分类法》和《杜威十进分类法》为例

    Principle of the Automatic Mapping System of Library Classifications & Take CLC and DDC as the Example

  19. 文章叙述了1840年以来我国图书分类法发展的基本情况。

    The article describes the fundamental situation of the development of book classification since 1840 in China .

  20. 对13种医学文检课教材的统计分析国外几种主要物理学分类法述评&兼评《中国图书馆图书分类法》物理学类

    Statistical analysis of 13 medical literature retrieval textbooks A Comment on Several Major Library Classifications for Physics Literature

  21. 图书分类法类目的稳定与发展,是分类法存在、发展与消亡的重要问题。

    The stability and development of catalogues in the catalogue classification are the bases of its existence and it development .

  22. 并就相关于图书馆有关法律的认知、图书分类法的理解、学科馆员制的实施等命题进行了探讨。

    And it discusses some propositions with the cognition relate to library law , the comprehension of book taxonomy , along with the effect of subject librarian system .

  23. 随着旅游学科的建立,探讨图书分类法中旅游文献的分类问题显得日益重要而迫切;

    With the establishment of the science of tourism , it is of vital necessity to probe into the problem of classifying tourist documents in terms of library science .

  24. 就电技术、电子技术类的修订评《中国科学院图书馆图书分类法》第三版

    The Evaluation of the Classification Scheme of Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ( 3rd ed. ) : On the Revision of Class 73 - Electrical and Electronic Technology

  25. 零售书业营销分类具备传统图书分类法的一些特征,如都体现了逻辑划分的原理、具备科学性、实用性、注重类目的容纳性和扩充性等。

    The marketing classification of retail book industry has some characteristics similar to traditional book classification , such as the embodiment of theory of logical classification , scientificity , practicability and expandability .

  26. 分析《中国科学院图书馆图书分类法》第三版类名存在的非规范化问题,并列表对其类名提出修订方案。

    Analyzes the issues of the class headings in the third revision of Classification Scheme of the Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences , and puts forword a revision proposal in the form of table .

  27. 以《中国图书馆图书分类法》(以下简称《中图法》)的结构原理为依据,论述辨识类目涵义的结构分析法、类位分析法、类比分析法、剩余分析法和推理分析法。

    On the basis of structural principles of Chinese Library Classification , this paper discusses several ways of distinguishing connotation : structural analysis , class position analysis , analogy analysis , surplus analysis and inference analysis .

  28. 通过与《中国图书馆图书分类法》第3版相比较,对《中国图书馆分类法》第4版的增补情况进行分类统计,并例举、分析了各种增补实例。

    In comparison with the third edition of Chinese Library Classification , the authors make an exhaustive study of the statistics supplemented in the fourth edition and list sufficient examples to illustrate their view of point .

  29. 从图书分类法的专业性、学术期刊编排的标准化和公众检索文献的实际需要等方面论述科技论文不宜采用中图分类法分类。

    The author holds that the Chinese Book Classification Method is not suitable for the classification of scientific papers from the angles of its specialty characteristics , the standardization of the editing and layout of academic journals and the actual requirements of document retrieval .

  30. 杜威图书十进制分类法您明白吧?

    You do understand the Dewey decimal system , do not you ?