
  • 网络graphic editor;graphical editor;Graph Editor
  1. 我们的任务就是来要编写一个程序来模拟一个简单的交互式图形编辑器,并将生成的图片存储到一个BMP格式的文件中。

    Our task is to write a program to simulate a simple interactive graphic editor , and the resulting picture is stored in a BMP format file .

  2. 用于软件开发的交互图形编辑器的设计和实现

    The design and implementation of interactive graphic editor for software development

  3. 基于FUSION法的功率键合图图形编辑器系统分析

    System Analysis of Graphical Editor of Power Bood Graphs with Fusion Method

  4. Eclipse中图形编辑器的研究

    The Research of Graphical Editor in Eclipse

  5. 面向对象电力系统图形编辑器及其在SCADA的应用

    Object oriented power systems graphics editor and its application in SCADA

  6. 基于SVG标准的电力系统图形编辑器设计与开发

    Power System Graphics Editor Based on SVG Standard Design and Development

  7. 这个平台中包括了多个编辑器、图形编辑器、特性、构建器、一个Web服务向导、数据库访问和查询工具以及其他组件。

    Included in this platform are multiple editors , graphical editors , natures , builders , a Web Service wizard , database access and query tools , and other components .

  8. GraphicalEditorFramework(GEF)是用于为任意对象模型创建富图形编辑器的框架。

    The Graphical Editor Framework ( GEF ) is a framework for creating rich graphical editors for arbitrary object models .

  9. WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper提供了几种图形编辑器和向导,用于发现和导入服务,快速开发、测试和部署中介模块。

    WebSphere Integration Developer provides several graphical editors and wizards for discover and import services , rapid development , testing , and deployment of mediation modules .

  10. 基于OO技术图形编辑器的设计

    Design of Graph Editor Based on Object-Oriented Technology

  11. 本文预计达到的目的就是设计基于SVG的图形编辑器的界面、功能与结构。

    The paper was written for designing the interface , function and framework of SVG graph editor .

  12. GEF为创建图形编辑器提供了一个基础。

    GEF provides the basis for the creation of graphical editors .

  13. 除了自动变换部分之外,SDLTRAN还包含一个具有友好用户接口的图形编辑器。

    Besides the automatic part , SDL_TRAN includes a graphical editor .

  14. GMF项目是从手动创建图形编辑器的挫败中产生而来(尤其是在使用EclipseModelingFramework的环境中)。

    The GMF project was born out of the frustration in creating graphical editors manually ( especially in the context of using the Eclipse Modeling Framework ) .

  15. 一个简单的图形编辑器,运用MFC编写,可以对图片进行反色,拉伸等功能。

    A simple graphics editor , using MFC prepared to be an anti-color photographs , drawing , and other functions .

  16. 自动生成GEF图形编辑器的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Automatically Generating GEF Graphical Editor

  17. 在SVG将扮演越来越重要的角色的情况下,必须尽力开发具有本国知识产权的图形编辑器。

    Considering that SVG will take a more and more important role , SVG graph editor belonging to our own nation should be developed .

  18. GMF项目为基于EMF和GEF开发图形编辑器提供了生成组件和运行时基础设施。

    The GMF project provides a generative component and runtime infrastructure for developing graphical editors based on EMF and GEF .

  19. 若要添加额外的绑定,可以在SCA图形编辑器中选择服务或引用,随后使用服务或引用的PropertyView的Binding选项卡来添加和定义绑定。

    Additional bindings can be added by selecting a service or reference in the SCA graphical editor , then using the Binding tab of a service 's or reference 's Property View to add and define the bindings .

  20. 它包含针对各种语言、向导、内置应用程序的源代码和图形编辑器,从而简化了开发。此外,还提供支持部署、运行和测试应用程序的工具和API。

    It includes source and graphical editors for a variety of languages , wizards and built-in applications to simplify development , and tools and APIs to support deploying , running , and testing apps .

  21. GEF项目使开发人员可以获得一个已有的应用程序模型并可以快速创建富图形编辑器。

    The GEF project allows developers to take an existing application model and create a rich graphical editor quickly .

  22. 为此,4GL通常提供图形编辑器来支持以可视方式设计GUI,并提供专有脚本语言和API来将用户驱动的事件绑定到特定业务逻辑。

    To facilitate this , 4GLs typically provide graphical editors to visually design the GUI and proprietary scripting languages and APIs to tie user-driven events to specific business logic .

  23. 为此,Mevenide提供了一个图形编辑器,该编辑器使POM的维护变得更容易,并允许您避开一些烦琐的、容易出错的原始XML手工编辑。

    For that purpose , Mevenide provides a graphical editor that eases POM maintenance and lets you avoid tedious , error-prone manual editing of raw XML .

  24. 使用一些配置文件完成此映射后,GMF将为您生成一个功能全面的图形编辑器。

    Once this mapping is complete using a few configuration files , GMF will generate a fully functional graphical editor for you .

  25. 本文使用具有能够直接生成模型代码功能的EMF(EclipseModelingFramework,Eclipse建模框架)来构造模型从而使GEF图形编辑器自动生成系统可以根据不同的元模型迅速搭建起目标图形编辑器。

    This paper use EMF ( Eclipse Modeling Framework ) which has function of directly generate model code to construct the model , thus , depending on the different meta model can quickly build a target graphics editor .

  26. 随着GEF不断成熟,已经有很多构建在GEF基础上的健壮框架可以简化在Eclipse中开发图形编辑器的过程。

    As GEF continues to mature , there have been a few robust frameworks that have been built on top of GEF to ease the development of graphical editors in Eclipse .

  27. 对于XSLTransformation基元,WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper提供了相应的图形编辑器,以便对从源到目标消息中的单个元素或元素数组进行映射,使用拖放的方式生成XSL,并定义XSL函数。

    For the XSL Transformation primitive , WebSphere Integration Developer provides a graphical editor to map between an individual element or arrays of elements from the source to the target message using drag-and-drop to generate XSL , and to define XSL functions .

  28. 虽然SVG图形编辑器是进行SVG动画仿真设计的必备软件,有广泛应用前景,但是,目前国内外现有的SVG创作工具都还只能绘制SVG静态图像和实现简单交互功能。

    It is a pity that the domestic and international available SVG producing tools can only create static SVG graphs and implement simple animation function ; at the same time , SVG animation editor is the essential software that has a splendid application prospect .

  29. 针对当前GEF编辑器开发难度大、开发周期长的问题,设计了一个能够自动生成GEF图形编辑器的MDA工具GEG的体系结构。

    Facing the difficulty and long time consuming in GEF editor development , a kind of software architecture for automatically generating a GEF editor is proposed , which is implemented in the GEF editor generator ( GEG ) plug-in as a MDA tool .

  30. 你应该考虑使用图形编辑器来压缩你的图形文件。

    You should consider turning on compression in your image editor .