
  • 网络gerber;Gabor;Grabo
  1. 宝宝口腔卫生从嘉宝婴儿吞咽可指套式牙刷牙膏组开始,掩护牙齿牙龈,干净、康健又平安保险!

    Promote good oral health from the start with Gerber Tooth & Gum Cleanser , a safe way to keep your baby 's teeth and gums cleaner and healthier .

  2. 审判将于今天在加利福尼亚州的法庭举行,决定嘉宝婴儿食品公司、德尔蒙食品公司、比纳保健公司及许多其他婴儿食品制造商是否应该在加州售卖的产品上加警示标签。

    A trial is being held in the California courtroom today on whether Gerber Products , Del Monte Foods , Beech-Nut Nutrition and many other baby food makers should put warning labels on products sold in California .

  3. 嘉宝拍过24部电影,先是无声的,后是有声的。

    Garbo made two dozen films , first silent pictures then talkies .

  4. 嘉宝饰演王后,陶醉于和安东尼奥的热恋中。

    Garbo plays the Queen , rejoicing in the love she has found with Antonio

  5. 随后,嘉宝在学校进修表演专业,遇到导师的朋友路易·B·梅耶,梅耶不仅带着她签了经纪公司,还领着她打入了好莱坞。

    She studied acting for two years until her mentor 's friend , Louis B. Mayer , placed her under contract and brought Garbo to Hollywood .

  6. 李被誉为文学界的嘉宝(Garbo),过着隐居生活,极少公开露面,偶尔接受奖项或荣誉学位都会成为重要新闻。

    Lee gained a reputation as a literary Garbo , a recluse whose public appearances to accept an award or an honorary degree counted as important news simply because of their rarity .

  7. 嘉宝(Garbo)在1930年影片《安娜·克里斯蒂》(AnnaChristie)中说的第一句话就是:“给我来一杯威士忌,加点姜汁汽水。别抠门儿,宝贝。”

    When Garbo first spoke , in the 1930 film " Anna Christie , " she ordered a drink : " Gimme me a whiskey , ginger ale on the side . And don 't be stingy , baby . "

  8. 对应于当前全球市场,嘉宝也有代表了IECEE-CB体系以韩国的系统,以符合国际评估。

    Corresponding to global market current , KTL also has represented the IECEE-CB Scheme to Korea for its system to comply with the international assessment .

  9. 匈牙利演员莎莎•嘉宝(ZsaZsaGabor)的漫长影视表演生涯虽未能大红大紫,但她以自我戏仿的魅力以及同多位百万富翁走马灯般的婚姻为其增添了一层美国名流光彩。她于周日在洛杉矶去世,可能享年99岁。

    Zsa Zsa Gabor , the Hungarian actress whose self-parodying glamour and revolving-door marriages to millionaires put a luster of American celebrity on a long but only modestly successful career in movies and television , died Sunday in Los Angeles . She was probably 99 .

  10. 嘉宝的银幕神话转变成了嘉宝的都市童话。

    Greta Garbos screen legend had become Greta Garbo urban legend .

  11. 嘉宝自然的气质使她在众多的无声电影演员中脱颖而出。

    Garbos natural manner distinguished her from more histrionic silent actors .

  12. 嘉宝出演过60多部电视电影和电影。

    Gabor appeared in more than 60 television movies and feature films .

  13. 所有的影星中,我最喜欢克拉克。嘉宝。

    Of all the movie stars , I like Clark Gable the best .

  14. 他与嘉宝的重遇充满愁思。

    His reunion with Garbo was suffused with meianchoiy .

  15. 而他则把嘉宝比作是二十世纪的蒙娜丽莎。

    He referred to her as the Mona Lisa of the 20th century .

  16. 我又忘了,我是嘉宝姐妹中的哪个来着?

    I forgot - which Gabor sister am I ?

  17. 这是葛利塔嘉宝在大饭店这部电影里的一句台词。

    It 's a line from the old Greta Garbo movie , grand hotel .

  18. 嘉宝到底有何神秘之处?

    What was the secret of Greta Garbo ?

  19. 经过三个月的演出之后,制片主任欧文撒尔伯格指定嘉宝参与《激流》的演出。

    After three months , production chief Irving Thalberg assigned Garbo to The Torrent .

  20. 银幕外,嘉宝很少说英语。

    Off screen , Garbo barely spoke English .

  21. 费加罗夫人:你被称为“中国的嘉宝”&为什么保持如此神秘?

    MF : You have the nickname " Chinese Garbo " - Why such mystery ?

  22. 现在,嘉宝的时代已经过去了。

    Garbos era had passed .

  23. 嘉宝展现了一种全新的魅力,那就是集性感、时尚与神秘于一身。

    Garbo created a new kind of glamour . A combination of sexuality , fashion and mystery .

  24. 观众想知道更多关于她的幕后故事,但嘉宝拒绝透露。

    Audiences wanted to know more about the woman behind the face , but Garbo refused to talk .

  25. 1920年,西班牙流感肆虐了整个瑞典,嘉宝的父亲在这场流感中不幸殒命,生活更加拮据。

    Her father succumbed to the Spanish flu which ravaged Sweden in 1920 , leaving the family destitute .

  26. 在银幕上,嘉宝具有极大的魅力,你都无法将眼光从她身上挪开。

    On screen Garbo had this great charisma so that you couldn 't take your eyes off her .

  27. 美国人对葛丽泰也没有丝毫印象,但有一群业余摄影师准备要推动嘉宝的事业前进。

    America was unimpressed with Greta & but a series of amateur photos was about to launch Garbos career .

  28. 嘉宝,二十世纪最著名的人物之一,如仙女般的神秘,超凡脱俗。

    Garbo - divine , mysterious , reclusive . One of the most famous faces of the 20th century .

  29. 两人均先于她过世。一个女孩必须为爱情而结婚,并且不断结婚,直至觅得真爱,嘉宝曾经说过。

    A girl must marry for love , and keep on marrying until she finds it , Gabor once said .

  30. 葛丽泰·洛维萨·格斯塔夫森出生在斯德哥尔摩贫民区,嘉宝打小就讨厌学校生活,喜欢跟朋友一起演戏。

    Born in the slums of Stockholm , Greta Lovisa Gustafsson hated school and preferred imaginative playacting with her chums .