
  • 网络Jiading;Shanghai;Gia Dinh
  1. 上海市嘉定区17种X射线诊断所致受检者剂量曲面体层摄影受检者的X线辐射剂量研究

    Surface Radiation Dosage on Subjects from 17 Diagnostic X-ray Procedures in Jiading District , Shanghai

  2. 目的旨在了解嘉定地区饮食、公共场所从业人员HBV感染状况。

    OBJECTIVE To study the HBV infection condition of the persons serving in catering trade and public places in Jiading .

  3. 2004年9月26日F1在上海嘉定区进行中国站处女秀的赛事。

    On September 26th , 2004 in Jiading district , Shanghai , China for F1 debut " event " .

  4. 在上海只获得了嘉定区一份样品,未检测到SCN。

    SCN were not found in the only one sample from Jiading district in Shanghai .

  5. 上海市嘉定区农村居民就诊单位选择的影响因素分析&决策树和多分类无序反应变量的logistic回归相结合的方法

    Researches on the Factors Influencing the Outpatients ' Choice of Selecting Care Providers in Jiading District of Shanghai : a Method of Combining Decision Tree Model with Multinomial Logistic Regression

  6. 本文主要针对上海嘉定建成的F1场馆的通信质量进行研究,利用大容量基站和移动资源即时分配技术,能满足大约5.3平方公里范围内20万用户的通信需求,因此研究内容具有实际应用价值。

    This article mainly aims at the communication quality of the F1 sports hall , which was built in Jiading district of Shanghai .

  7. 然后对嘉定区的JDM项目进行了详细的案例研究。

    Then it carried out a detailed case study on JDM project of the Jiading District .

  8. 上海汽车零部件全球采购中心地处上海西北部的嘉定区安亭镇,轨道交通R3线终点站。

    Shanghai Auto Parts Global Sourcing Center is situated in Anting town of Jiading district of Shanghai west , at the terminal of R3 light track .

  9. 本文介绍了电视塔结构TMD风振控制的基本理论、参数分析和风洞试验,同时阐述了嘉定电视塔的TMD设计方法和构造处理。

    This paper introduces the basic theory , parameter analysis and wind-tunnel test of TMD wind vibration control of TV tower structures . Besides , the TMD design methods and structural treatment of the Jiading TV tower are elucidated as well .

  10. 四川嘉定群介形类及其时代

    Ostracod Fauna from Jiading group in Sichuan and its geological age

  11. 上海嘉定区几种主要农业土壤的理化特征

    Physico-Chemical Properties of The Main Agro-Soils in Jiading District , Shanghai

  12. 关于终身参与社会意识的中日比较研究&日本山口县与中国上海市嘉定区的调查数据分析

    A Comparative Study on Chinese and Japanese Social Consciousness of Lifelong Participation

  13. 用灰色预测方法预测嘉定区恶性肿瘤的变化趋势

    Prediction of trend of malignant tumor in JiaDing district by Grey model

  14. 上海市嘉定县的酸雨现状

    The situation of acid rain in Jiading county , Shanghai

  15. 嘉定,将会在新的世纪续写新的辉煌。

    Jiading will witness the new bright prospect in the coming century .

  16. 嘉定的发展也记录着时代前进的足音。

    The development of Jiading also embodies the advancement of the times .

  17. 女演员格里塔嘉定总是全力捍卫她的隐私。

    The actress Greta Garbo always zealously guarded her privacy .

  18. 嘉定区菌痢发病率的指数曲线配合分析

    Analysis of exponential curve fitting of dysentery incidence rate in Jiading district

  19. 汽车工业及服务业已经成为嘉定的象征。

    The auto industry and service have become the symbol of Jiading .

  20. 上海市嘉定区2005年被动物伤害人群的流行病学分析

    Epidemiological analysis of people bit by animals in 2005 Jiading district Shanghai

  21. 悠远&将让读者更直观地了解嘉定这座历史名城的沧桑岁月。

    History & a more intuitive understanding of this ancient historic city .

  22. 嘉定工业布局与发展的实证研究

    On the Industrial Distribution and Development of Jiading District

  23. 1996&2005年上海市嘉定区大肠癌流行病学特征

    The Epidemiological Characteristics of Colorectal Cancer during 1996-2005 in Jiading District , Shanghai

  24. 关于嘉定区某医院中央空调机组方案论证

    Demonstration on the Central Air Conditioning Chiller Project for a Hospital in Jiading

  25. 其余的加油站分别在青浦,嘉定,南汇和浦东。

    The other stations are in Qingpu , Jiading , Nanhui and Pudong .

  26. 上海市嘉定区2002&2008年职业卫生基本情况

    Basic Status of Occupational Health in Jiading District of Shanghai City during 2002-2008

  27. 繁荣&是对今天嘉定百业兴旺的热情讴歌。

    Prosperity & to be aware of rapid booming economic development in Jiading .

  28. 嘉定议和后的宋金关系

    On the Relationship between the Song and Jin Dynasties after the Jiading Peace Negotiation

  29. 州桥老街曾是嘉定老城的中心。

    Zhouqiao Old Street was once the center of the old city of Jiading .

  30. 嘉定区性病门诊就诊者和性服务工作者艾滋病流行病学研究

    Epidemiological Studies of AIDS among STD Clinic Attendants and Sex Workers in Jiading District