
  • Carnival;Fiesta;fair;FESTIVA
  1. "作为我愿望清单的一部分,我想参加在巴西首都举行的嘉年华,"她说。

    " As part of my bucket list , I want to attend Carnival in the capital of Brazil , " she says .

  2. 我们街的居民每年举行一次嘉年华会。

    Our street puts on a carnival every year .

  3. 他说一些免责条款将被制定出来,例如嘉年华会。

    A few exceptions would be made , he said , such as for carnivals .

  4. 著数分在数码港3g嘉年华展出。

    Jetsofun is exhibited in the " cyberport3g funfair " .

  5. 他补充称,嘉年华可能还将与中国船舶工业集团公司(ChinaStateShipbuildingCorporation)和中国招商局集团(ChinaMerchantsGroup)共同创办一家合资企业,来打造中国本土邮轮品牌。

    He adds that Carnival may also launch a joint venture with the China State Shipbuilding Corporation and China Merchants Group to build a domestic Chinese cruise brand .

  6. 在创客嘉年华(MakerCarnival)期间(10月2日至3日),这个从前的电厂将挤满3-D打印爱好者。

    The former power plant will be overrun with 3-D printing enthusiasts during the Maker Carnival ( Oct. 2-3 ) .

  7. 去年大约在万圣节前夕,我应邀参加了一个由“TUESDAY'SCHILD”主办的嘉年华,该组织旨在帮助那些感染了艾滋病的儿童。

    Bright Heart Last year around Halloween , I was invited to participate in a carnival for Tuesday 's Child , an organization that helps children with the AIDS virus .

  8. 纽曼表示,今年嘉年华上的最大热点就是QR码(二维条码的一种)。

    Margie Newman says quick response codes are big news at this year 's festival .

  9. 据Deadline报道,嘉年华影业公司将会制作这部新剧,这家公司曾经联合制作一航英剧《唐顿庄园》。

    Carnival Films , the same company that co-produced Downton Abbey , is producing the new show , according to Deadline .

  10. 就像美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)前局长戴维·克斯勒(DavidKessler)喜欢说的那样,这里简直是在举办粮食嘉年华。

    It is , as the former Food and Drug Administration commissioner David Kessler likes to call it , a food carnival .

  11. 歌诗达协和号由嘉年华公司(CarnivalCorporation)的子公司负责运营,在托斯卡纳的吉利奥岛附近触礁时船上载有3200名乘客和1000名船员。

    The Concordia , operated by a subsidiary of Carnival Corporation , was carrying 3,200 passengers and 1,000 crew when it struck rocks off the Tuscan island of Giglio .

  12. 今年三月,福特销售了17178辆新、旧款福克斯(Focus)和9787辆嘉年华(Fiesta),这些小型车和微型车占据其车型比例的三分之一。

    Ford ( F , Fortune 500 ) sold 17,178 old and new focuses and 9,787 fiestas in March & compacts and Subcompacts representing one-third of its car lineup .

  13. 嘉年华邮轮(CarnivalCruiseLines)是一家总部位于美国的邮轮公司,其意大利分支机构歌诗达邮轮(CostaCrociere)去年在上海设立了一家办事处用于开展亚洲业务。

    Costa Crociere , the Italian branch of U.S. - based Carnival Cruise Lines , opened an office in Shanghai last year to launch its Asia operations .

  14. 它属于NBC环球(旗下拥有嘉年华电影公司)。所以我可以离开,但我不会离开。

    NBC Universal [ which owns Carnival Films ] owns " Downton Abbey . " So I could walk away , but I wouldn 't walk away .

  15. 如今,MardisGras节当天会举办嘉年华、行进军乐队演奏、舞蹈以及大街上通宵的派对活动。

    Today , Mardi Gras is a riot of colour , street carnivals , marching bands , dancing and all-night partying inthe streets .

  16. 虽然安德森的水平毫无争议,但是直到瑞典站开赛前四天,他都不会有机会对自己的嘉年华RS拉力赛车进行最后的调整,这对他很不利。

    While there is no disputing Andersson 's ability , he won 't get to try the Fiesta RS WRC in final trim until four days before the start of the rally , which could count against him .

  17. 但不久后,很多人将有机会用典型的巴西方式发泄对丑闻的愤怒&在嘉年华(Carnival)上乔装打扮。

    But in two weeks ' time , many will finally get the chance to vent their frustration over the scandal in a typically Brazilian way & by dressing up for Carnival .

  18. 但不久后,很多人将有机会用典型的巴西方式发泄对丑闻的愤怒——在嘉年华(Carnival)上乔装打扮。

    But in two weeks " time , many will finally get the chance to vent their frustration over the scandal in a typically Brazilian way - by dressing up for Carnival .

  19. 其海外市场份额的提升要归功于小型车嘉年华(Fiesta)等车型。由于汽车报废计划,嘉年华成为了欧洲排名第二的畅销车型。

    It gained share overseas due to vehicles such as its small Fiesta , the second best-selling car in Europe thanks to scrappage schemes .

  20. 就像美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)前局长戴维·克斯勒(DavidKessler)喜欢说的那样,这里简直是在举办“粮食嘉年华”。只不过门票价格太高。

    It is , as the former Food and Drug Administration commissioner David Kessler likes to call it , " a food carnival . " It 's just that there 's a steep ticket price .

  21. 二月份,由于船上的一台发电机起火,导致乘坐嘉年华凯旋号(CarnivalTriumph)的4000多名游客在海上漂泊了四天,没有电也没有厕所可用。

    The poop cruise Four thousand cruise-goers aboard the Carnival Triumph were stranded at sea for four days in February without power or working toilets , due to a fire in one of the ship 's generators .

  22. 发放优厚补贴的热潮吸引了大批司机,比如在一家国际电信公司担任系统分析员的杰基(Jacky)。他最近开始成为优步的兼职司机,在上海开着自己的福特嘉年华(FordFiesta)赚外快。

    The spending spree has attracted droves of drivers like Jacky , a systems analyst at an international telecommunications company , who recently began moonlighting for Uber with his Ford Fiesta in Shanghai .

  23. 嘉年华正在全力开拓中国市场:5月份该公司表示,长期以来一直在地中海运营的歌诗达赛琳娜号(CostaSerena)将从明年开始常驻中国。

    And the Miami-based Carnival is going all in : in May , Carnival said it would deploy its Costa Serena , which has long cruised the Mediterranean , to China year-round beginning next year .

  24. 船被拖回阿拉巴马州莫比尔的海岸后,这场不幸的航行变成了“大便漂流之旅”,进而臭名远扬。之后,有消息称嘉年华邮轮公司(Carnival)早已知道凯旋号存在问题。

    After being towed to shore in Mobile , Ala. , the ill-fated sail became known famously as " the poop cruise . " It 's since been revealed that Carnival ( CCL ) knew the ship had issues .

  25. 日本Tokorozawa“超级狗狗嘉年华”上,一只玩具贵宾犬跳上障碍栏。

    A Toy Poodle jumps over a crossbar during the Super Dogs Carnival in Tokorozawa , Japan .

  26. “美”中文是“美丽”的意思。对福特而言,“美”就是20多岁,大学毕业的城市单身女性。她们是福特嘉年华(Fiesta)车型在中国目标市场的主要用户群。

    To Ford , Mei , which means'beautiful'in Chinese , represents the twenty-something , college-educated single urban females who form the bull 's eye in Ford 's target market here for its Fiesta model .

  27. 然而,Samba口哨常常用来在Rio的嘉年华和诺丁山上演奏音乐,带边的口哨因为在儿童电视节目《TheClangers》中发出声音,而在英国被熟知。

    While the Samba whistles are used to play tunes at the carnivals in Rio and in Notting Hill , the slide whistle is best known in Britain for creating the sound of kids ' TV show The Clangers .

  28. 和厄斯贝里一样,Ferm电动工具世界拉力车队的父子档组合丹尼斯和雷内·奎伯斯也参加了爱沙尼亚拉力赛,不过他们在那并未使用芬兰站中的嘉年华赛车。

    Like Ostberg , FERM Power Tools World Rally Team 's father-and-son duo Dennis and Rene Kuipers competed in Estonia , albeit not on board the Fiesta RS WRCs they will use in Finland .

  29. 馆内庭院由巴西乐队接管,其中包括随着披头士经典歌曲跳桑巴舞的嘉年华流行乐团SargentoPimenta乐队(葡萄牙语,意为麻辣长官)。

    The courtyard has been taken over by Brazilian bands , including Sargento Pimenta ( Portuguese for Sgt. Pepper ) a popular Carnival ensemble that takes a samba approach to Beatles classics .

  30. 英国嘉年华电影公司常务董事、《唐顿庄园》的执行制片加雷思·尼姆(GarethNeame)在电话采访中,他们做出这个决定,是基于好几个原因(正在制作中的最后一季,将于明年在PBS播映)。

    Gareth Neame , the managing director of the British studio Carnival Films and an executive producer of " Downton Abbey , " said in a telephone interview that several factors contributed to the decision to end the series . ( This final season , now in production , will be shown on PBS next year . )