
  1. 以嘉陵江大桥为工程背景,提出了主跨180m的连续钢箱梁桥的设计方案。

    Based on the plan of the Jialing River Bridge , the conceptual design of a continuous box-girder bridge with 180 meters-mainspan is proposed .

  2. 应用大型有限元软件MIDAS对广元嘉陵江大桥的维修施工过程进行了仿真分析,在理论分析的基础上,对每一个加固施工步骤进行了现场监测和比较分析。

    The FEA software MIDAS was applied to simulating and analyzing of maintenance construction of Jialingjiang Bridge and furthermore , the monitoring and comparative analysis in the process of construction was theoretically conducted in site .

  3. 遂渝铁路新北碚嘉陵江大桥设计

    Design of New Beibei Jialing River Bridge on Suining-Chongqing Railway

  4. 南部嘉陵江大桥加固过程有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis on the Whole Process of Nanbu Jialingjiang Bridge Strengthening

  5. 南部嘉陵江大桥的维修加固

    Maintenance and Reinforcement of Southern Jialing River Bridge

  6. 南部嘉陵江大桥维修加固混凝土脱粘层的方法与实践

    Reinforce and Maintenance of the Jialingjiang River Bridge

  7. 重庆市嘉陵江石门大桥斜拉索更换工艺

    The replacement technology of inclined cable of Shimen Bridge of the Jialing River in Chongqing

  8. 重庆嘉陵江石门大桥斜拉索腐蚀状况初步调查

    The Primary Investigation on the Corrosion Status of the Inclined Cable of Shimen Bridge on Chongqing Jialing River

  9. 重庆轨道交通三号线嘉陵江特大桥菱形挂篮设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Rhombic Suspended Wagon of Jialing River Super Large Bridge in Chongqing Rail Transit Line 3