
  • 网络Gloriosa superba;Garland;Judy Garland
  1. 是他劝服嘉兰拍这部片子的。

    It was he who had cajoled Garland into doing the film

  2. 女演员玛莉莲梦露和茱迪嘉兰都是左撇子,查理卓别林也是。

    The actresses Marilyn Monroe and Judy Garland were left-handed , and so was Charlie chaplin .

  3. 几种环境因子对嘉兰块茎生长和秋水仙碱含量的影响

    Effects of Several Environmental Factors on Tuber Formation and Colchicine Content of Gloriosa superba

  4. 此外,巴赫“家族”的音乐将贯穿整个艺术节,尤见于苏黎世芭蕾舞团、以至安洁拉-休伊特与欧洲嘉兰乐团的节目。

    Bach music presentations shall go throughout the festivalfeaturing shows of Zurich BalletAngela Hewitt and Europa Galante .

  5. 此次拍卖还有几件主要的拍卖品,包括女星奥黛丽•赫本和茱迪•嘉兰穿过的衣服。

    The auction resulted in several major sales , including dresses worn by Audrey Hepburn and Judy Garland .

  6. 《绿野仙踪》是当时造价最昂贵的一部电影,主演嘉兰一举成名。

    The Wizard of Oz , the most expensive film ever made at the time , launched Garland into stardom .

  7. 嘉兰的光合作用日变化呈双峰曲线,并表现出“午睡”现象。

    The change trend of photosynthetic rate showed a double Peak curve during the day , and a phenomenon of midday depression appeared .

  8. 在排湾的文献中,土地代表著头目的权贵象徵与声望地位的由来,而历经环境与历史变迁的嘉兰人,对于土地所代表声望的意义是否产生改变?

    Nowadays those people in Ka-alan has faced the changes of the environment and history which do inflect the alteration of the meaning of land .

  9. 1939年,(美国)米高梅电影制片公司。的以“怪杰奥兹”而成名的朱迪。嘉兰,在好莱坞首次上演中国京剧。

    In1939 , the MGM musical " The Wizard of Oz ," starring Judy Garland , premiered at the Grauman 's Chinese Theater in Hollywood .

  10. 藉著探讨嘉兰人土地观念的变迁,进而理解环境与历史的变迁是如何影响嘉兰人的行为。

    By study the change of the intellection and circumstance of land in Ka-aluan village , we hereby understand how the environment and history can affect the Ka-aluan 's behavior .

  11. 这是大卫·塞尔兹尼克1937年的爱情电影第三次被翻拍了,第一部翻拍作品是朱迪·嘉兰和詹姆斯·梅森1954年主演的音乐电影,第二部翻拍作品是芭芭拉·史翠珊和克里斯·克里斯托佛森1976年主演的摇滚歌舞片。

    This is now the third remake of David O Selznick 's 1937 romantic drama , following the 1954 musical with Judy Garland and James Mason and the 1976 rock ' n " roll version featuring Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson .