首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 中国中原地区先后形成五代十国,后宋朝结束了五代十国的割据局面,辽宋遂形成南北对峙的政治格局。

    The central region of China becomes successively five dynasties and ten countries , finally the Song Dynasty ends the separatist regime situation , as a result the opposite political structure appears between Liao and Song Dynasty .

  2. 夏辽关系经历了结盟、毁盟、战争、复盟的发展演变过程。夏辽关系深受夏、辽、宋三国对峙形势变化的影响。

    Their relations experienced counes of alliance , demolition , battle and resumer and effected deeply to changes of confrontation situation of Western Xia , Liao and Song Dynasty .