
  • 网络liaoning economy
  1. 基于技术创新的辽宁经济振兴研究

    A Research into Revitalizing Liaoning Economy Based on Technical Innovation

  2. 辽宁经济大发展的时代背景

    Time Background of the Big Development Period of Liaoning Economy

  3. 辽宁经济增长方式转变中的人力资源开发问题

    Problems of Liaoning human resource development in economic growth mode transformation

  4. 以信息化带动工业化促进辽宁经济发展

    Promoting Liaoning Province Economic Development Using Information to Spur Industrialization

  5. 三大需求对辽宁经济拉动作用的分析

    Analysis on pulling effect of three demands on Liaoning economic

  6. 企业融资是关系到辽宁经济发展的重要问题。

    Corporate Finance in relation to the economic development of Liaoning important issue .

  7. 旅游业:辽宁经济可持续发展的支柱产业

    Tourism : Mainstay Industry of LiaOning for Sustainable Development

  8. 希望其结论对于振兴辽宁经济有一定的借鉴作用。

    And I hope the conclusion can bring help to develop economics of Liaoning .

  9. 辽宁经济发展与环境污染的三次函数特征分析

    Environment Thrice Function Character Analysis in Liaoning

  10. 这些现象已经令辽宁经济发展受到严重阻碍,经济水平显著落后于我国江浙等沿海发达省份。

    These phenomena have made economic development of Liaoning remarkably fall behind the developed coastal provinces .

  11. 第四章,辽宁经济管理干部学院继续教育绩效评价研究。

    The forth chapter , the Further education performance evaluate of Liaoning economic management cadre college .

  12. 沿海城市加工贸易的进出口对辽宁经济增长作用的模型分析

    Model analyzing the function of coastal cities ' import and export of processing trade on liaoning economy

  13. 进出口贸易是促进辽宁经济较快增长的重要因素。

    Import and export trade is an important factor to promote the rapid economic growth in Liaoning Province .

  14. 利用熵权多目标评价方法对辽宁经济管理干部学院继续教育绩效进行了评价。

    Use entropy weight multiple objective evaluation method evaluate the Further education performance evaluate of Liaoning economic management cadre college .

  15. 针对这些因素,本文提出一些建议,以改善辽宁经济,促进辽宁经济更快发展。

    Aiming at these factors , it puts forward some suggestions to improve economy , and promote economy to develop rapidly .

  16. 本文主要是在已有的研究基础上,对外商直接投资技术溢出效应与辽宁经济增长的实证研究。

    According the earlier research , the paper is an effective empirical research in FDI technological spillovers effective and economic growth in Liaoning .

  17. 在振兴辽宁经济乃至东北老工业经济的过程中必须充分重视和发挥中小企业的力量。

    We should pay more intention to the SMEs in the renewing the economy of Liaoning province and the northeast old industrial bases .

  18. 在中央实施振兴东北老工业基地以前,县域经济一直是制约辽宁经济发展的短板。

    Before the revitalization plan of northeast old industrial base , county economy is the short board to restrict the development of Liaoning province .

  19. 而在辽宁经济中处于重要地位的装备制造业企业在实施跨国战略联盟方面,基本上处于起步阶段。

    But as the main body of Liaoning economy , equipment manufacturing enterprises are at the starting stage in the aspect of implementing transnational strategic alliances .

  20. 目前,引进外商直接投资改组改造国有企业、盘活国有存量资产等措施对加快辽宁经济改造及发展是十分必要的。

    Recently , it is vital to accelerate Liaoning economy development by introducing foreign direct investment to reform state-owned business enterprise and liquidize remnant state assets .

  21. 目前我国经济由“单极突进”发展为“多轮驱动”,辽宁经济需要在“多轮驱动”中闯出新路。

    At present , the economy of China evolves to " multi-wheel-drive " from " singlebreakthrough ", in which the economy of Liaoning needs to make a new way .

  22. 同时本研究试图从管理者角度构建高校服务辽宁经济的三级管理体系,以上是本研究的创新点所在。

    At the same time , trying to build from the perspective of managers in Liaoning University services at the three levels of management system , so the innovation of this paper are .

  23. 改革开放以后,辽宁经济经历了从改革转型的阵痛到摆脱困境、从落后到追赶、由追赶到超越的振兴发展之路。

    After the reform and opening up , liaoning economy experienced from the reform of the " pain " to the transition from behind the plight , to pursue , to revitalize the transcendence by way of development .

  24. 并从培育双师型师资队伍、改革课程体系设置、建立科学有效的质量控制体系三个方面研究辽宁经济管理干部学院继续教育绩效的提升策略。

    Through foster " two-qualification " teachers ' team , reform the course system settings ; establish scientific and effective quality control system three aspects to research the strategy about improve the performance of Liaoning economic management cadre college Further education .

  25. 完善合同法律制度,为辽宁经济振兴中的商品流转提供基本法律形式;完善知识产权法律制度,推进辽宁经济振兴中知识产权的法律保护。

    Improving the law system about contract so as to provide the basic law form for the circulation of commodities , and improving the law system about knowledge property so as to promote the lawful protection of the knowledge property in the revival of Liaoning economy .

  26. 辽宁经济目前正处在经济转型的关键时期,政府直接介入经济活动的比重过高以及在一些领域内政府失效是这一时期的主要特征。

    The economy of Liaoning is in the key period of economic transition at present . The main characteristics at this period is that the proportion of the economic activities in which the government gets involved directly is too high and the government inefficiency is existing in some fields .

  27. 基于GIS技术的辽宁省经济社会发展综合评价及各区域所承担的经济功能

    Evaluation of economic and social development in Liaoning Province based on GIS and the economic function undertaken by the regions

  28. 在对辽宁省经济发展进行历史回顾和展望的基础上,构建综合集成预测模型和经济增长模型,并得到辽宁省2005-2020年GDP的预测结果。拟合检验表明,模型的预测精度高。

    Based on the historical review and prospect to Liaoning economy development , this paper constructed a synthesis integration forecast model and a economical growth model , and used them to obtain GDP forecast in 2005 ~ 2020.The fitting examination result showed that the model forecast precision is high .

  29. 促进辽宁县域经济发展的财政政策建议

    Thought about the financial policy of promoting county economy in Liaoning

  30. 辽宁区域经济协调发展的实现途径

    The Way to Coordinated Regional Economy Development of Liaoning Province