
  • 网络self-discipline
  1. 自觉强化廉洁自律意识是加强党的作风建设的关键

    Consciously Intensifying Self-discipline and Clean Conduct Is the Key to Improving the Party 's Conduct

  2. 加强思想教育和道德约束,提高政府官员的廉洁自律度,等等。

    Reinforcing ideology education and moral restriction , promoting the self-discipline of governmental officials , etc.

  3. 进一步加强石化企业领导干部的廉洁自律

    Further Strengthen Honor and Self-autonomy of Leading Cadres in State-owned Enterprise

  4. 加强大学生廉洁自律教育努力培养合格“四有”新人

    Strengthen Disinterested Education Of University Student , Train Qualified Personnel

  5. 廉洁自律与权力监督

    Honesty , self - control and power supervision

  6. 教育系统领导干部廉洁自律的三个支点

    Three Pivots of Education System Cadres ' Self-discipline

  7. 论党员干部的廉洁自律

    Discussion on the Probity and self - discipline of the Porty members and the Cadres

  8. 领导干部廉洁自律是反腐败斗争的关键和根本。

    Leader cadre is clean-fingered self-discipline is anti-corruption the key that beats a fight and essential .

  9. 在廉政建设中,教育系统领导干部的廉洁自律应具有更高的标准。

    To build an uncorrupted government , education system cadres'probity and self-discipline should have higher standards .

  10. 这并不意味著你不能很钝或廉洁自律,你的评语。

    This does not mean that you cannot be very blunt or honest in your reviews .

  11. 领导干部必须以身作则,廉洁自律

    Leading cadres must set a good example for others in performing their duties honestly and exercising strict self-discipline

  12. 信用政府具有承诺兑现、服务高效、廉洁自律的职能特征。

    A credit government is provided with functional character of carrying out promise , offering effective service , autonomic incorruption .

  13. 领导干部要当遵纪守法廉洁自律的楷模我们必须遵守纪律。

    Leaders Should Set a Good Example of Being Law-abiding , Clean and Self-disciplinary ; We have to submit ourselves to discipline .

  14. 廉洁自律是我们党对党员干部在纪律、作风建设方面一贯的基本要求。

    Probity and self-discipline is an essential requirement of our party to the party members and the cadres on their discipline and style .

  15. 对廉洁自律问题的研究,过去通常注重从定性的角度去分析,而且往往只停留在认识的层面。

    The study on probity and self-discipline used to emphasize analyzing on its definition , and usually stays in the layer of recognition .

  16. 这种特色体现在:深刻的战略预见性、广泛的人民性、灵活的策略性、彻底性和持久性、廉洁自律性以及浓郁的道德劝诫色彩等方面。

    The features are reflected in such aspects as profound forecast , extensive people foundation , flexible tactic , decided permanence , honest self-discipline .

  17. 高校学生廉洁自律教育初探论党员的诚信品质与党性修养

    Discussion of the Education on College Students ' Honesty and Self - discipline On CPC Members ' Honesty and Self - cultivation in Party Spirit

  18. 经济责任审计是加强领导干部监督管理,促进领导干部廉洁自律、认真履行工作职责,促进依法行政的一项重要措施。

    Economic duty audit is an important measure to enhance management , promote leaders ' self-discipline , implement work duty , regulate administration by iaw .

  19. 有的公职人员为政不廉,无视廉洁自律要求,少数人利用职权谋取非法利益。

    There are some dishonest government officials , who completely ignore the requirements of self-discipline ; some even take advantage of their authorities to seek illegal interests .

  20. 而最重要的是,政客们需要廉洁自律,一旦选民要求,就得离职。

    And , most of all , politicians need to keep their noses out of the trough and to leave power when their voters tell them to .

  21. 在市场经济条件下,学校教师廉洁自律与严明执教在学生素质塑造中起着重要的作用,是学生素质塑造的心理导向器、监控器、检验器。

    Under the market economy condition , Teachers ' honesty and strict teaching play an important role in modeling the students ' quality . It is the psychological direction device , the watch-dog and the tester .

  22. 地方税务局监察监督系统是根据市局和各分、县(市)局监察室的主要职责,纪检监察工作分为廉洁自律、案件管理、行风建设等部分。

    Based on the main responsibility of municipality and county bureau , the system of tax administration supervision and inspection divides the disciplinary inspection into incorruptibility and self-discipline , judicial case management and professional ethos construction .

  23. 摘要开展领导干部经济责任审计,可使审计监督和组织监督有机结合,从而促进领导干部廉洁自律,也使干部选拔任用和监督管理机制更加科学有效。

    Auditting the economic responsibility of leading cadres helps combine audit supervision with organization supervision , which will encourage the leadership to be incorruptible and self-disciplined and make the selecting and superrising system more scientific and effective .

  24. 通过对国内外立法和司法实践的研究,本文拟就完善公司董事义务制度的有关问题略抒浅见,以期董事的廉洁自律和立法的修正补漏。

    Through a study on both internal and external legislation and judicature , this essay make a brief exposition on perfection of director 's obligation system , expecting a incorruptibility of directors and an amendment to the legislation .