
lián lì
  • incorrupt official
廉吏 [lián lì]
  • [honest official] 清廉守正的官吏

  1. 古往今来,涌现出了多少个清官廉吏。

    Since ancient times , have emerged out of how many honest and upright official Lian Li .

  2. 徐良傅的哲人气质、人格境界、诗性智慧对汤显祖为人为学、入仕出仕、诗赋传奇影响深刻;廉吏爱民,德博而化;

    XU Liang fu 's temperament of philosopher , state of personality and wisdom of poem deeply influence TANG Xian zu 's conduct , knowledge , official career , poem and romance .