
lián jià chū shòu
  • sell off;remainder;be on the bargain counter;sell Robin Hood's pennyworth;sell at a loss;bargain away
  1. 我校下星期将进行图书廉价出售。

    Our school is having a book sale next week .

  2. 我廉价出售了我的乐器,包括我的P。

    I sold most of my gear , including my P.

  3. 第三次开始于今年3月,就在贝尔斯登(BearStearns)被廉价出售之后。

    The third rally started in March , after the fire sale of Bear Stearns .

  4. 今年3月,贝尔斯登被廉价出售给摩根大通(jpmorgan)。

    Bear was sold to JPMorgan in a cut-price deal in March .

  5. 其中有10家公司通过交易出售,20家进行首次公开发行(ipo),还有40多家售回给股东,以及因为亏损被迫和廉价出售。

    There were 10 trade sales , 20 IPOs and more than 40 sales back to sponsors , plus some forced and distressed sales at a loss .

  6. 正如约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(johnmaynardkeynes)解释的那样,除非债务国能扩大出口,否则它们必然要么借钱还债,要么廉价出售本国资产。

    As John Maynard Keynes explained , unless debtor countries can export more , they must pay either by borrowing or by selling off domestic assets .

  7. 尽管两大投资者wilburross和billgross分别把资金投入到市政债券(正被廉价出售),市政债券市场的仍在持续反弹。

    Municipal-bond markets continued to rally , however , on the news that Wilbur Ross and Bill Gross , two big investors , were ploughing money into municipal bonds that are being sold-off cheaply .

  8. 要么廉价出售或人才收购(acqui-hire),要么关门歇业。

    There is a fire sale or an acqui-hire , or there is a shutdown .

  9. SenemBakar说学生们会了解道,在美国几乎在某个地方都能找到廉价出售的每件物品。

    Senem Bakar says students learn that in the United States you can find almost everything on sale somewhere .

  10. 我廉价出售了我的乐器,包括我的P.A.系统、长笛和电子琴。

    I sold most of my gear , including my P.A. system , flute , and keyboard , for pennies on the dollar .

  11. 我们可能需要廉价出售部分资产。

    We may need to sell off some of our assets .

  12. 我们正在廉价出售一个仓库,里面堆满了打捞的货物。

    We are selling off a warehouse full of salvage goods .

  13. 荒废的内城区可以廉价出售用来修建房屋。

    Derelict inner-city sites could be sold off cheaply for housing .

  14. 这张桌子正在市场上廉价出售

    This table be go for a song at the market

  15. 这种照相机现在廉价出售,只卖十九元

    This camera be now on sale for 19 dollar only

  16. 当一些物品廉价出售时,它就是特价品。

    When something is for sale very cheap it is a special .

  17. 这家商店在廉价出售多种甜食。

    Many sweet foods are on sale in the store .

  18. 展出商品会廉价出售也是有原因的。

    There 's a reason display items are sold cheaper .

  19. 你穿什么尺码的?这些连衣裙都在廉价出售。

    What size do you wear ? These dresses are on sale .

  20. 他决定廉价出售一部分滞销存货。

    He decided to sell off some of the less promising stocks .

  21. 其次,假冒伪劣产品通常廉价出售。

    Secondly , fake and inferior products are usually sold on the cheap .

  22. 商店里剩下的所有产品都以廉价出售。

    All of the products left in the shop went for a song .

  23. 这件绿毛衣正廉价出售。

    The green sweater is ( on sale ) .

  24. 节日一过,商店纷纷廉价出售圣诞节商品。

    Stores tried to sell off their Christmas goods .

  25. 这块黄金地段正廉价出售。

    This area of prime land is for sale at a bargain price .

  26. 剩余货物将廉价出售。

    The rest of goods will be sold off .

  27. 不要把那套衣服太廉价出售掉。

    Don 't sell the clothes too low .

  28. 曼蒂:这原本都是皇帝的物品,但后来被廉价出售。

    Maddie : This was originally an imperial piece but was later sold off .

  29. 他被迫廉价出售他的房子。

    He was forced to sacrifice his house .

  30. 我们可以冒险把它们廉价出售。

    We can afford to sell them cheap .