
lián jià
  • cheap;inexpensive;at a bargain;low-priced;at a low price;at a reduced price;for a mere song;be nothing to make a song about
廉价 [lián jià]
  • [low-priced;cheap;unexpensive; at a bargain; at a reduced price; for a mere song; be nothing to make a song about] 物价便宜的

  • 廉价出售

  • 廉价商品

廉价[lián jià]
  1. 各种RAID技术的结合是一个符合服务器大容量硬盘、数据安全性和服务器运行速度等综合要求的廉价解决方案。

    The combination of the different RAID technology is a low-priced solution in raising data security and server running speed and heavy capacity of hard disks .

  2. 随着Internet在企业领域应用的不断深化,VPN(虚拟专用网,virtualprivatenetwork)作为一种廉价安全的组网方案越来越受到中小企业的关注。

    Along with the unceasing deepening of the application of Internet in the enterprise realm , VPN ( Virtual Private Network ), as a low-priced and safe network scheme , gets more and more attention by medium-sized and small enterprises .

  3. 面对廉价的外国进口商品,经营规模小的商人无法与之抗衡。

    Small traders cannot compete in the face of cheap foreign imports .

  4. 买廉价计算机看似省钱,但其实并不划算。

    Buying a cheap computer is a false economy .

  5. 廉价进口商品充斥着市场。

    Cheap imported goods are flooding the market .

  6. 廉价进口严重削弱了英国的自行车工业。

    Cheap imports decimated the British cycle industry .

  7. 我们所有的廉价商品都稍有缺陷。

    All our sale items are slightly imperfect .

  8. 雇主正在把移民当作廉价劳动力使用。

    Employers are using immigrants as cheap labour .

  9. 推出相对廉价的一系列产品,是为了填补较低档市场的缺口。

    A cheaper range of products was introduced to plug the gap at the lower end of the market .

  10. 学生坐廉价的下层舱,游客坐上层舱。

    Students travel the cheap lower deck and tourists the upper .

  11. 他们不得不将10%未被充分利用的农田廉价卖掉。

    They had to sell off 10 percent of all underutilized farmland .

  12. 他们不得已买了顶层楼座的廉价票。

    They had been forced to find cheap tickets in the gallery .

  13. 一块趣味盎然的桌布就能使一张廉价桌子面目一新。

    A cheap table can be transformed by an interesting cover

  14. 德国产的廉价相机充斥着英国市场。

    German cameras at knock-down prices flooded the British market .

  15. 电力私有化打破了关于廉价核能的神话。

    Electricity privatisation has exploded the myth of cheap nuclear power

  16. 我们喝廉价葡萄酒喝得酩酊大醉。

    We drank ourselves into a stupor on cheap wine .

  17. 我一般对廉价的葡萄酒敬而远之。

    I normally avoid cheap wine like the plague .

  18. 应该允许他们等到更廉价的技术被开发出来。

    They should be allowed to wait for cheaper technologies to be developed .

  19. 有一些廉价的商品,但是数量不足以满足需求。

    Cheap goods are available , but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand

  20. 上校坐在一张廉价的木桌后面。

    The colonel was sitting behind a cheap wooden desk

  21. 此书销量不好,很快就被廉价处理了。

    It failed to sell and was soon remaindered .

  22. 他喝了一口廉价的葡萄酒,在嘴巴里来回咂摸着。

    He took a mouthful of the cheap wine and sloshed it around his mouth

  23. 别买廉价的仿冒品,攒点钱买正品吧。

    Don 't resort to cheap copies ; save up for the real thing .

  24. 多年来,这个国家一直竭力阻挠各种廉价外国产品的进口。

    For years the country has tried to block imports of various cheap foreign products

  25. 老电影是最廉价的播放素材。

    Old movies were the cheapest broadcast fodder .

  26. 廉价劳动力供应充足。

    There is an abundant supply of cheap labour

  27. 他们想要廉价的、听话的劳动力。

    They wanted a low-cost , docile workforce .

  28. 那是市场上最廉价的汽车之一,车身用劣质金属制成。

    It is one of the cheapest cars on the market , with tinny bodywork .

  29. 她那廉价香水甜腻熏人的气味一下子包围了他。

    Her cheap , cloying scent enveloped him

  30. 他们是廉价劳工。

    They were cheap labour .