
  1. 要打赢这场人沙之战,又需要有怎样的非常之功!

    If we are to win the battle against sand , what extraordinary skills we should have !

  2. 黄河三角洲为大含沙输沙之尾闾地上分流河道频繁决口摆动而形成的迅速淤进型洲体。

    The Huanghe River delta is a rapidly silting type delta body resulted from frequent breaching and swing of the major silt-carrying and sediment transport distributing channel on the terminal land .

  3. 妮米莉亚曾将一万艘战舰停靠在多恩的沙之港,但当她嫁予多恩王子后,她就把它们全烧了,有生之年再也不近海。

    Nymeria had landed ten thousand ships upon Dorne 's sandy shores , but when she wed her Dornish prince she had burned them all and turned her back upon the sea forever .

  4. 黄河下游平滩河槽形态与水沙搭配之关系

    Relations of channel geometry to water and sediment rate for the lower Yellow River

  5. 中国北方每年都要出现的严重的沙尘暴之灾,也隐含着制度变迁的某种缺憾。

    The serious sandstorms in north China these years is a reflection of defects in system transformation .

  6. 非审计服务与会计师独立性&沙氏法案之思考

    Non-Auditing Service and CPA Independence-Consideration of Sarbanes-Oxley Act

  7. 本文试着从全局,从内容,从比较的角度来分析、阐述了沙是楚王之论。

    Angle that this text try is from the overall situation , from the contents , analyze from comparison , Discuss the " Sha " is the chu king .

  8. 阿达马Hadamard及沙氏Szasz不等式之新证明及推广

    A new proof of hadamard-szasz 's determinantal inequality with a generalization

  9. 沙漏中的沙流得如此之快,你却还在游戏人生。

    Hourglass in the sand flow out so fast , You are still in the game of life .

  10. 随着小流域大面积、高标准的生态环境建设,1990年至2004年间小流域的输沙模数呈锐减之势,植被恢复与重建起到了显著的减沙效应。

    With the large area and high standard ecological environment construction of the small watershed , the sediment transport modulus had been obvious decreased in small watershed in 1990 to 2004.There is the obvious decrease effect of the in sediment transport in vegetation recovery and rebuilding .

  11. 盖度0.6以上的植被的覆盖率达到57%,天然灌木林成片出现.年输沙模数较治理之初减少80%以上。

    The coverage of trees and grasses with more than 0 . 6 cover-degree reached to 57 % , and natural shrubbery emerged in many plots in 1999 , The modulus of watershed sediment discharge reduced by 80 % from the beginning of watershed control to the period of 1996-1999 .

  12. 就各输沙项而言,平流作用输沙贡献最大,潮泵作用输沙量次之,垂向净环流和垂向潮振荡切变项的相对贡献较小。

    Advective sediment flux is the most important item , and the tidal pumping effect is the second important item , and the vertical gravitational circulation and vertical tidal oscillation shear contribute little to the total sediment discharge .