
  • 网络history of water conservancy;water conservancy history
  1. 研究黄河水利史为现实治黄服务

    Study on the Water Conservancy History of the Yellow River to Serve for Harnessing the River

  2. 经世致用之学&当代水利史研究新进展

    The Improvement of the Study on the Contemporary Water Conservancy History

  3. 郑国渠是我国水利史和科技史上的一个重要的里程碑。

    Channel Zhengguo is an important milestone in the history of water conservancy and science & technology in our country .

  4. 分析了兴建南水北调工程的缘由以及50载漫漫规划路,揭示了该项工程的兴建任重而道远,假以时日,工程的竣工必将谱写中国水利史的新篇章。

    This paper analyzes the causes of the project of South Water Transferring to the North and its 50 years ' planning history , proclaims that the project shoulder heavy responsibility , and one day its accomplishment will write a new page in Chinese water conservancy history .

  5. 论淤灌是中国农田水利发展史上的第一个重要阶段

    On Warping Irrigation Being the First Important Stage in the History of China 's Farmland Water Conservancy

  6. 接着指出这些研究多从农业经济发展史、水利发展史、基层社会组织和社会调控的角度入手,主要采用多学科交叉、个案、地图与表格的方法;

    These studies started work through the angle of history of agro-economic development , history of water conservancy development , grass-root 's social organization and social regulation , using methods of multi-disciplinary intersecting , case study , maps and tables , etc ;

  7. 作为新中国成立后水利发展史上第一个标志性的建设,新安江水电站在繁荣当地经济方面扮演了主要角色,并将继续发挥其重要作用,同时为发展水利事业、建设水电站和帮助人民安居乐业树立了很好的榜样。

    As the first landmark in hydropower development in new China , it has played and is still playing a major role in fueling the local economy , while acting as an ex - ample for hydropower development , station management , and resettlement of people in reservoir areas .

  8. 丹江口水利枢纽工程是新中国水利建设史上的一大壮举,涉及水库淹没区移民38万人。

    The Danjiangkou Water Conservancy Hinge Project was a great exploit in China 's history , involving migration of 380,000 local people who used to live where the reservoir is now located .

  9. 对水利与社会问题的关注是近些年来水利史研究领域的一个热点问题。

    During these years , it is a popular topic to study the relationship between water conservancy and social problems .

  10. 近几十年间,历史科学与水利科学的交叉和融合形成了独立的水利史学科,提出了带有普遍意义的宏观论证方法即历史模型方法。

    During recent decades , cross and amalgamation of history science and water conservancy science forms an independent subject of water conservancy history , and puts forward the macroscopic reasoning method with universal significance , namely ″ history model ″ .

  11. 因此,水利对当今社会的重要性是不言而喻的,认真开展水利史的研究,为当代水利事业的发展服务,也是时代的需要。

    So it is self-evident that water conservancy is important for today 's society .

  12. 虽然这一时期水利建设成就不如其他时期成绩非凡、影响深远,但也是东北水利建设发展史上不可或缺的组成部分。

    Although this period than other period water conservancy construction achievements and far-reaching results special water conservancy construction , but also the northeast the indispensable part of history .

  13. 上世纪80年代以来,将水利与地方民众生活、社会结构及权力体系等方面相结合的水利社会史研究开始兴起。

    Since the1980 s , Water conservation society history research that unite the water conservation and the populace life , Social structure and authority system and so on have started to emerge .