
shuǐ zhǔn yí
  • surveyor's level;leveling instrument;spirit level
水准仪 [shuǐ zhǔn yí]
  • [surveyor's level] 一种利用不凝固液体(如酒精或别的液体)的气泡来找出水平线或水平面的装置

  1. 在水利工程建设施工测量中,通常采用水准仪测量和经纬仪测量,两者各有利弊,文章介绍减小经纬仪测量误差的经验。

    In the course of the water conservancy project construction measure , leveling instrument and transit survey are commonly used , they both have their advantages and disadvantages , the experience of how to reduce the transit survey error is introduced in the paper .

  2. 电子水准仪测量系统及其应用

    Electronic Leveling Instrument and its Application

  3. 基于DSP数字水准仪采集处理系统研究

    Researching Acquisition and Processing System of Digital Level based on DSP-chips

  4. 本文对其在电子水准仪、电子经纬仪和GPS上的应用进行了较为深入的探讨。

    This paper deeply discusses its applications in electronic level , electronic transit and GPS .

  5. POCKETPC与电子水准仪之间的数据通信

    Data Communication Between Pocket PC and Electronic Level

  6. 采用GPS和电子水准仪测量技术,能满足火箭撬滑轨基准线精密工程测量的需要。

    Description is made in this paper of application of GPS and electronic levelling technique in precise engineering survey .

  7. 在农田土地平整作业中,利用先进的GPS技术替代传统的人工水准仪测量方法对田面高程进行测量具有较好的可行性。

    The advanced GPS technology shows good potential to replace traditional land level for elevation measurement in agricultural land levelling project .

  8. 基于PDA的水准仪桥梁检测系统的开发

    Development of a PDA-based Bridge Level Detection System

  9. 基于PDA的Sprinter数字水准仪电子记簿开发

    Electronic Recorder Development of Sprinter Digital Level Based on PDA

  10. 基于AVR单片机的光学水准仪数字化改造

    Digital Reformation of Optical Level Based on AVR MCU

  11. 本文在分析浙江大学设计的基于PSD的光电式数字水准仪的基础上,提出设计基于PSD的激光坡度与指向装置。

    We analyse the design of photoelectric digital level based on PSD , and design the laser gradient direction and measurement device based on PSD .

  12. 传统的测量方法是使用水准仪或GPS配合尺杆将绝对高程值由陆域高程控制点传递到水下待测点。

    Conventional method is that using level together with leveling rod , or utilizing Global Positioning System combined with leveling rod to pass the absolute elevation reading from on land control points to points underwater .

  13. 文章讨论了利用电子水准仪进行高速公路路面平整度&国际平整度指数IRI测定的一种方法。

    A method to determine IRI for expressway using an electronic digital level is discussed in this paper .

  14. 分析了Ni007及Ni1二个型号自动安平水准仪的实例,导出了上述仪器总补偿量的计算公式及实现自动安平的几何条件。

    Through analysing two types of automatic levels Ni-007 and Ni-1 , the author derived a formula respectively for computing the total amount of compensation and the geometrical condition of realizing the automatic levelling .

  15. 针对Sprinter数字水准仪数据记录中存在的不足之处,采用PDA编制电子记簿的方法加以解决。

    Considering of the shortage of data recording of Sprinter digital level , a method of programming with PDA is put forward .

  16. 使用仪器设备为AT-G2水准仪和2m因瓦水准标尺;

    Used equipment is AT-G2 level and 2m Invar staves ;

  17. 系统的软件设计包括超声波静力水准仪单片机编程、超声波静力水准仪CPLD软件设计以及基于Windows2000操作系统的上位机软件设计。

    The software design of ultrasonic hydrostatic leveling includes the programming with single-chip microcomputer , the programming with CPLD and upper computer software design based on Windows 2000 operating system .

  18. DiNi系列数字水准仪的功能、特点及测量原理

    Function Characters and Surveying Principle of Digital Level of DiNi Series

  19. DiNi系列数字水准仪与计算机的双向数据通讯

    Two-Way Data Communication Between DiNi Series Digital Level and Computer

  20. 受水准仪视距限制(通常不超过100m),需要按一定间距设置水上测量平台用于架设仪器进行高程传递。

    Under the constrain upon back sight distance by the resolution of instrument , platforms have to be setup above water surface to bear the instrument so that elevation can be passed over .

  21. 介绍了DNA03数字水准仪在沉降测量中的应用。

    The paper presents the application of DNA03 digital levelling instrument in settlement measurement .

  22. 介绍了实验教学过程中对水准仪、光学经纬仪DJ6、全站仪、电子水准仪的认识和使用。

    This paper introduces the recognition and application of the balance level , optical transit DJ6 , full-station instrument and electronic balance level .

  23. 水准仪本体压铸模设计

    Die Casting Die Design for the Body of Auto Level Instrument

  24. 水准仪在检定中一些问题的处理

    The Level Instrument is in the Examination Some Processing of Problem

  25. 采用倾斜水准仪竖轴法放样斜坡面

    Setting - out of slope with standing axis of tilting level

  26. Ni002/Ni007水准仪测微器原理及读数方法

    Reading method of automatic level Ni002 ( 007 ) micrometer principle

  27. 自动安平水准仪磁致误差函数模型与数据分析

    Magnetic error function model of self adjusting level and data analysis

  28. 利用普通水准仪高精度监测建筑基础沉降

    Using common level to monitor building base subsidence in high precision

  29. 利用精密电子水准仪进行国家一等水准测量

    Implementation of National First Order Leveling using High Accuracy Electronic Level

  30. 数字水准仪编码标尺图像识别算法

    Algorithm in image recognition for coded level ruler of digital levels