
  • 网络micrometer
  1. 光子计数测微器和视频CCD

    Photon Counting Micrometer and Video CCD

  2. 目镜测微器测量毛囊长度;3H-TdR掺入检测毛囊DNA合成率;

    The length of hair follicle was measured by eyepiece micrometer and DNA synthesis rate of human hair follicle in vitro by measuring the rates of incorporation of 3H-TdR .

  3. 低纬子午环用CCD测微器观测时的星径曲率改正

    On the Problem of Curvature Correction in Case of Low Latitude Meridian Circle ( LLMC ) with an Attached CCD

  4. 玻璃子午环(GMC)的度盘测微器

    The Circle Micrometers of Glass Meridian Circle

  5. DCMT光电扫描主测微器的设计与研究

    The Design and Research of the Photoelectric Scanning Micrometer for Observation of Star on the DCMT

  6. BRUKEROPTIKGMBH是一家高级别的大型贸易商,提供多方面的、质量的测量装置,千分尺、旋测微器、微尺。

    BRUKER OPTIK GMBH is a company operating within many ranges and offers Micrometer , Spectroscopes as well as Measuring devices .

  7. DCMT主测微器不同于其它类型的子午环测微器,它具有自校准测定仪器参数的功能。

    The micrometer for scanning stars on the DCMT is very from the types of the micrometers used on other meridian circles since it has a capability automatically to determine the instrumentation parameters . The active slits have advantages over fixed slits .

  8. Ni002/Ni007水准仪测微器原理及读数方法

    Reading method of automatic level Ni002 ( 007 ) micrometer principle

  9. 度盘测微器系统误差的研究与改正

    Investigation and Corrections of the Systematic Errors on the Circle Reading

  10. 低纬子午环测微器的视栅形式(Ⅱ)

    Grating Form of the Micrometer of A Low-Latitude Meridian Circle (ⅱ)

  11. 1910至1926年间佘山目视双星测微器观测

    Micrometer observation of visual double stars during the period 1910-1926 at ZO-SE

  12. 且设计出测试数字水准仪分辨率的测微器。

    A new micrometer for testing the digital level 's resolution is designed .

  13. 光电度盘测微器的数据采集及归算软件设计

    Design of the Data Acquisition and Reduction Software on the photoelectric Circle Micrometers

  14. 光学测微器的原理、检定及误差分析

    Principle , verification adn error analysis of optical micrometer

  15. 活动光栅测微器的精度分析

    Analyzing the Accuracy of the Photoelectric Moving-slit Micrometer

  16. 螺旋测微器实验教学中两个问题的研究

    The research of the two questions in the experiment teaching of the propeller micrometer

  17. 天体赤纬测定中的度盘精确定位与测微器精度研究

    Precise Positioning of the Circle and Accuracy Investigation of Micrometers for Declination Determination of Stars

  18. 测微器最重要部分的设计见图2-28。

    The design of the most important part of micrometer can be seen in Fig. 2-28 .

  19. 一种高精度电容测微器

    A high accuracy capacitance micrometer

  20. 400倍显微镜下计数全视野脂肪细胞数,目镜测微器测脂肪细胞的大小。

    The adipocyte number and adipocyte size were observed by 400-fold microscope and ocular micrometer , respectively .

  21. 多功能光电测微器

    A photoelectric micrometer of multifunction

  22. 车辆轴承检修用气动背压式内外径偏差测微器工作特性曲线分析

    The Working Specific Property Curves Analysis of Internal and External Diameter Deviation Instrumentation Using in Overhaul of Rolling Stock Bearing

  23. 用螺旋测微器测量水准仪平移的距离,从而得到钢丝长度的微小变化值。

    The small variation of the steel-wire 's length can be obtained by measuring the displacement of leveling bench with micrometer .

  24. 光电测微器由原接触测微器、光电检测器和伺服跟踪机构组成,能自动对准和跟踪星像。

    The photoelectric tracking micrometer is composed of photoelectric detector and servomechanism , It can bisect and track the star image .

  25. 由于采用高灵敏度基准光栅调节的方法,比螺旋测微器等纯机械方法具有众多优越性。

    As the method of high accurate grating adjustment is used , this method has many advantages to the pure mechanical one .

  26. 着重讨论了水准仪测微器的基本工作原理、读数方法以及错误的读数情况。

    This paper mostly discusses the task principle , reading method and reading error of automatic level Ni002 ( 007 ) micrometer .

  27. 设计实验方法得到实验样张,用螺旋测微器测量样张墨层厚度,通过计算得出所需的理论透墨量;

    The specimen sheets are obtained by experiments and measured by hand held micrometer , the theoretical ink volume is gained by calculation ;

  28. 结合测微器的新视栅形式,本文给出了一种旨在解决星径曲率改正问题的新思路。

    A new solution to handling curvature corrections is presented in this paper by means of Analytic Geometry after a new type of grid for the micrometer is adopted .

  29. 本文简要介绍了复式螺旋测微器的设计原理,在复式螺旋运动误差分析的基础上,提出了一种螺距误差自动补偿方法。

    In this paper , briefly introduced the design principle of compound screws micrometer . On the basis of motion error analyse for compound screws , an automatically compensate method of pitch is presented .

  30. 本文介绍一种高精度电容测微器,测量位移的精度能达到0.0001微米,甚至更高。量程精度比可达到1000:1以上。

    A high accuracy capacitance micrometer is described , its measuring accuracy of displacement is better than 1 × 10 ~ ( - 4 ) μ m , and the ratio of range-accuracy is more than 1000 : 1 .