
cè shì ɡōnɡ jù
  • test tools
  1. 对于RationalQualityManager,有几种方法可以运行由其他测试工具创建的自动化测试。

    With Rational Quality Manager , there are several ways to run automated tests created with other test tools .

  2. Boost文档:Boost测试工具文档的完整指南。

    Boost documentation : Check out this comprehensive guide to Boost test tools documentation .

  3. 典型WEB服务的自动性能测试工具的设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of Typical WEB Service Auto Performance Test Tool

  4. 基于Java的Web服务器性能测试工具研究

    Research on the performance-measure tool of Web server based on Java

  5. 基于HTTP/S协议的Web性能测试工具的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a HTTP / S Protocol Based Web Performance Testing Tool

  6. Web性能自动化测试工具脚本语言WTML的研究与开发

    Study and Development of Testing Script Language Used in Automated Web Performance Testing Tools

  7. 目前,已经开发出一些测试工具支持静态Web应用测试;

    Now , some testing tools for static web application have been developed and used .

  8. Web系统性能测试工具的研究对于提高Web系统的质量具有重要的意义。

    Research on web system performance testing tool is very important for building high quality web systems .

  9. 实际上,做为自动测试工具,Fit则显得相当劣势。

    Fit is actually a fairly weak test automation tool .

  10. RationalQualityManager使您能够管理并运行由其他测试工具创建的自动测试脚本。

    Rational Quality Manager enables you to manage and run automated test scripts created with other test tools .

  11. Web系统性能测试工具是评估Web系统性能的软件程序。

    Web system performance testing tool is a kind of program created to evaluate the performance of web systems .

  12. 下面是几个测试工具可用于测试和调用Web服务,每个测试工具都有一段简短描述。

    Below are several free tools that you can use for testing and calling a Web service with a brief description of each .

  13. 通过运行安装有测试工具的测试机器上的测试,来回应来自RationalQualityManager的请求。

    The adapter responds to requests from Rational Quality Manager by running tests on the test machine where the test tool is installed .

  14. 我们使用由内部测试工具执行的Probe负载度量站点的响应时间。

    We used a Probe workload executed by our internal testing tool to measure the response time of our site .

  15. 我们将讨论三种技术,这些技术是我们的团队在利用Rational测试工具进行可靠性测试时成功使用的技术。

    We will discuss three techniques that our team has used successfully while working on reliability testing using Rational test tools .

  16. RPT:RationalPerformanceTester是一种性能测试工具,用于识别系统性能瓶颈及其原因。

    RPT : Rational Performance Tester is a performance testing tool used to identify the presence and cause of system performance bottlenecks .

  17. 能够生成没有应用程序UI的测试工具

    The ability to produce test harnesses in the absence of an application UI

  18. Boost测试工具验证Boolean条件。

    Boost test tools validate Boolean conditions .

  19. Wisconsin卡片分类试验(WisconsinCardSortingTest,WCST)是一种临床神经心理测试工具。

    Wisconsin card sorting test ( WCST ) is a clinical neuropsychologic test .

  20. Boost有一整套测试工具,基本上可以说它们是用于验证表达式的宏。

    Boost has a whole host of test tools , which are basically macros used to validate expressions .

  21. 也可以用WS-I测试工具(WS-ITestTool)来验证Web服务是否符合这些要求。

    The WS-I test tools can be used to verify that a Web service conforms to these requirements .

  22. 首先将是一篇关于MotherGoose直接推出的两个测试工具的文章。

    First up will be an article on a pair of test tools straight out of Mother Goose .

  23. SOCKS服务器性能测试工具的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Performance Testing Tool for SOCKS Server

  24. 建议您从Web服务功能测试工具起步(参见[3]和[4]),为框架打基础。

    It is recommended that you start with a Web service functional testing tool ( see [ 3 ] and [ 4 ] ) to base the framework on .

  25. 性能测试工具提供的设置脚本和代理在创建Person文档时会一并创建数百甚至数千的相关邮件文件。

    Hundreds , or even thousands , of mail files are created along with related Person documents by setup scripts and agents provided with the performance testing tools .

  26. 本文在分析了目前被广泛使用的一些Web测试工具的基础上,认为Web负载产生器模型是Web测试技术中的重点。

    Some widely used web benchmark tools are analyzed in this thesis . The results suggest that the web workload generator is in the kernel of the web benchmark fields .

  27. 一个开发流允许对一个受控工件进行并行开发;但是,Rational测试工具在此时不支持并行开发。

    A development stream allows parallel development for a controlled artifact ; the Rational Testing tools , however , do not support parallel development at this time .

  28. 此JDBC测试工具是能够验证系统和数据库之间的数据库连接的Java程序。

    The JDBC test tool is a Java program that can verify database connectivity between a system and a database .

  29. Domino性能测试工具

    Domino performance testing tools

  30. Java开发人员一直在不断地努力为JavaSE和JavaEE代码提供单元测试工具。

    Java developers have been placing an increasing amount of emphasis on providing a unit-testing harness around Java SE and Java EE code .